Hermetic Theory
The rather generically named "Magic Theory" Ability is inappropriately exceptional in its name, given that the theory of Bonisagus is not the only theory of magic in Mythic Europe. As such, for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, this will be referred to as Hermetic Theory, and associated Virtues will be termed Puissant Hermetic Theory and Affinity with Hermetic Theory, etc. |
Historian & Explorer
Similar to the Linguist Virtue, Historian grants a proficiency with the study of history. All Study Totals for any General Lore ability in which the character's specialization is "history" are increased by one quarter (rounded up), as are any experience points for such abilities at character creation.
In similar fashion, Explorer grants a proficiency with the study of geography. All Study Totals for any General Lore ability in which the character's specialization is "geography" are increased by one quarter (rounded up), as are any experience points for such abilities at character creation.
These Virtues are not applicable to Arcane Lores. |
Tremeris Certamen Focus
The free House Virtue gained
by magi of Domus Tremeris is not a Minor Magical Focus in Certamen, as: |
1) this does not meet the guidelines for a Minor Magical Focus (it is not more limited than a single Technique / Form combination), and
2) since any magus character can choose a Minor Magical Focus, a specialty in certamen would not be unique to Domus Tremeris as it should be, and
3) this would effectively forbid any magus Tremeris from having a true Magical Focus, which is silly, and
4) this would prevent any magus Tremeris from having Mythic Blood, which is ludicrous
Instead, the free House Virtue is the Tremeris Certamen Focus, which functions effectively as if it were a Minor Magical Focus,
but does not count as one. This virtue is unique to Domus Tremeris and may only be taken by magi of that lineage. A focus in certamen is not possible through any other virtue.
Divination, Augury, and Additional Methods
The requirement, as stated on page 59 of TMRE, that additional Minor Virtues are necessary to learn additional divinatory Methods, is nullified for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga. The relative gain from using more than one divinatory Method is insufficient to warrant multiple Initiations. With the exception of the methods of Astrology, Dream Interpretation, and Numerology, only the Hermetic Divination Major Virtue is necessary to use any of the Ceremonial Augury Phenomena listed on page 61 of TMRE. The diviner's ability to use multiple methods is limited, however, by his Hermetic Divination Ability score. The diviner knows and may use in Ceremonial Divination a number of ceremonial augury Methods equal to his Ability score.
Note that the limit on Methods does not apply to Casual Divination, which does not receive any ceremonial bonuses, and may use observations which are not reflected in any of the ceremonial Methods.
A magus with Hermetic Divination may still Initiate Hermetic Dream Interpretation as a Minor Virtue, and vice versa. |
Domus Verditii Mysteries
The Inner Mysteries of Domus Verditii are modified as follows: |
1) Bind
Curse does not exist as a Mystery of Domus Verditii
2) Bind Magical Creatures is modified. Creatures with Might may not be substituted for vis.
This Mystery only grants the power to bind a power from a Creature to
the Gift of the magus. This is unusual for Domus Verditii,
as it is irrelevant for enchantments; the Mystery is rare, and not limited to Domus Verditii - the magi who practice it are generally very strange even by the standards of Gifted magi
3) Item
Attunement does not exist as a Mystery of Domus Verditii
4) Reforging does not allow reforging of lesser enchantments, only invested devices
5) Elder Runes allow more vis use in a season, but only by adding Philosophiae to Hermetic Theory before multiplying by two (instead of multiplying Hermetic Theory by Philosophiae, which would enable 100 pawns or more to be used in a single season)
6) Craft Automata rules have been significantly modified, in accordance with the Saga Rule for Mental Faculties for Enchantments; the principle function of this Mystery is the ability to create an enchantment with Magic Might |
Domus Verditii does effectively have more Inner Mysteries available to it to replace the removed Major Virtues, through new Mysteries unique to the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, as well as the Astrological and Alchemical Mysteries granted by the Confraternities of Evander and Zozimus. |
Leper Magus
Leper Magus Virtue presented in HoH:S (p.93) will not be used in the
Bohemian Rhapsody Saga.
Agencies and Close Family Ties
HoH:S indicates that the Close Family Ties Story Flaw gives a character
an Agency prior to play (p.141). This is sometimes the case, but
there are variations for this particular Flaw that will not result in an
Agency - most particularly, in the case of close ties to a Hermetic
is not to say that those with close Hermetic ties - whether player
characters or NPCs - may not fulfill a similar function as an agency. |
Incompatible Arts
Characters may select one combination including Corpus or Vim, in lieu of two combinations of other Forms. |
Inoffensive to (Beings)
This Virtue appears in both HoH:MC and RoP:M, but is stated differently in each. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, the version stated in HoH:MC will be used with modification, and the version in RoP:M will be ignored. HoH:MC states that the virtue may only be taken once. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, Inoffensive to (Beings) may be taken twice, but not three times (which would equate to the Gentle Gift or Air).
The Offensive to (Beings) Flaw stated in RoP:M will also be modified, to include animals, faeries, or magical beings. Applicable spirits will either be magical or faerie, and are included under the appropriate Realm category. As with Inoffensive, this Flaw may be taken twice, but not three times. |
Nightwalker Virtues
The Nightwalker Virtues presented in Hedge Magic, Revised Edition, will not be used as published in the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga. Similar abilities may exist, but will vary considerably from the Nightwalkers as presented in HMRE. |
Magical Meditation
The Magical Meditation Ability will function slightly differently for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga. For preventing Acclimation, the Ability Score will reduce the effective Might of the character by 5 points per level, up to a maximum of half the Might of the character.
For Might recovery, a character using Magical Meditation recovers (Magical Meditation Score * Aura) points of Might each hour. |
Heartbeast Abilities
For a character with a Heartbeast, the Heartbeast Ability is a measure of the character's development of the animal side of his or her nature. As such, the Heartbeast Ability allows a character to call upon the animal side of her nature when in human form, or the human side of his nature when in animal form. This allows the character to use an Ability possessed by her Heartbeast form while in human form, or an Ability possessed by her human form while in her animal form. The effective score of the shared Ability is limited by her Heartbeast Ability Score.
For example, a character with a bear Heartbeast has a Brawl Score of 3 when in his bear form. If that character has a Heartbeast Score of 2, then that character may call upon his bear form Brawl Score when in human form, with an effective Brawl Score of 2 (the lesser of his Heartbeast Score or the bear form Brawl Score). Note that this does not grant the character bear claws, or fangs or any physical manifestation of his bear form. This merely allows him to use the Brawl Ability, even if he did not otherwise possess it in human form.
Another example: a character with a crow Heartbeast has a Stealth Score of 3 in human form, but has no Stealth Score in crow form. This character has a Heartbeast Score of 4, which allows him to use Stealth while in crow form, with an effective Score of 3 (although his Heartbeast Score is higher, his human form Stealth Score is only 3).
Use of human form Abilities while in animal form is subject to some constraints. A wolf cannot use Craft: Smithing to make anything, nor could a trout pen a letter. However, with the aid of spells, such things might become possible. For example, a spell that allows the wolf to wield a smith's hammer without hands.
Some human form Abilities may always be used in animal form. For example, a character's knowledge of Area Lore may be used equally in human or animal form, unconstrained by the character's Heartbeast Score. Similarly, a character's knowledge of Magic Lore, or Hermetic Theory, or similar "knowledge" Abilities is not limited by Heartbeast Score. Some supernatural Abilities are also readily useable in either form: Second Sight, Wilderness Sense, or even Entrancement may all be used in animal form, for example. Enchanting Music might even be possible, if the animal form possesses the physical means to make music (a songbird, for example). Such Abilities are not governed by this Heartbeast saga rule. Only Abilities that have some sort of physical factor in their use would be governed by this rule. |
Free Study & Realia
Covenants makes no statement as to which Virtue might apply to study of realia collections. As realia collections are presented as an alternative to books, Book Learner is a candidate, but significatos are also presented as an alternative to books, but in a way that is clearly intended as a variation on the rules for study from vis. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, the relevant Virtue for realia study (and significatos) will be Free Study. Although the mechanics of realia study match those of text study, the conceptual basis for Free Study matches better than Book Learner does. Free Study will thus be re-stated as follows:
"You are better at figuring things out for yourself than you are at poring over books. Add +3 to rolls when studying from vis or significatos, and add +3 to Source Quality of realia collections (but not to Iteration Score)." |
Twin Instinct Virtue
This Minor Supernatural Virtue, which is established for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, may only be taken by characters who are mystically talented twins (or triplets, etc.), and must be taken by both twins (or all triplets, etc.). It provides each sibling with an innate awareness of where its twin is, and a general sense of the twin's state of health, and mood or strong feelings. By spending a Confidence Point, the twin may communicate a brief message, which is formed of thoughts rather than language per se (similar to the silent speech of spirits). |
Green-fingered Virtue
This Minor Supernatural Virtue, which is established for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, grants the character a +3 bonus to all rolls involved with caring for plants. |
Anchored to the (Land)
This Flaw, described in RoP:M (47) is poorly devised, with a conceptually problematic limitation/mitigation. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, this Flaw will be changed to a Major General Flaw and the description will be changed: "The character suffers from feelings of loneliness and depression when she cannot see or hear a particular type of environment. The character has a -3 penalty to all rolls when the character cannot see or hear the specified environment for more than a day or two. Thus, a character who is Anchored to Forest, for example, could travel for a brief time through a town or city, or through a treeless plain, but must return to the environment within a day or two, or suffer the penalty. The degree to which a given feature corresponds to the environment should be taken into account. Perhaps a grove of trees reminds the character sufficiently of their home environment, but must be returned to after a day away in order to avoid the penalty, whereas an actual forest is sufficient to sustain the character for two days away at a time."
Hermetic Sahir Flaw
HoH: Societates (p133) mandates Twilight Prone as a mandatory Major Hermetic Flaw for the Hermetic Sahir tradition within Domus Ex Miscellanea. While this is not entirely inappropriate, a better choice might be Necessary Condition: Jinn. This would match well with the magic of their non-Hermetic cousins, and is an understandable limitation that the tradition would have carried forward into Hermetic magic. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, therefore, the mandatory Major Hermetic Flaw for this tradition will be Necessary Condition: Jinn. This requires that the sahir have summoned a Jinn who has agreed to assist with casting spells. This requirement does not carry all the same restrictions as Solomonic Magic, in that any Jinn, however minor, will suffice for this purpose.
This Flaw, from HoH:TL (25), is listed as a Personality Flaw; this is really not descriptive of a character's Personality (why are they a Seeker?), but should rather be a Story Flaw (as being a Seeker will drive stories). For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, Seeker will be a Minor Story Flaw.
There is a disparity between the three Animal Handling Social Status Virtues in Lords of Men (p61); although each of the three grants a specific Social Status, and 50xp to spend on specific skills, Marshal and Master of Kennels also allow the character to freely take Martial Abilities, while Falconer does not. Although Falconers are noted as often being Educated, that would require a separate Virtue, which still seems imbalanced.
For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, the Falconer Social Status Virtue will also allow the character to freely spend points on Latin, Artes Liberales and Philosophiae (although not other Academic Abilities), although points granted by Falconer may not be spent on these Abilities (i.e. this does not modify the list of Abilities to which the 50xp granted by Falconer may be allocated).
Gruagach Magic
This Virtue represents the Hermetically-integrated aspects of Gruagach magic for Hermetic Gruagachan magi. It includes use of Gruagach Range, Duration, and Targets, as well as the benefits of Exotic Casting. This Virtue is only available to magi of a Hermetic Gruagach lineage within Domus Ex Miscellanea.