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Promotator Prosae Purae | 1251 | |||||
MuIm(In) | 19 | Touch | Sun | Room | ||
Lesser Enchantment. 'Promoter of Pure Prose' causes all voices in the Target Room to be especially distinct, clear, and sonorous | ||||||
Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room, +1 complexity
Ephippium Equi Eximii | 1253 | |||||
MuAn | 30 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
Lesser Enchantment. 'Saddle of the Superior Steed' changes the target animal, making it beautiful and unnaturally fast. | ||||||
Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 size, +2 Sun
Arma Mobilitatis Sublimis | 1260 | |||||
Mu(Cr) An(Te) | 19 | Per | Const | Ind | ||
Lesser Enchantment. 'Armor of Sublime Mobility' enchants a suit of primarily Animal-based armor so that it is less encumbering, as well as preserving the armor so that it does not decay or rot; the Terram requisite ensures that buckles, studs, etc. are also preserved | ||||||
Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 additional CrAn(Te) effect, +4 levels constant effect
Speculum Phantasmae Eximiae | 1220 | |||||
InIm (Cr) | 25 | Arc | Conc | Spec | ||
Charged Item. This speculum (mirror) creates an image of what is happening at a location to which you have an Arcane Connection (which must be touched to the mirror while speaking the command word), either to the location or to a person there. The image in the mirror is reduced in size appropriate to the size of the mirror. As in a mirror, the images that are created are reversed. Because the images are based on an arcane connection, the object or person to which the Connection refers is seen as an image of their essential nature, devoid of costume or disguise. Other components of the image are not seen in this fashion. | ||||||
Base 1, +4 Arc, +1 Conc, +2 Special Target (roughly Room sized area), +1 Creo effect
Afa Quod Tollit Velamen Mirationis | 1226 | |||||
InVi | 40 | Touch | Spec | Vision | ||
"Dust that Lifts the Veil of Wonder," when sprinkled on someone, grants them the ability to see the boundaries of magical regios, and therefore divine the path to the next level, until the next equinox/solstice event. This effect is powerful enough to cause Warping, and due to its season duration, will result in two Warping points: one for the powerful effect, and one for a constant, powerful effect that lasts a season. |
Base 3, +1 Touch, +4 Special Duration (Season), +4 Vision
Mantellum Venatoris Furtivi | 1229 | |||||
Mu(In) Im | 25 | Worn | Conc | Ind | ||
Lesser Enchantment. This cloak is enchanted to cause the wearer and his belongings to assume the color, sounds, and smells of his immediate surroundings. For example, in a forest, the wearer looks like parts of the trees around him, sounds like softly rustling leaves, and smells like sap and loamy soil. The cloak maintains concentration for the wearer, and is usable an unlimited number of times. Auspecius Bonisagi invented this cloak; his sigil makes the wearer's eyes turn a golden hue while the effect is active. This particular version has a modified effect: it doesn't work between Sunset and Sunrise (i.e. at night). |
Base 3 (Sight, Sound, Smell), +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Intellego requisite, +5 levels mainain concentration, +10 levels unlimited usage
Pergamenum pro Mago Absenti | 1229 | |||||
Cr (In,Mu) Im | 25 | Touch | Ring | Circle | ||
This sheet of enchanted parchment creates an image of the caster that speaks a message (can be fairly long, but not more than one Diameter in duration). The image is created within the bounds of a circle drawn on a the parchment, and is not activated until the parchment is unrolled such that the circle is fully formed (it need not be perfectly flat, but the full circle must be recognizably seen). The caster must speak the message that is to be delivered after drawing the circle on the parchment. The final action of activating the effect is for the caster to roll up the parchment, typically tying it and sealing the knot with wax. This experimental enchantment has a significant side benefit: the user of the parchment hears a faint echo of the message being recited as it is discharged, thus knowing that the message has been delivered. The image ends after the audible message has been "delivered." The spell effect otherwise lasts until and unless the ring/circle is broken (scraping a portion of the ink from the parchment is sufficient to break the circle, as is rolling the parchment again after the message is activated). Such a message scroll could potentially lie unopened for years before activation. The Muto requisite ensures that the visual image is unspoiled by residual species from the parchment, ink, or other background elements, as the species from those elements are changed so that they are competely integrated with the created image. |
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Ring, +1 clarity, +1 intricacy, +1 Muto requisite, +1 Intellego requisite
Potio Visus Spiritus Magnifici | 1238 | |||||
InVi | 56 | Touch | Moon | Vision | ||
Enables the imbiber to see powerful Magical spirits (8th magnitude +); the Penetration bonus in the effect will penetrate a Magic Resistance of up to 10th magnitude. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +4 Vision, +26 Penetration (52 lvls)
Galeula Argenteola | 1240 | |||||
InIm | 35 | Touch | Sun | Vision | ||
Lesser Enchantment. The "little silver helmet" is a small silver amulet in the shape of a helmet that grants the target touched the ability to see through Illusions of up to 3rd Magnitude, with a Vision Target, usable up to 24 times each day. |
Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +5 24/day
Conspectus Crystallinus Quod Penetrat Praestrigias | 1241 | |||||
InIm | 40 | Arc | Conc | Vision | ||
invested Device. Allows the user to see through all illusions on a target to which an Arcane Connection is used, of seventh magnitude or lower; a side effect also creates an Intangible Tunnel to the target for effects of seventh magnitude or lower. |
Result of experimentation; actual effect is completely changed from intended effect
Visio Crystalli Globosus | 1241 | |||||
InIm | 40 | Arc | Constant | Vision | ||
invested Device. Allows the user to see and hear what is happening in a distant place, if the user has an Arcane Connection to that place. The user has a degree of control over the image, and can alter the viewpoint and scope of the image. |
Base 2 (sight, sound), +4 Arc, +1 Conc, +4 Vision Target, +5 levels 24/day, changed through Special Event to Constant Duration
Iaculum Terreum Ignea | 1242 | |||||
MuTe(An,He,Ig) | 40 | Touch | Diam | Ind | ||
Charged Item, javelin. Transforms the armor or shield struck by the point of the javelin into fire that maintains the shape of the item, inflicting +20 damage each round to anyone touching it for the duration of the effect | ||||||
Base 30, +1 Touch, +1 Diam
Baculum Spinosum Califactii | 1220 | |||||
MuHe | 10 | Per | Conc | Ind | ||
Lesser Enchantment. This iron-shod ashwood staff has strips of worked, engraved iron intertwined with the ashwood down the length of the staff. The thorns emerge from the ashwood portions of the staff. | ||||||
Base 3, +1 Conc, item maintains Conc, usable 1/day
Veru Viatoris | 1229 | |||||
Mu(Re)Te | ||||||
Invested Device, creates a shelter of stone from the earth around the location the spit is placed | ||||||
Base 3, +1 Conc, item maintains Conc, usable 1/day
Arbalesta Sese Tendit | 1240 | |||||
MuHe | 10 | Per | Mom | Part | ||
Lesser Enchantment. 'Arbalest that Spans Itself' is a crossbow, specially constructed, which spans itself by momentarily shortening the length of the stock between the prod and the trigger catch. | ||||||
Base 3, +1 Part, +6 levels 50/day
Iaculum Busti Festini | 1241 | |||||
ReTe | 25 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
Charged Item; bronze-tipped javelin that creates a momentary pit in the earth at the location struck by the tip, by transporting soil and stone upwards 5 paces then allowing it to fall naturally down into the pit created a few seconds later; the pit is approximately 5 paces deep and 5 paces across | ||||||
Base 4, +3 size for stone, +1 Touch, +1 Part
Mola Aquae Mysticae | 1241 | |||||
ReHe | 24 | Per | Ring | Ind | ||
Facultas Aurae. This carved wooden disc rotates at a constant rate, with sufficient force to turn attached millworks. | ||||||
Base 3, +1 size, +1 forceful effect, +2 Ring, +4 Facultas Aurae, +5 Aura 1+
Classicum Companae Distantis | 1248 | |||||
CriM | 20 | Arc | Mom | Ind | ||
This enchanted bell clapper creates a loud bell-tone at the location of a linked Arcane Connection. |
Base 1, +4 Arc, +1 size
Ampulla Purificationis | 1245 | |||||
Re(In)Aq(Im) | 12 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
Lesser Enchantment. A [color]-glazed ceramic amphora with a tall curving handle, a cupped pouring spout, and a small lid that nests between the handle and spout, capping the bottle. |
The effect is activated by turning the lid so that the embossed symbol of a net matches the position of the spout. When activated, liquid poured from the amphora is filtered to allow only dregs, vinegar, and similar sour or bad-tasting elements of the container to exit the spout. The enables the use to filter out bad-tasting impurities from the contents. Once the impurities are poured out, turning the lid away from the activation position allows the remaining, purified contents to be decanted. |
Base 1, +1 Touch, +10 levels unlimited use
Tapes Decuriae Demote | 1231 | |||||
Re(In)Im | 25 | Touch | Sun | Group | ||
Charged Item. As Wizard's Sidestep, but for a group who are all standing on the enchanted rug when it is activated; the Intellego requisite allows the group to see through all of the enchanter's illusions, and thus the group can see each other as they actually are positioned. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 changing image, +1 moved image matches changes, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Group
Fons Hauriendi Polypi | 1243 | |||||
MuIm | 19 | Per | Constant | Ind | ||
Changes the apperance of the marble fountain block to that of a cube of water, in which an octopus works eight bellows that force water up and out the top and sides of the cube, matching the exit points of water from the fountain block | ||||||
Base 1, +1 size, +1 changing effect, +2 intricacy, +2 Sun, +4 levels constant
Clitellae Praeservationis | 1248 | |||||
Cr(Re)An(He) | 19 | Per | Sun | Room | ||
Preserves all non-living Animal and Herbam material placed within the container, and wards the container against all non-magical vermin, insects. | ||||||
Base 2, +2 Sun, +2 Room, +1 additional ReAn effect
1223 | ||||||
CrIm | 16 | Touch | Diam | Ind | ||
Invested Device. This simple plinth creates a moving image
displaying the artist's impression of the conjuration of the Vez
Tajulpny, the crystalline stone structure rising from the ground
and expanding to become the majestic tower of Porta Germania. The image itself is two paces tall, at 1/20 scale to the tower itself. The illusion may be activated by touching the plinth, up to fifty times per day total. A second effect creates a brief melody twice each day at Sunrise and Sunset |
Base 2, +1 moving visual image, +1 intricate ornamentation, +1 Touch, +1 Diameter
Antlia Archimedia | 1237 | |||||
ReAq(Te) | 29 | Touch | Mom | Circle | ||
Facultas Aurae 1+.
This device, which looks a lot like a handle-less bronze Archimedes
Screw inside of a large pipe, receives water and forces it through
the device in a forceful geyser. This enchantment is designed to be
used in conjunction with an Aquaeductus Transvectionis, thus
forcing the water received from outside into a system of pipes
and/or through a fountain. The Antlia is typically about three to four feet in length, and may be constructed in a variety of diameters, depending on the amount of flow desired or required. The bronze-bladed helical screw inside turns rapidly and apparently without a source of power. The effect is activated by water entering the tube, even slightly; any water that enters the tube activates the Archimedes Screw, which turns and moves the water forward; the magical effect causes the screw to turn very quickly, imparting a great impetus to the water leaving the tube. Once water begins to enter the device, the effect will continually trigger; it will only cease if water ceases to enter the tube (even in a trickle), or if the Magical Aura drops below 1. |
Base 5, +1 Touch, +10 levels unlimited usage, +4 levels Facultas Aurae, +5 levels Aura 1+
Aquaeductus Transvectionis | 1237 | |||||
ReAq | 45 | Touch | Mom | Circle | ||
Lesser Enchantment. This
large stone ring transports pure water passing through the Circle to
a location to which a Fixed Arcane Connection is incorporated into
the enchanted device. Thanks to the Intellego requisite, impurities in the water are not transported, nor will other liquids be affected. The effect is triggered by water (of any purity) entering the stone ring; the water that enters is transported, and any other liquids or impurities in the water (sediment, urine, fish excrement, etc.) are left behind. The ring should be fully submerged in a river to function best; some turbulence will be created around the ring as water rushes in from the sides to fill the void left by the exit of the water that passes into the ring. |
Base 30, +1 Touch, +10 levels unlimited usage
Calamus Pontifecis | 1247 | |||||
Re(Mu,In)Te(He) | 38 | Touch | Conc | Part | ||
Invested Device. The rod of the bridge-builder is a hornbeam rod with a tiny bronze spade on the tip. The first effect changes an area of earth and plant growth into stone blocks, and moves them to form a bridge over an adjacent body of water, up to 40 paces in length, and up to seven ribbed arches. The bridge formed will be five paces in width, including parapets on the sides, leaving a roadbed slightly less than four paces wide. When the effect is ended, the spell returns the material to its original form and position, replacing the earth and plants as they were before the effect was initiated. This effect was specifically designed to transform a portion of an earthen berm covered with hedges, trees, and overgrowth into a stone bridge over a canal, such that the portion of the embankment moved opens a gap in the berm matching the position of the bridge. |
Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +1 Part, +2 size, +1 additional Rego effect (In requisite), +3 levels 6/day; 4p of device capacity
Incantamen Serici Impenetrabilis | 1240 | |||||
MuAn | 20 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
Imparts an effect like that of Doublet of Impenetrable Silk to the item of clothing touched when activated. | ||||||
Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +5 levels 24/day
Flabellum Vernus | ||||||
CrAu (Re) | 28 | Touch | Constant | Room | ||
Freshens the air within a room, driving out foul odors and replacing them with a fresh spring breeze. | ||||||
Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +2 Room, +1 additional Rego effect, +4 levels constant duration, +4 levels Facultas Aurae, +5 levels Aura 1+
Foculus Aurae | ||||||
CrIg | 27 | Touch | Concentration | Room | ||
This round bronze brazier is capable of holding live coals to heat a room, but the effect will function without any actual fire. The brazier will heat the room in which it is placed to the warmth of a comfortable summer's eve upon command, and will maintain the effect until commanded to cease, or until the next Sun event. It can be activated up to six times each day. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, +2 Room, +5 levels maintains concentration, +3 levels 6 uses per day, +4 levels Facultas Aurae, +5 levels Aura 1+
Incalifacio Atria Magorum | ||||||
CrIg (Pe) | 24 | Touch | Constant | Structure | ||
Maintains a steady comfortable temperature throughout the target structure, neither too hot nor too cold. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure, +1 Perdo requisite
Lampas Aurae | 1238 | |||||
CrIg | 29 | Touch | Conc | Ind | ||
Facultas Aurae 1+. A
round brass lamp with an engraved band around the circumference,
which creates a clear light as bright as sunlight on a cloudy day. The lamp may be activated or darkened through voice commands of "Illumina" or "Obscura" |
Base 4, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +5 levels 24 uses per day, +5 levels maintains concentration, +4 levels Facultas Aurae, +5 levels Aura 1+
Rutrum Agri Expediti | 1241 | |||||
ReTe | 30 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
Upon activation, this bronze spade will clear the touched field (up to 16,400 sq ft) of all stones to a depth of 3 feet; all stones are moved to the edge of the affected area. | ||||||
Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part, +3 size, +10 levels Unlimited usage
Structura Conservationis | 1238 | |||||
CrHe(An,Aq) | 40 | Touch | Constant | Structure | ||
Facultas Aurae 1+.
This amulet carved of alder wood contains a small pinch of sulfur in
a hidden cavity. The amulet preserves all non-living matter of
Herbam, Animal, or Aquam within the target Structure (which may be
especially large; 100 times the base size). Although this enchantment may be used in any building to prevent food and beverages from spoiling (and to preserve items of leather or wood), it was originally designed for a large cavern used for storage. |
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure, +1 size (Modified Effect from experimentation increases the size of the Target by an additional +1, for a total of +2 size), +4 levels constant effect, +6 levels Facultas Aurae, +5 levels Aura 1+; alder wood +1 to resist decay, sulfur +2 to preserve
1240 | ||||||
MuTe (Re) | 30 | Per | Diam | Part | ||
'Transient Entrance of the Secure Storeroom' transforms an area of stone wall, creating a temporary doorway when a command word is uttered. The doorway lasts for one Diameter, after which the wall returns to its previous state. The effect moves the material of the wall to form a thickened lintel and posts for the doorway. The size and appearance of the doorway must be specified at the time of enchantment (i.e any markings or other alterations desired). |
Base 4, +1 Intricacy, +1 size, +1 Diam, +1 Part, +10 levels Unlimited effect
Crux Carpinea Tuentis Contra Daemonium | 1266 | |||||
ReVi | 20 | Worn | Sun | Ind | ||
'Hornbeam Cross of Demon Warding' wards the wearer against demons of Might 11 or less | ||||||
Base effect, constant
Arcuballista Parati Sagittarii | 1200 | |||||
ReHe | 14 | Per | Mom | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment re-cocks itself immediately after a bolt is loosed from the crossbow. This provides a +12 bonus to the crossbowman's loading total the following round. The bowstring must be of hemp, not sinew, for this effect to function. The Terram requisite is for the latch and trigger. | ||||||
Base 3, +1 intricate effect (also higher because of the Terram requirement for moving metal), +10 levels unlimited usage
Telum Centurionis | 1224 | |||||
CrHe (Re, An, Te) | 20 | Spec | Diam | Group | ||
Charged Item. This carved steel-tipped ashwood crossbow bolt, with leather fins, will create 100 copies of itself when fired, which fly at the same general area as the original target, across a 50 pace width. In effect, this enchantment turns a single bolt into a fan-shaped volley. The copies, being magically created, are resisted, and this effect has zero penetration. | ||||||
Base 2, +2 Special range, +1 Diam, +2 Group, +1 intricacy
Funis Messoris Alacris | 1241 | |||||
ReHe | 30 | Touch | Mom | Group | ||
This long (30') rope is tied with a bag on end; two or more harvesters drag the rope at waist height through the field; all plants touched by the rope are separated seed from straw; the seeds are collected in the bag, while all the straw is deposited at the other end of the rope. If no bag is tied to the rope, it will not activate; any bag will do, but it should be large enough to hold a fair amount of seed, and not so large that it cannot be carried when full. |
Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +10 levels Unlimited usage
Scutum Bellatoris Viminei | 1205 | |||||
MuHe | 19 | Per | Sun | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment is made from a wicker shield faced with finely cross-laid slats of wood. The wicker and wood are made hard as steel by this enchantment (Defense bonus of +4, as for a superior quality heater shield), but retain a Load of 1. | ||||||
Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 additional Muto effect (light Load), Constant
Styli Connectens | 1244 | |||||
ReHe | 30 | Arc | Conc | Ind | ||
Two styli of intricately carved hornbeam wood, capped with bronze tips for writing and erasing, are fixed Arcane Connections to each other. When activated, once per day, each stylus can cause the other to copy whatever is written by the first. Each should be left with an open wax tablet (Lucas has carved two wooden hinged tablets as companion pieces to the styli), with the writing tip of the stylus at the upper left corner of the first (left hand) tablet surface. The effect is activated by tapping the stylus tip twice at the upper left of the open tablet and pausing briefly; this causes the matching stylus to poise itself at the same point relative to the tablet it is sitting upon, establishing a "register" of position. From there, the linked stylus will copy the motions of the activated stylus faithfully, including the same degree of impression, flipping over to erase, etc. The enchantment maintains Concentration, so theoretically the writing could continue for Sun duration. However, in practical terms, only the two tablet surfaces can be written upon with any confidence that the linked stylus will be able to accurately copy the writing. It is possible to erase and start over from the beginning, and if someone were actually watching the linked stylus write, they could read and/or copy the resulting text before it is erased, allowing a lengthy message. But this method would be dependent on prior coordination, to allow someone on the receiving side of the message to be watching at the correct time. | ||||||
Base 3, +4 Arc, +1 Conc, +1 intricate movement; 70 year expiration
Ret Operarii Inadspectus | 1233 | |||||
ReHe | 20 | Per | Conc | Ind | ||
This large cargo net of high-quality hemp rope is enchanted to enclose objects placed upon it and lift those objects up into the air, as fast as smoke rises and as high as the tallest tree can grow (up to 100 paces in the air). The net encloses or releases objects on command, and will move as directed by the user both vertically and horizontally, but the user must maintain concentration to change direction - if the user's concentration lapses, the net will stop moving and float in place until the user again concentrates on moving the net. The net can lift any object that can fit inside it when enclosed, that is not heavy enough to break the ropes. If the object is so heavy that the ropes would break, the net will not lift from the ground under its own enchantment. To activate the enchantment, the user must touch the net while speaking the command word "Atolo." Once activated, the net will continue to follow directions of that user until someone else activates the effect, or until the next Sun event. |
Base 3, +2 potency, +1 Conc, +1 size, +1 lateral control
Virga Maturesci Porculi Novi | 1245 | |||||
CrHe | 30 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
This wand of birch wood, carved with images of pigs, causes the pig touched to grow to full maturity over the course of the duration; this is most effective when activated soon after sunrise or sundown, but will have a proportional effect any time it is activated. Pigs that are fully mature are unaffected, as are other animals. | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun
Virga Quercus Magorum | 1245 | |||||
CrHe | 40 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
This wand of hornbeam wood, carved with twining vines, causes the plant or seed touched to grow to full maturity over the course of the duration; this is most effective when activated soon after sunrise or sundown, but will have a proportional effect any time it is activated. Plants that are fully mature are unaffected. | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +10 levels Unlimited use
Narenius Flambonis
Tueor Librarium Contra Flammas | ||||||
ReIg | 39 | Touch | Constant | Structure | ||
Prevents flames from burning the target structure or anything in it. This will snuff out torches, extinguish lamps, etc. Magically generated flames must have a penetration total of greater than 35 in order to burn anything; but are not themselves extinguished, as this is not a Perdo effect. Thus, magically lit lamps, torches, etc. will continue to provide light. | ||||||
Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure, +1 size, Constant
Philemon Bonisagi
Unguentum Lunae Clementis | ||||||
CrCo | 50 | Touch | Moon | Ind | ||
This unguent heals up to a single Incapacitating Wound for the duration. The recipient suffers no penalties, but cannot heal naturally during this period. | ||||||
Base 30, +1 Touch, +3 Moon
Požárius Flambonis
Virga Aenea Incaendiorum Nonaginta Novem | ||||||
CrIg | 45 | Sight | Mom | Group | ||
A brass wand enchanted to create ninety-nine bolts of fire, which are evenly disperesed throughout an area five paces in radius around a centrally targeted point: everything within five paces of the target has a chance to be struck by at least one bolt; roll 1d10 for each target and add the size of the target; on a 3 or higher, the target is struck by a bolt; on a 9 or 10, the target is struck twice; each bolt does +20 damage (with no Attack Advantage) The wielder's Finesse roll determines how accurately the center point is placed relative to her intention; if the wielder is targeting a specific thing, the Attack advantage does apply to a single bolt aimed at the central target |
Base 15, +3 Sight, +2 Group, +1 size
Praecisus Bonisagi
Circulus Victus | ||||||
ReCo (An,Aq,He,Te) | 40 | Touch | Mom | Circle | ||
This model doorway carved from oak, with a tiny piece of lodestone concealed in the threshold, transports anyone and anything of Animal, Aquam, Corpus, Herbam, and/or Terram within the Target Circle to the location of an Arcane Connection traced around the target Circle at the time of activation, achieved by pushing the AC through the model doorway | ||||||
Base 35, +1 Touch
Lorica Impenetrabilis Superior | ||||||
MuAn (Pe,Im,Te) | 29 | Per | Constant | Ind | ||
The enchantment increases the durability of an Animal based armor while also decreasing the weight and encumbrance of the armor. The enchanted armor does not produce noise. | ||||||
Base 5, +2 additional effects, +14 Constant effect
Hypocauston Magicum | ||||||
Cr(Pe)Ig | 40 | Touch | Sun | Structure | ||
Heats or cools a structure in which the enchantment is placed, to the warmth of a summer's day (high 70s) or chill of a summer's night (high 60s). The temperature of the Structure remains constant, unless changed by the holder of the device, until the next Sun event. The device can be activated up to 24 times each day to change the temperature in the Structure. |
Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +3 Structure, +1 Size, +1 Perdo
Sebastianus Rutilius Bonisagi
Fibula Plumarum Anatis | ||||||
ReAq | 9 | Worn | Constant | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment provides protection from dampness to the wearer, causing water to run off him and his apparel. The effect is broken if the wearer is submerged in water, but will re-activate at the next sunrise/set. | ||||||
Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 for slightly unnatural condition, Constant
Incantamen Adversas Bestias | ||||||
ReAn | 9 | Worn | Constant | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment, in the form of a tiny embroidered cloth, protects the wearer from mundane beasts. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, Constant
Equus pro Mago | ||||||
CrAn | 35 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
This charged item creates a horse from a small carved wooden horse. The horse is superb in every way and is not disturbed by The Gift. | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 size
Fomes Magorum | ||||||
CrIg | 5 | Per | Mom | Ind | ||
This charged item is a small piece of wood, which lights when snapped in two, even if it is damp. | ||||||
Base 5
Frangere Cruris Ranae | ||||||
ReCo | 15 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
This charged item is made from an actual frog's leg bone (+1 leaping), which must be snapped to activate the effect, per Gift of the Frog's Legs | ||||||
Base 10, +1 Touch
Anulus Conloquium Commodum | ||||||
InMe | 36 | Touch | Conc | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment grants the user the ability to speak with any one person, who must be touched with the device while saying the command word "Colloquor"; the device will maintain concentration for the user, up to fifty uses each day | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch, +1 Concentration, 50 uses/day, +5 lvls maintain Concentration
Intermissio Lunae pro Femina Prudentis | ||||||
PeCo | 35 | Touch | Moon | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment is typically enchanted into a small statue; a woman touching the enchantment is made infertile for Moon duration; because this prevents ovulation, the woman's monthly cycle is also suspended for the duration | ||||||
Base 5, +1 Touch, +3 Moon
Horologium Geographi | ||||||
In(Cr)Vi(Ig,Im) | 25 | Touch | Conc | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment is a small hand mirror, activated by the user speaking the command word "Tempus," which detects the astrological time in the immediate vicinity and displays an image of a softly glowing clock face that shows the hour and diameter | ||||||
Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 additional CrIm(Ig) effect, unlimited usage
Visus Personatus Virium | ||||||
InVi | 24 | Worn | Constant | Vision | ||
This effect for an invested device grants the wearer the ability to detect the presence of vis by sight | ||||||
Base 1, +1 Worn, +2 Sun, +4 Vision, constant effect
Fustis Fractionis Ossium | ||||||
PeCo | 30 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment inflicts a broken bone on whichever part of the opponent's body it hits. This damage heals as a Medium Wound. Limbs which are struck are crippled and useless. | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch, Unlimited use
Lorica Impenetrabilis | ||||||
MuAn | 19 | Per | Const | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment gives leather-based armor (such as a leather cuirass or leather scale hauberk) a Soak bonus of +3 and reduces the load associated by 2 (for a total +8 bonus and load of 3 for full leather scale). | ||||||
Base 4, +2 Sun, +1 for additional Muto effect (halves load), Constant
Lucerna Magorum | ||||||
CrIg | 20 | Per | Conc | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment enables the lamp to produce flameless light (per Lamp without Flame). The lamp may be "lit" and "extinguished" on command. | ||||||
Base 4, +1 Conc, Maintains Concentration, Unlimited use
Clava Centurionis | ||||||
PeCo | 25 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
Truncheon of the Centurion (Obušek Staršina in Czech) inflicts a Fatigue level to the opponent on any strike which touches him (does not have to penetrate Soak). | ||||||
Base 10, +1 Touch, Unlimited use
Palla Serici Impenetrabilis | ||||||
MuAn | 14 | Per | Const | Ind | ||
This lesser enchantment gives the robe or tunic a Soak bonus of +3. | ||||||
Base 4, +2 Sun, Constant
Sagitta Sauciationis | ||||||
PeCo | 20 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
This charged item is made from an arrow. The arrow inflicts a Heavy Wound on any Corpus target it strikes, even if the arrow does not overcome the target's Soak. | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch
Textor Ligneus Telarum | ||||||
CrAn | 35 | Voice | Sun | Group | ||
This charged item in the form of a small carved wooden spider can create a huge net of spider webs when commanded (a specific command word must be chosen when the wooden spider is enchanted). The webs are centered on a location pointed to by the activator, per the standard spell, Weaver's Trap of Webs. | ||||||
Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Sun, +2 Group
The Enchantments of the Aethranavis | ||||||
The Aethranavis, or Skyship, is
a slightly modified Baltic cog, 19 paces stem to stern and 6 paces
abeam, and can carry up to 80 tons of cargo (8000 cubic feet). There
is a low covered cabin under the stern deck, but otherwise the ship
is open to the elements above the decking. Counting the cabin,
only about half of the cargo space is covered. Much of the cargo
would be lashed down on the main deck if fully loaded. Because the cog has a reasonably flat bottom, the cog can rest on land without a dramatic tilt. Normal practice at Porta Germaniae is to hover beside and tie-off to a tall platform near the Aula in the hranice. Alternately, the ship can land in the Dyje River and tie up alongside the dock. It was constructed by Marcus Navicularius Verditii at Oculus Septentrionalis, with later enhancements by Lucas Fabricus Jerbitonis. The enchantments were made by the Magi of Porta Germaniae, and assembled by Lucas Fabricus via a Mystery Ritual.
1232 | ||||||
ReHe | 39 | Per | Constant | Structure | ||
Lifts and moves an entire ship through the air at the wielder's
direction. Speed of movement is determined by a Stamina + Finesse
roll on the part of the wielder, as slow as rising smoke at 3+, up
to as fast as a flying bird at 12+. Failure to meet the desired
target causes the loss of a Fatigue level by the wielder. If
the desired target is missed by more than 3, the Fatigue level lost
is long-term Fatigue.
Turning and general grace of movement are also affected by the
Finesse roll - it is progressively harder to turn quickly and
gracefully at higher speeds. The wielder must be touching the tiller, be in possession of one of the "keys," and know the appropriate command words in order to control the vessel by means of this effect; but the vessel will not rise, sink, or move independently of the winds unless controlled through the device (i.e. apart from the effect of winds, once the vessel has reached a given altitude, it will not sink or move if the tiller is left unattended). It is possible to actually sail the vessel using roughly normal methods, if the vessel maintains a given altitude. The responsiveness of the ship changes dramatically once the hull is out of water, however, so this requires a specially skilled crew. Prevailing winds at upper altitudes are often quite different than on the sea. Three "keys" were designated for all of the enchantments. Each key is carved from hornbeam wood, about the size of a small dagger, and has the symbol of Porta Germaniae carved in bas relief on one side of the head, and the symbol of the Ordo Hermei in bas relief on the other side. The keys are brightly painted in green with appropriate details for the symbols. The keys themselves are not yet enchanted, although they do incorporate Fixed Arcane Connections to the Aethranavis. |
Base 10 (ReHe by comparison with ReCo), +2 Sun, +3 Structure
1232 | ||||||
PeHe | 34 | Per | Constant | Structure | ||
Removes the flammable property of a wooden structure, so that it will not burn. This also affects all wood inside the target structure, so cooking and heating must be handled some other way. | ||||||
Base 5, +2 Sun, +3 Struct, +4 levels constant effect
Verticius Tytali & Pallium Tenebrae Guernici
Aversum Contra Ventos Procellae | 1233 | |||||
ReAu | 38 | Per | Conc | Structure | ||
Wards the target structure against winds up to hurricane force upon command. The user must possess one of the designated keys to activate or de-activate the effect. | ||||||
Base 10, +1 Conc, +3 Struct, +5 levels maintains concentration, +3
levels 6 uses per day
Auspecius Bonisagi, Concentius Jerbitonis, & Arcturus Picae Bjornaer
Nebulanavis | 1233 | |||||
Mu(In)Im | 30 | Per | Conc | Structure | ||
Changes the image of the target structure, in sight and sound, to
that of a large cloud. Those in or on the target structure, or those
holding the designated keys, see the target structure unchanged. The effect can only be activated or deactivated by those holding one of several designated keys, and speaking the appropriate command word. In Auspecius Bonisagi's enchantment, the eyes of those who activate the effect briefly turn a deep golden color. |
Base 2, +1 Conc, +3 Struct, +1 Intellego Requisite, +5 levels
maintains concentration, +10 levels unlimited usage