rumena means purse or money in Latin. The magi of Porta Germaniae use it to refer to a vault in the base of Vez Tajuplny, and its contents, as a shorthand for the magical wealth of the Foedus. Magical wealth means vis, of course, but also enchantments and other items of special interest to the magi. Not all of this wealth is actually stored in Crumena - some enchantments are larger than the vault, or are fixed in other locations, while others are issued to trusted people for their use. Such enchantments still are considered part of Crumena Foederis, however, even if they are not physically stored within the vault.
Crumena itself has an enchantment, a magical doorway that will only open to someone who possesses a special item, keyed to the enchantment, and who speaks a command word. This doorway separates the inner Crumena vault from an outer vault, which may be accessed with a mundane key.
The outer vault stores items of interest and some enchantments for the general use of custodes. The inner vault stores communal vis of the Foedus, as well as some items that are not often used, or that are considered especially valuable.
as of
1271 AD |
Creo |
55 |
Animal |
50 |
Ignem |
23 |
Intellego |
20 |
Aquam |
18 |
Imaginem |
25 |
Muto |
28 |
Auram |
16 |
Mentem |
27 |
Perdo |
39 |
Corpus |
47 |
Terram |
63 |
Rego |
25 |
Herbam |
27 |
Vim |
96 |
Texts |
Dominatio Parmae
Items of Interest |
Clavis Aethranavis
Swatches of various types of silk cloth from Damascus and Baghdad, stored in folding wooden tablets
Various exemplar gemstones of superior quality: sapphire, carnelion, and chrysoberyl, amber, topaz, aquamarine, and pearl, and a tiny ruby; also peridot, diamond, a marginal quality emerald, two pieces of white jade, and lapis lazuli
Pepper samples of ten different provenances (ten pounds total); exemplars of virtuous myrrh and frankincense
A small coffer containing 3p Fae Perdo and 2p Fae Vim from the corpse of a Strzyga, stored in rowan wood tokens marked "1236 AD" and "Cautio"
A small wooden box with a warning carved on the exterior, holding a tiny iron ball with 1p of PeIg vis with some manner of cold effect
The following are recurring vis sources of Porta Germaniae:
Location |
Realm |
#P |
Aeres Foetidae |
Small Magical Aura in the upper Mokrina |
Magic |
4 |
The fetid gas produced in the spring by certain mud pockets in a certain area may be bottled as Imaginem vis. The vis is usually transferred to other vessels as soon as possible.
Chrysalides |
Faerie grove in the hills north of Znojmo |
Faerie |
3 |
The magi gather the chrysalides left behind by Faerie moths each Spring, which yield Muto Vis.
Folia Autumna |
Faerie grove in the hills north of Znojmo |
Faerie |
3 |
Autumn leaves from trees in a Faerie grove yield Herbam Vis if they are gathered as they fall from the trees, but before they touch the ground.
Flos Caeruleus |
Strange blue flowers |
Magic |
0-1 |
Strange blue flowers grow in the snows of Winter in a small magical aura near Kameny; the flowers do not seem harmed by cold in any way, and contain a special variety of Perdo Ignem vis, but occur irregularly
Fungi |
Magical mushroom patches in the foothills of the weatern Carpathian Mountains |
Magic |
9 |
The magi gather magical amanita mushrooms in the summer, from Čarodějnice Kroužky in two different magical glades. The mushrooms yield Intellego and Mentem Vis.
Gallae |
Oak Grove in the mountains of northern Moravia |
Magic |
6 |
The magi collect the gall nodules of oak trees in a magical grove in the winter, which yield Creo Vis.
Hortus Regionis |
Flower and herb garden in Hranice Čarovný |
Magic |
10 |
Lucas Faber Jerbitonis and Bilera Guernici (before her selection as Prima Domus Guernici) cooperated in the creation of this magical garden. Each summer, Lucas gathers flowers and herbs (purple mullein, corydalis pumila, snowdrop, sweet woodruff, cowslip, Barlauch, senecio ovatus, caraway, flowering chives, and cicely), which yield Herbam vis.
Each type of plant yields one pawn of Herbam vis each summer. The plants require some care (1 week of effort each season). Porta Germaniae donates two pawns to the Quaesitores each year, and one pawn to Domus Merceris. The vis from the herbs is often transferred to other vessels, and the herbs are used by the cooks in the Aula.
Lichenes |
Strange growths on rocks near Kameny in the north of Moravia |
Magic |
1-3 |
Strange growths on rocks in magical auras around Kameny yield Perdo and Vim vis in Summer, but some is irregular, and does not manifest every year
Mella |
Beehives in a Magical Aura in the Karst area north of Brno |
Magic |
6 |
Honey from wild magical beehives, collected in the Spring. The vis is always transferred to other vessels, and the honey remaining is used to brew the finest Porta Germaniae mead.
Noduli Syrtium |
Sandbars in low-level Magic Auras on the Dyje River along the Mokrina |
Magic |
6 |
The covenant has an annual festival in the Autumn, after the harvest has been gathered. Nodules of rare earths may be found at low water on sandbars on the Dyje river in Autumn, which yield Terram Vis. Because the nodules are very sensitive and unstable, the vis is transferred to other receptacles as it is gathered. Danalia Tytali has invented a special spell for this purpose, Colligo Vis Terrae, and has donated a textum laboris for the spell in the library.
Plumae |
Egret nests in the tops of trees in the lower Mokrina |
Magic |
3 |
The magi gather feathers containing Creo Vis from the nests of a flock of migratory magical Egrets, after those Egrets fly south in Autumn.
Pluviae Regionis |
Rainfall in Hranice Čarovný |
Magic |
~5 |
Rain that falls inside Hranice Čarovný on certain days of the year may be collected for Aquam vis. The vis is often transferred to other vessels, and the remaining rainwater is used in brewing the finest Porta Germania mead.
Rubi |
Pool near exit from karst caverns north of Brno |
Magic |
2 |
Blackberries that grow in a magical aura near karst caverns may be collected in late Summer as they ripen, yielding Imaginem vis.
Salix Minuscula |
Tiny trees near Kameny in the north of Moravia |
Magic |
1 |
One tiny tree among several bears Creo vis in Spring
Sphaera Lucis |
Glowing ball of light above pyramid in Regio Ima |
Magic |
1 |
Glowing sphere of light appears at dawn on Summer solstice in Regio Ima; if gathered appropriately, the vis continues to produce soft glowing light
Tempestas |
Oak Grove in the mountains of northern Moravia |
Magic |
3 |
Acorns struck by lightning during an intense thunderstorm in Summer manifest Auram vis, which may be collected if the vis can be gathered in mid-air
Enchantments are categorized as Incantamenta Infusa (invested devices), Incantamenta Minuta (lesser enchantments), Incantamenta Gravidata (charged items), and Incantamenta Aliena (foreign enchantments).
Aethranavis |
Skyship |
This slightly modified Baltic cog is 57 feet long, 18 feet wide, and can carry up to 80 tons of cargo (8000 cubic feet). There is a low covered cabin under the stern deck, but otherwise the ship is open to the elements above the cargo decking. Counting the cabin, only about half of the cargo space is covered. Much of the cargo would be lashed down on the main deck.
Aethranavis can fly through the sky via Rego Herbam magic: the enchantment lifts and moves the entire ship through the air at the wielder's direction. Speed of movement is determined by a Stamina + Finesse roll on the part of the wielder, as slow as rising smoke at 3+, up to as fast as a flying bird at 12+. Failure to meet the desired target causes the loss of a long-term Fatigue level by the wielder. Turning and general grace of movement are also affected by the Finesse roll - it is progressively harder to turn quickly and gracefully at higher speeds.
The wielder must be touching the ship's steering board, be in possession of one of several designated "keys," and know the appropriate command words in order to control the vessel by means of this effect; but the vessel will not rise, sink, or move independently of the winds unless controlled through the device (i.e. apart from the effect of winds, once the vessel has reached a given altitude, it will not sink or move if the tiller is left unattended).
It is possible to actually sail the vessel using roughly normal methods, if the vessel maintains a given altitude. Prevailing winds at upper altitudes are often quite different than on the sea, however, so this requires a specially skilled crew, and 'tacking' is not possible without a magus tending to the steering board.
Aethranavis has also been enchanted to be immune to burning; can assume the illusion of a cloud; and can be protected as needed from storm winds via a powerful Auram ward. A supplemental enchantment, Sustentor Solacii Temperatus, was added in 1257 AD.
The vessel was constructed by Marcus Navicularius Verditii at Oculus Septentrionalis, with later enhancements by Lucas Faber Jerbitonis. The enchantments were invested by the magi of Porta Germaniae, and assembled by Lucas and some mysterious allies via a Mystery Ritual.
Calamus Pontifecis |
Rod of the Bridge-builder |
The rod of the bridge-builder is a hornbeam rod with a tiny bronze spade on the tip. When the top of this rod is touched to the ground while the command word is spoken, the effect changes an area of earth and plant growth into stone blocks, and moves them to form a bridge over an adjacent body of water, up to 40 paces in length, and up to seven ribbed arches. The bridge formed will be five paces in width, including parapets on the sides, leaving a roadbed slightly less than four paces wide
When the effect is ended, by speaking a second command word to the rod, the spell returns the material to its original form and position, replacing the earth and plants as they were before the effect was initiated.
This effect was specifically designed to transform a portion of an earthen berm covered with hedges, trees, and overgrowth into a stone bridge over a canal, such that the portion of the embankment moved opens a gap in the berm matching the position of the bridge.
Caput Verris Lauti |
Sumptuous Boar's Head |
A walnut mask carved in the shape of a boar's head, with an apple carved from applewood in its mouth. The mask is enchanted with two effects: the first is Visus Personatus Virium, which grants the wearer the ability to see vis.
The second enchantment, Colligo Intangibilis Vis, transfers raw vis that is sensed by the wearer of the mask into an object held in the mouth of the mask (subject to available capacity).
Califactius Verditii, who crafted the mask and opened it for enchantment, also fashioned a total of three apples carved from applewood. The apples are intended to function as vessels for the collection of vis.
Nebulascensor |
Cloudrider |
This large three-masted lateen-rigged nef is about 100 feet long at the waterline and thirty feet wide amidships, able to carry about 200 tonnes of cargo, either in its hold or on deck. It has a covered aft-cabin and high aftcastle, with a minimal forecastle.
The wielder must possess one of a few designated "keys," designed into the enchantment, and must be touching the vessel in order to control it. Nebulascensor can move through the water independent of wind & tide, or can ascend and fly through the sky via Rego Herbam magic; as fast as the fastest ship in water, or as fast as a falcon through the sky; speed of travel is dependent on a Sta + Finesse roll by the wielder, as is control over orientation and direction; without a wielder excercising direct control, the structure will remain at its current altitude (or at rest on a surface), and may drift with wind or wave; this enables the ship to be sailed like a normal vessel as needed.
Nebulascensor has also been enchanted to be immune to burning & rot or decay; and may be warded against winds up to hurricane strength if desired. A companion enchantment, permanently affixed to the vessel, is capable of altering its image (in sight and sound) to mimic its surroundings, although those on the vessel perceive it normally.
The vessel was constructed by Memnos Verditii at Dryops, with later enchantments by Lucas Faber Jerbitonis, Verticius Tytali & Auspecius Bonisagi.
Patiens Artificium |
Patient Device |
This device, carved from beechwood in the form of two aurochs rampant, with forelegs and horns nearly touching, is cleverly formed so that the space between the forelegs and horns functions as a recepticle for a disc about the diameter of a large apple. The device is enchanted with four effects.
First, Attentive Hearing of the Patient Device detects sounds within the Room in which it is placed, and if an Arcane Connection is placed in the disc recepticle, Mimiced Sounds of the Patient Device will create similar sounds at the location to which the Arcane Connection is linked.
Secondly, Receptive Ear of the Patient Device listens to sounds at the location to which the Arcane Connection is linked, and Clear Speech of the Patient Device will create sounds mimicing those sounds, so long as a suitable Arcane Connection remains within the recepticle.
Sigillus of Concentius Jeribitonis, who enchanted Patiens Artificium, manifests when voices are created, in either location. Voices created sound as if two voices are speaking the same words in harmony, one-fifth higher or lower in scale than the other.
As the enchantments lack penetration, Arcane Connections protected by Magic Resistance will prevent the functions of the enchantment from working. The device is intended for use with a Discus Gemini and its paired Classicum a Viator Repostus.
The device was carved and opened for enchantment by Califactius Verditii, and subsequently enchanted by Concentius Jerbitonis with assistence from discipula Venuska Jerbitonis.
Classicum a Viator Repostus |
Alert of the Distant Traveler |
6 |
These beechwood discs, about the diameter of a large apple are each carved with a [unique] symbol on the reverse face, and an auroch rampant on the obverse. Each disc has a paired disc, a Discus Geminus, each of which is a Fixed Arcane Connection to the other.
When activated by tapping the auroch face three times quickly with a fingertip, the paired Discus Geminus emits a clear tone and turns bright orange for a few seconds.
Disci Gemini (which most guards call koláče, 'pies') remain with Patiens Artificium, while Classica a Viator Repostus are issued to those needing magical communication with the Foedus. It should be noted that this enchantment cannot penetrate Magic Resistance, and if not part of an Aegis ritual, will not function as intended.
Three Classica are continually issued to Mýtiny Hub, Stara Vatra, and (eventually) Jeskyně Včely.
Plinthus Emergentiae Vez Tajuplny |
Emergentia Vez Tajuplny |
This intricately carved wooden plinth contains an enchantment that, when the plinth is touched, begins a Diameter-duration visual and audible illusion that depicts an artist's view of the conjuration and emergence of the Vez Tajulpny at Porta Germaniae, including images of the Funditores Foederis as the casters of the ritual.
The plinth also sounds a lilting melody for two minutes, twice each day at Sunrise and Sunset. It normally rests on a table in the Foedus library.
This enchantment was created by Concentius Jerbitonis in 1223 AD, using a plinth carved by Califactius Verditii.
Tueor Librarium Contra Flammas |
Tueor Librarium Contra Flammas |
This fired clay mask set with two small ruby eyes is painted red with black markings. It affects the entire structure of the building it is within or touching, warding that structure from flames.
This enchantment is located within Dvorana Carodejů in Hranice Čarovný. The ward does not generally affect the Aula -although no-one has ever tried to burn down the Aula as a test, other mundane fires burn in the Aula without difficulty.
Antlia Archimedia |
Antlia Archimedia |
3 |
This device, which looks a lot like a handle-less bronze Archimedean screw inside of a large pipe, receives water and forces it through the device in a forceful geyser. This enchantment is designed to be used in conjunction with an Aquaeductus Transvectionis, thus forcing the water received from outside into a system of pipes and/or through a fountain.
The Antlia is typically about three to four feet in length, and may be constructed in a variety of diameters, depending on the amount of flow desired or required. The tube functions as the ring for the effect. The bronze-bladed helical screw inside turns rapidly and apparently without a source of power. As a Facultas Aurae device, it requires a Magical Aura 1+ to function.
These devices are placed within underground tiled channels throughout the Hranice.
Aquaeductus Transvectionis |
Aquaeductus Transvectionis |
1 |
A stone torus that transports pure water passing through the Circle to a location to which a Fixed Arcane Connection is incorporated into the enchanted device.
Thanks to the Intellego requisite, impurities in the water are not transported, nor will other liquids be affected.
This enchantment is submerged at the bottom of a deep section of the upper Danube river.
Arbalesta Sese Tendit |
Arbalesta Sese Tendit |
20 |
The Arbalest that Spans Itself is an ornate crossbow of hornbeam and bronze, with a very strong composite prod of wood, horn, and sinew, the components of which have been perfectly stretched and joined using magic.
The stock has been enchanted with a minor effect to briefly shrink (shorten only) a portion of the stock between the prod and the string catch, which combined with some ingenious mechanical design, allows the crossbow to span itself in an instant, up to 50 times per day.
They are issued to the Mečonoši.
Arcuballista Parati Sagittarii |
Arcuballista Parati Sagittarii |
9 |
These two-foot-long crossbows of ash wood have strong
thick prods of yew, but no provision for a cocking mechanism has been
made. Instead, the crossbows re-cock themselves immediately
after being fired. The bowstrings used must be of hemp, not
catgut, for this function to work.
They are issued to the Stráže.
Calamus Pontifecis |
Calamus Pontifecis |
The 'rod of the bridge-builder' is a two foot rod of hornbeam wood tipped with a tiny bronze spade. Up to six times each day, the rod can transform a large section of earthen berm, with trees and plants, into a seven-span stone bridge that crosses up to forty paces of gap. The bridge formed is five paces wide, with parapets on either side, leaving a roadbed about four paces in width.
This is normally used to form a bridge across Fossa Foederis during daylight hours; the enchantment maintains Concentration, and may be ended by touching the rod to the bridge and speaking the appropriate command word, but terminates at Sun events in any case. When the effect ends, the enchantment returns the earth and plant used to their previous forms and positions.
Calamus Pontifecis is issued to custos on duty each day.
Circulus Victus |
Circulus Victus |
1 |
A model doorway carved of oak wood; the 'Circle of Provisions' transports anyone and anything of Animal, Aquam, Corpus, Herbam, and/or Terram within the Target Circle to the location of an Arcane Connection traced around the target Circle at the time of activation, achieved by pushing the Arcane Connection through the model doorway; usable once each day.
Circulus Victus is assigned to Casa della Quercia in Bologna, which has an Arcane Connection to Čarodějovy Stodola at Porta Germaniae.
Classicum Companae Distantis |
Classicum Companae Distantis |
This bell clapper is an Arcane Connection to a linked bell; it is enchanted to produce a loud bell-tone at the location of the linked bell
The clapper is attached to the bell in the tower of Kostel Morava vesnicka; the linked bell hangs in Cupula Aulae in Regio Media
Fax Magorum |
Fax Magorum |
12 |
These short (8" long) carved pine wood "torches"
continuously create a heatless, smokeless light. They are set in wall
sconces throughout the upper floors of Dvorana Carodejů.
They may be moved from sconce to sconce as desired.
Fons Plateae |
Fons Hauriendi Polypi |
1 |
This enchanted fountain occupies the center of the platea, or central square within the hranice. Located midway between the Aula and the shadow of the Vez, the platea is the center of much covenant activity. The Fons contains three lesser enchantments in total. The fountain itself is a large cube of marble containing a hollowed center and a channel exiting in the center of each face. However, the fountain produces a constant illusion of an octopus working eight sets of bellows, which pump water out above and on all four sides (corresponding to the top and side channels). Actual water emerges from the illusion at the points where the illusory bellows flow. Water spouting from the Fons fills a large pool surrounding the Fons, which is used as a source of water by many covenfolk within the hranice.
The Fons is fed water by the Aquaeductus Transvectionis, a large stone circle which is located at the bottom of a deep river channel, and transports water via an Arcane Connection to a stone reservoir under the fountain block (impurities and other foreign elements are not transported, only pure water is transported into the fountain). From the reservoir, water is delivered to the Fons by a third device, the Antlia Archimedia (which looks a lot like a handle-less bronze Archimedes Screw inside of a large pipe).
Although the water arrives in the fountain with some impetus imparted by the river's flow, the Antlia propels the water into the underside of the fountain block in a forceful geyser.
The Antlia is typically about three to four feet in length, and may be constructed in a variety of diameters, depending on the amount of flow desired or required. The tube functions as the ring for the effect. The bronze-bladed helical screw inside turns rapidly and apparantly without a source of power.
A second branch from the reservoir underneath the Fons feeds a system of underground tile pipes (aquatubi), which deliver water to a mill and other water fountains located near the Aula and Vez. Additional Antliae are placed as needed throughout the covenant's aquatubi to ensure steady flow of water throughout the system.
Funis Messoris Alacris |
Funis Messoris Alacris |
This thirty-foot long rope is tied with a bag on end; two or more harvesters drag the rope at waist height through the field; all plants touched by the rope are separated seed from straw; the seeds are collected in the bag, while all the straw is deposited at the other end of the rope.
If no bag is tied to the rope, it will not activate; any bag will do, but it should be large enough to hold a fair amount of seed, and not so large that it cannot be carried when full. The rope may be used an unlimited number of times each day and is issued to Předák Ctibor.
Galeula Argenteola |
Galeula Argenteola |
The "little silver helmet" is a small silver amulet in the shape of a helmet that grants the target touched the ability to see through Illusions of up to 3rd Magnitude, with a Vision Target and 24 uses per day.
It is issued to the leader of the Zálesáki, enabling them to see through the illusions created by Cloaks of the Stealthy Venator.
Incalifacio Atria Magorum |
Incalifacio Atria Magorum |
A small basalt stone, carved with mystic symbols, buried in the foundation of the Dvorana Čaroděj. This provides Magical Heating (Superior) to all sancta and rooms in the Dvorana (but not the Aula).
Limen Crumenae |
Ostium Transiens Crumenae Securae |
This device transforms an area of stone wall, creating a temporary doorway into the Crumena within the Vez Tajulpny when a command word is uttered. The doorway lasts for one Diameter, after which the wall returns to its previous state. The effect moves the material of the wall to form a thickened lintel and posts for the doorway.
Lucerna Magorum |
Lucerna Magorum |
2 |
These bronze lamps light the library in Dvorana Carodejů. They
may be lit or extinguished at will, an unlimited number of times each
Mantellum Venatoris Furtivi |
Mantellum Venatoris Furtivi |
8 |
Dark green cloaks with brown embroidered hems and
tracings, these garments are enchanted to cause the wearer and his belongings to
assume the color, sounds, and smells of his immediate surroundings.
For example, in a forest, the wearer looks like parts of the trees
around him, sounds like softly rustling leaves, and smells like sap
and loamy soil. The cloak maintains concentration for the wearer,
and may be activated and de-activated at will through two command
Auspecius Bonisagi invented this cloak; his sigil makes the wearer's
eyes turn a golden hue while the effect is active. This particular
version has a modified effect: it doesn't work between Sunset and
They are issued to the Zálesáki.
Mola Aquae Mysticae |
Mola Aquae Mysticae |
This carved wooden disc rotates at a constant rate, with sufficient force to turn the attached millworks within the hranice.
It can be deactivated by voice command, and reactivated once per day.
Obušek Staršina |
Clava Centurionis |
This two-foot-long blackthorn club has been carved with
the likeness of a boar's head with tusks. It inflicts a Fatigue level upon a target struck (even if the blow is Soaked) but cannot penetrate Magic Resistance. Having been created
in the spring of 1211, this enchantment will expire in 1281.
The Staršina carries this truncheon as his symbol of rank.
Oculus Lapideus Avis |
2 |
'Stone Eye of the Bird' is a polished granite hemisphere, about two inches in diameter, carved in arabesque patterns. Each Oculus is enchanted to be able to rise up to a height of 1,000 paces above the ground and remain there indefinitely; the stone may be moved laterally by some other means, but the enchantment will always seek to maintain a height of 1,000 paces above the ground; this effect may be ended by touching the stone and commanding it to cease; however, the environmental trigger will reactivate the effect at the next Sun event.
Pecten Lunae Lunosae |
Pecten Lunae Lunosae |
This large wooden comb is inlaid with pieces of polished magnetite; when used to comb the wool of a sheep, and activated by uttering the command phrase "Lanigerum cum Luna," the enchantment causes the wool of the target sheep to grow out completely over the course of a Moon; the comb may be activated up to fifty times each day.
Rete Operarii Inadspectus |
Rete Operarii Inadspectus |
This large cargo net of high-quality hemp rope is enchanted to enclose objects placed upon it and lift those objects up into the air, as fast as smoke rises and as high as the tallest tree can grow (up to 100 paces in the air). The net encloses or releases objects on command, and will move as directed by the user both vertically and horizontally, but the user must maintain concentration to change direction - if the user's concentration lapses, the net will stop moving and float in place until the user again concentrates on moving the net. The net can lift any object that can fit inside it when enclosed, that is not heavy enough to break the ropes. If the object is so heavy that the ropes would break, the net will not lift from the ground under its own enchantment.
To activate the enchantment, the user must touch the net while speaking the command word "Atolo." Once activated, the net will continue to follow directions of that user until someone else activates the effect, or until the next Sun event.
Rete Operarii Inadspectus normally remains on Aethranavis.
Rutrum Agri Expeditus |
Rutrum Agri Expediti |
Upon activation, this bronze spade will clear the touched field (up to 16,400 sq ft) of all stones to a depth of 3 feet; all stones are moved to the edge of the affected area.
This wand is issued to Předák Ctibor.
Scalae Phantasmae |
Scalae Phantasmae |
silver disc set with tiny glass mosaic image of a stairway; a brass & yellow enamel cloissone butterfly brooch (Fibula Papiliformas)
Scutum Bellatoris Viminei |
Scutum Bellatoris Viminei |
9 |
These shields are made of thin laminated wood shaped
over a large oval wicker frame, painted green with a white megalith
on the face. Despite their seemingly fragile construction, they
are hard as steel, but light to wield.
They are issued to some Custodes.
Speculum Imaginis Distantis |
'Mirror of the Distant Image' is a large silvered-brass mirror, about 18" x 36", with three empty settings arrayed amidst decorative work at the top of the mirror; another two settings contain carved hemispheres of polished granite, each of which is an Arcane Connection to an Oculus Lapideus Avis.
The mirror displays an image of what can be seen in the region of a something to which an Arcane Connection is touched to the enchantment; the user can change the viewpoint of the image somewhat, but it must remain at the location of the thing to which the Arcane Connection is linked, with a Per + Finesse roll to control the viewpoint; a fairly large scene may be displayed within the mirror (equivalent to ~1,000 individuals), but only the perspective displayed within the mirror at a given time may be seen.
Structura Conservationis |
Structura Conservationis |
'Structure of Preservation' preserves all Herbam, Animal, and Aquam substances within the target Structure (which may be especially large); it is sealed to the roof of Jeskyně Spižírna in the Hranice. As a Facultas Aurae device, it requires a Magical Aura 1+ to function.
Styli Connectans |
Styli Connectans |
This pair of intricately carved hornbeam styli, capped with bronze tips for writing and erasing, are fixed Arcane Connections to each other. When activated, once per day, each stylus can cause the other to copy whatever is written by the first. Each is typically left on an open wax tablet, reading for scribing.
One stylus and tablet are kept at the Zameck, attended by a servant who alerts the Vilicus if writing appears on the tablet; the other is at Casa della Quercia in Bologna, with Mikelis Obchodnik.
Thorax Corii Impenetrabilis |
Thorax Corii Impenetrabilis |
11 |
These hardened leather cuirasses have been enchanted to increase their protection value.
They are issued to the Stráže, Psovodů, and Nuntius.
Virga Maturesci Porculi Novi |
Virga Maturesci Porculi Novi |
A wand of birch wood, carved with images of pigs of various sizes; it is capable of causing a pig touched to grow to full maturity over the course of a day or night, once each day.
This wand is issued to Předák Ctibor.
Virga Quercus Magorum |
Virga Quercus Magorum |
A wand of hornbeam wood, carved with twining curling vines, it is capable of causing a plant to grow to full maturity over the course of a day or night, once each day.
This wand is issued to Předák Ctibor.
Equus pro Mago |
Mount for the Magus |
1 |
A small carved wooden horse, no larger than a child's
doll; when activated, it becomes a magically created horse,
which is an exceptional specimen in all ways, with the added benefit that it is not disturbed by The Gift
Fomes Magorum |
Wizard's Tinder |
12 |
These pine twigs have been cleaned and straightened prior to enchantment, and are held in a wooden scroll case packed with raw wool
Fragor Cruris Ranae |
Snap of the Frog's Leg |
2 |
These leg bones of small bullfrogs are stored within
a small carved wooden box and padded with raw wool
Fraxinus Penetrans |
Fraxinus Penetrans |
11 |
Four-foot long untipped javelins of ash wood, which have been enchanted to harden, grow a barb, and fly unerringly at the target when thrown, inflicting +10 damage; each javelin has a Penetration of 80
Potio Ligandi Volnerum |
Potio Ligandi Volnerum |
8 |
A small ceramic jar holding a vinegary wine-based potion,
which will temporarily bind all wounds of the person who drinks it.
Sagitta Sauciationis |
Sagitta Sauciationis |
1 |
An arrow made of ash wood, with a simple iron point,
it will inflict a Heavy Wound on any human target it strikes, even if no damage is otherwise inflicted, but cannot penetrate Magic Resistance
Tapes Decuriae Demoventis |
Carpet of the Squad Displaced |
1 |
A simple woolen rug, large enough for a Group of ten men to stand on, which when activated alters the images of those in the Target Group, as per Wizard's Sidestep; an Intellego addendum to this effect allows those in the Target Group to see through the illusions of Concentius Jerbitonis, thus viewing other members of the Group in their actual positions.
Several charges remain within this item.
Telum Centurionis |
Telum Centurionis |
11 |
Carved steel-tipped crossbow bolts with leather fins,
each of these creates 100 copies of itself when fired, which fly at
the same general area as the original target, across a 50 pace width; in effect, this enchantment turns a single bolt into a fan-shaped
volley; the copies, being magically created, are resisted, and this
effect has zero penetration
Textor Ligneus Telarum |
Textor Ligneus Telarum |
2 |
These small carved wooden spiders are painted black
with green eyes
Virga Aeneus Incaendiorum Nonaginta Novem |
Incaendia Nonaginta Novem |
1 |
A brass wand engraved with sytlized flames around its tip, this will create a vast group of ninety-nine bolts of fire at Sight Range; this was enchanted by Požárius Flambonis in 1259 AD
Unguentum Vedunium Maior |
Ointment of Heavy Wound Healing |
4 |
Small pottery jars, stopped with a wooden stopper and sealed with wax. Each jar contains enough ointment to magically heal a single Wound of up to Heavy severity when the ointment is rubbed over the Wound area.
These ointments were made by Yarok.