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Defigere Videre Potentiae Aurae Magicae | 1250 | |||||
InVi | 15 | Per | Conc | Vision | ||
Grants the caster the ability to see the strength of magical Aura's as a shimmering varying in intensity with the strength of the Aura. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Conc, +4 Vision
Acutus Flambonis
Exstinguo | ||||||
PeIg | 30 | Voice | Mom | Ind | ||
Extinguishes a fire of up to +15 damage in intensity, up to the size of a house. |
Base 4, +2 Voice, +2 magnitudes intensity, +2 size
Visus Vascelli Magici | 1220 | |||||
InVi | 10 | Per | Conc | Vision | ||
'Sight of the Magical Vessel' grants the caster the ability to detect the presence of vis by sight. | ||||||
Base 1, +1 Conc, +4 Vision
Vox Amici Distantis | 1224 | |||||
Cr(In)Im | 25 | Sight | Conc | Part | ||
'Voice of the Distant Friend' creates an illusory voice that speaks at the caster's direction at up to sight range, and allows the caster to hear any response that might be heard at that location. | ||||||
1236 | ||||||
MuAn | 20 | Sight | Mom | Ind | ||
'Momentarily Minuscule Mount' reduces the size of the target animal by 2. Animals of up to Size +4 may be affected in this way. When applied to a mount, only the mount itself is affected: saddles, tack, etc. are not reduced in size, resulting in a much smaller mount inside very over-sized accoutrements. Although the effect does not last more than a round, and the animal returns to its normal size on the round following, the resulting tangle of tack, saddle, and rider generally results in a dismounted rider and a mess that will require some time to untangle. | ||||||
Base 4, +3 Sight, +1 size
Visus Iugis Magiarum Actuosarum | 1238 | |||||
InVi | 45 | Per | Sun | Vision | ||
'Sustained Sight of the Active Magics' allows the caster to see spells as "auras" around things and people. The color of the aura indicates the Form of the spell working on a subject. The Technique of a spell working on the subject is recognized by the aura's shape, not color. Creo and Rego are both very orderly auras. Muto is constantly shifting, and Intellego usually is as well, but more slowly. A Perdo aura is usually in fragments. Imaginem or Vim spells may be used to disguise auras. Also note that this spell will detect the residues of some spells. | ||||||
Base 5, +2 Sun, +4 Vision, +2 Techniques and Forms
1242 | ||||||
Mu(In)Im | 10 | Per | Sun | Ind | ||
'Stealth of the Scholar' alters the image and sounds of the caster to match his environment | ||||||
Base 2, +1 moving image, +2 Sun, +1 Req
Defigere in Silentio | 1242 | |||||
Mu(In)Im | 4 | Per | Conc | Ind | ||
'Focus on Silence' alters the image and sounds of the caster to match his environment | ||||||
Base 1, +1 moving image, +1 Conc, +1 Req
Silentium Scholaris | 1242 | |||||
Mu(In)Im | 4 | Per | Diam | Ind | ||
'Silence of the Scholar' alters the image and sounds of the caster to match his environment | ||||||
Base 1, +1 moving image, +1 Diam, +1 Req
1242 | ||||||
InVi | 15 | Per | Diam | Vision | ||
'Sight of the Magical Aura's Power' grants the ability to see Magical Auras, with the relative power of the aura indicated by the intensity/brightness of the glow of the aura. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Diam, +4 Vision
1248 | ||||||
ReCo(An) | 15 | Per | Mom | Ind | ||
'Short Stride of Birna' transports the caster instantly to any location he can see within 500 paces. | ||||||
Base 20
1261 | ||||||
MuTe(Au,Im) | 30 | Sight | Mom | Part | ||
'Dark Misty Abyss' momentarily transforms earth within a radius of 15 paces of a Targeted point into a vaporous cloud, allowing any rocks, plants, etc to fall to the bottom of the affected area; the cloud thus created returns to its former state after a few seconds, leaving an area cleared of rocks and plants; the Imaginem requisite makes the affected area look like black mist, which results in an observer seeing rocks and plants (or anything else on the affected ground) seem to sink into a churning black mist, which then disappears, leaving bare ground | ||||||
Base 3, +3 Sight, +1 Part, +3 size
Intercessio Chirurgica Magi Misericordis | 1258 | |||||
ReCo | 20 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
'Surgical Intervention of the Compassionate Magus' enables the caster to surgically intervene in the event of a failed Wound Recovery roll by a patient; the caster must succeed on an Int + Finesse roll of 12+, and if successful, the patient's wound does not worsen, but there may be other consequences, as stated in A&A (62) |
Base 10, +1 Touch, +1 Part
Valetudinarium Recuperationis Salutaris | 1258 | |||||
CrCo | 25 | Touch | Moon | Room | ||
Provides a +6 Recovery bonus to all patients within the target Room at the time the spell was cast, provided the patients remain within the Room; if a patient ever leaves the Room, even momentarily, the effect ceases to function for that patient |
Base 3, +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +2 Room
1218 | ||||||
Cr(Mu)Im | 25 | Sight | Conc | Ind | ||
'Phantasmal Human Form of Auspecius' creates an image of a clothed and equipped person that can make noise. Under the caster's direct, unspoken command, the person can move about, speak, and behave as a human does. | ||||||
Base 2, +3 Sight, +1 Conc, +2 move at your command, +1 intricacy,
no cost for Muto requisite
Sentio Effigiem Intacta | 1224 | |||||
InIm | 5 | Voice | Conc | Part | ||
The caster may feel a target (or Part) within Voice range as if he were physically touching it. This allows one to perceive the texture or other qualities of a sensitive or fragile object without endangering it through physical contact. | ||||||
Base 1, +2 Voice, +1 Conc, +1 Part
Oculi Bubonis | 1225 | |||||
InIm | 25 | Per | Sun | Vision | ||
"Eyes of the Owl" allows the caster to see clearly in the darkness, even in total darkness (species are emitted independently of the presence of light, and this spell confers perception of those species to the caster). | ||||||
Base 3, +2 Sun, +4 Vision
Tollere Velamen Mirationis | 1226 | |||||
InVi | 25 | Touch | Conc | Vision | ||
'Lifting the Veil of Wonder' allows the target to see through the boundaries of Magical Regiones, and therefore divine the path to the next level. | ||||||
Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +4 Vision
Cruciamen Acerbissimum Flammae Cruciabundae | 1230 | |||||
CrIm(Co) | 20 | Eye | Diam | Ind | ||
'Excruciating Pain of the Tormenting Flames' causes the target to feel excruciating pain as the target feels, smells, sees, and hears his flesh blacken and burn from horrible bluish-white flames that corruscate over his body. The pain is so severe that the target must make Stamina stress rolls each round. If the roll is below 6, the target may do nothing but thrash in complete agony for that round. If the roll meets an Ease Factor of 6+, then the target may act with a "Wound Penalty" of -5, but still screams in agony. If the roll is 9+ the target may resist screaming loudly in agony, but still acts with a "Wound Penalty" of -3. If the target beats an Ease Factor of 12+, the target may completely resist this effect and act normally, although the illusion remains for the duration of the effect, and may still affect the target's actions and the morale of comrades. Note that the skin and flesh of the target feel normal when touched, even when touched by the affected individual. |
Base 4 (Touch, Smell, Sight, Sound), +1 complexity, +1 intricacy, +1 Eye, +1 Diameter
Aspicio Oppugnatorem Invisibilem | 1235 | |||||
InCo(Im) | 30 | Per | Sun | Vision | ||
"See the Invisible Assailant" allows the caster to see any person who is not emanating iconic (visual) species within his normal area of vision. The person seen is shown in their true (naked) state, devoid of any masking or disguise that is mundane in nature or which is lower in level than this spell. This effect must penetrate Magic Resistance. If cast with casting requisites of appropriate Form(s), clothing and/or equipment may be seen as well. For example, if cast with a Terram casting requisite, a sword in the hand of the invisible person will be seen. Without such a casting requisite, no non-Corpus object is detected by this spell. |
Base 4, +2 Sun, +4 Vision
1237 | ||||||
Re(Mu)Im | 15 | Touch | Diam | Ind | ||
'Unmoved Door for the Invisible Wizard' makes an object such as a door seem to the senses of sight and hearing as if it does not move for the duration of the effect, even if the door is opened and closed. It is designed to allow subtle movement by an invisible wizard. The tethered aspect of this spell allows it to be cast in advance of reaching the door, so that when the door is touched (to open it, for example), the spell activates. Similarly, the harnessed aspect allows the spell to be cancelled after the magus has closed the door. Note that species from the door appear as if the door is in the same position as it was when the spell was cast (not activated), and the Muto requisite ensures that species from either side of the door do not ruin the illusion. |
Base 3, +1 changing image, +1 Touch, +1 Diam, +1 Muto requisite
Vestis Ignea | 1241 | |||||
MuTe(He,Ig,An) | 25 | Voice | Diam | Ind | ||
Changes the fur/hair/garments/armor of the target into fire for the duration of the effect. The results are similar to Coat of Flame at Diameter duration, inflicting +5 damage each round; unless the "fire" ignites something flammable nearby, the fire will go out after the duration (leaving the shredded remains of whatever materials were turned into fire) | ||||||
Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Diam
Aura Mentium | 1243 | |||||
InMe | 30 | Per | Sun | Vision | ||
The caster can view the mental states of minds around him as auras. The color of the aura indicates the dominent mental state, while fluctuations or other aspects of the aura can indicate abberant mental states such as possession. | ||||||
Base 4, +2 Sun, +4 Vision
Inveniens Forma Occulta | 1251 | |||||
ReTe | 10 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
Finding Hidden Beauty enables the caster to sculpt stone or lesser Terram materials into any desired (natural) shape, subject to a Finesse roll for the resulting quality. Up to 10 cubic paces of stone, or 100 cubic paces of lesser matter, may be sculpted with each casting. | ||||||
Base 4, +Touch, +1 Part
Formo Thronum Ligneum | 1222 | |||||
ReHe | 5 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
'Shape the Wooden Throne' shapes wood according to the caster's intent, enabling the caster to sculpt wood instantly, with the quality dependent on a Finesse or Craft: Woodworking roll | ||||||
Base 3, +1 Touch, +1 Part
1220 | ||||||
CrIm | 5 | Touch | Perf | Ind | ||
'Dancing Images of the Musician's Dream' creates a single, shifting moody image that dances around the caster | ||||||
Base 1, +1 Touch, +1 Perf, +2 changes at caster's control
1222 | ||||||
ReAq | 15 | Voice | Sun | Group | ||
'Concentius Gathers the Falling Rain' gathers rainfall within voice range of the caster, gently toward the center of his location, and into a specified container. | ||||||
Lux Lunis | 1237 | |||||
ReIg | 25 | Sight | Conc | Group | ||
Gathers all light within sight, as per Light Shaft of the Night, into a single vertical shaft of soft silvery light. | ||||||
1238 | ||||||
Re(In)Im | 20 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
'Companion's Sidestep' functions as Wizard's Sidestep, but with an Intellego Requisite to allow the recipient to see through the illusion. | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 moving image, +1 changing image, +1 Intellego requisite
1240 | ||||||
MuAn | 25 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
The result of a Twilight experience, 'Concentius's Conspicuously Capable Courser' makes the target horse larger, stronger, and faster than normal, as well as giving it a purple coat with golden mane, tail, and fetlocks. May require a larger saddle or bridle, or longer straps on each. | ||||||
1242 | ||||||
Mu(Cr)Im | 25 | Voice | Perf | Ind | ||
'Muscian's Tantalizing Vision' creates a vidual and audible illusion to accompany a musical performance. Due to an experimental side effect, the spell also makes the sounds in the room clearer and more sonorous, as in Notes of a Delightful Sound. | ||||||
Base 2, +2 Voice, +1 Performance, +1 changing image, +1 intricacy, +1 control, +1 size
Visitator Incognitus | 1244 | |||||
MuIm | 20 | Touch | Moon | Ind | ||
'The Unknown Visitor' makes the target look, sound, feel, and smell different, though at least passably human. | ||||||
Base 4, +1 Touch, +3 Moon
1246 | ||||||
Mu(Re)Ig(Im) | 25 | Voice | Perf | Ind | ||
'Flickering Image of the Dancing Flames' transforms a fire into an image that dances to the tune that the caster is performing. The sigil of Concentius Jerbitonis causes the image to sing in harmony with him, one octave higher than his voice. |
Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 Performance
Colligo Vis Terrae | 1196 | |||||
ReVi | 25 | Voice | Mom | Ind | ||
Gathers and transfers raw vis from its current form into a capable vessel. This spell is specialized for gathering Terram vis from fragile rare earth nodules that form in the sandbars of the Dyje river near Porta Germania, and was invented by Danalia Tytali for that purpose. This is the reason for the magnitude of intricacy. It will serve to transfer other vis, however. | ||||||
Base 10, +2 Voice, +1 intricacy
Calare Custodem Terrae | 1221 | |||||
CrTe (Mu, Re, Ig, Aq, Au) |
50 | Sight | Sun | Part | ||
Summons a huge (Size +2) bear-shaped elemental construct formed of liquid magma out of the earth, hardens its outer surface into a series of iron plates, with claws and teeth of razor-sharp steel, and which exudes a steaming noxious breath from its nostrils and mouth. The beast fights with a Soak of +20 and the following characteristics: Init: Per + Finesse -1 Atk: Per + Finesse +7 Dfn: Per + Finesse +5 Dam: +15 The Guardian does not suffer Fatigue losses. The caster must concentrate to control the Guardian, although once instructed to do so, it will follow the caster or move in a given direction without further concentration. Fighting requires concentration for the Guardian to attack or defend itself. All those within five paces of the Guardian must make Stamina stress rolls of 6+ or lose a Fatigue level due to the Guardian's noxious breath. Additionally, grappling the Guardian causes +5 damage each round due to the heat exuded by the Guardian's magma core. The Guardian can set alight flammable objects by biting them. |
Base 4, +3 Sight, +2 Sun, +1 Part, +2 metal, +1 size, +1 Creo effect (breath). Rego effect giving control is part of the base spell, no added magnitudes.
Atramentum Magorum | 1230 | |||||
CrAq (He,Te) | 20 | Touch | Mom | Group | ||
This ritual creates quality iron-gall ink; the ink produced by this spell fills up to 10 gallon-sized jars, but will not exceed the capacity of the vessels touched, no matter how few or small they are | ||||||
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +3 for creating iron, a base metal, as part of the ink
Malleus Thonaris | - | |||||
CrAu | 25 | Sight | Mom | Ind | ||
Thor's Hammer creates a bolt of lightning that strikes the target from the sky for +30 damage; this spell must be cast outdoors, although no storm is required, as it is slightly unnatural. | ||||||
Base 5, +1 slightly unnatural, +3 Sight
Compago Perfecta | 1231 | |||||
ReHe | 15 | Voice | Mom | Group | ||
"Flawless Join" causes a group of wooden planks, dowels, pins, etc. to assemble in the manner directed by the caster, with intricate built-in joins that require no nails but are stronger than typical nail construction. Requires a Finesse roll of 12+ by the caster. |
Base 3, +2 Voice, +2 Group
Faber Invisibilis | 1231 | |||||
ReHe | 30 | Voice | Mom | Group | ||
'Invisible Carpenter' turns an entire tree into suitable planks, dowels, pins, boards, etc. as the caster directs, and places them into the correct positions for the structure that is being built, as if a carpenter had sawn, adzed, smoothed, and positioned them himself. The materials are not joined by the spell, except insofar as the position of the dowels and pins themselves, but if the spell The Flawless Join is cast immediately following this spell, then all of the affected parts will be completely joined as envisioned by the caster. A Finesse roll of 9+ is required by the caster. |
Base 5, +2 Voice, +2 Group, +1 size
Conjuro Largifica Folia Papyracea | 1241 | |||||
CrHe | 20 | Ritual | Touch | Mom | Group | |
'Conjure the Bountiful Paper Folio' creates a number of stitched gatherings of high quality linen paper, of a size and number of pages specified by the caster at the time of the Ritual. Typically, about one hundred gatherings of a size appropriate for a large bound tome are created, sufficient for five or ten volumes. |
Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +1 size, +1 intricacy
Conjuro Vestimenta Byssorum | 1243 | |||||
CrHe | 20 | Ritual | Touch | Mom | Group | |
'Conjure the Wardrobe of Fine Cloth' creates clothing made of plant products, such as cotton and/or linen. The spell can create a groups of separate items to form complete sets, or a group of similar items (such as a collection of robes). Buttons, buckles and similar items may be formed of wood, or with appropriate casting requisites (An/Te) of other materials. Leather belts, shoes and similar items are also possible with casting requisites. A Finesse roll determines the quality of the conjured items. |
Base 1, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +2 finished product, +1 intricacy, +1 size (increased number of garments or larger garments)
Conjuro Gregem Ibium | 1266 | |||||
CrAn | 25 | Touch | Mom | Group | ||
'I Conjure a flock of Ibises' conjures a flock of Ibises, which appear crowded tightly around the caster, but thereupon may disperse according to the nature of the birds | ||||||
Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Group
Lamina Prompta pro Lapide | 1252 | |||||
PeTe | 20 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
The Blade for Stone destroys stone (or earth, sand, clay, etc) in a very narrow band, about half an inch in width, and up to 6500 square feet in area (for example, twenty feet high and 325 feet deep). | ||||||
Base 4 +1 Touch, +1 Part, +1 size, +1 complexity
Ballista Invisibilis Placidae | 1266 | |||||
ReTe | 45 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
"Placida's Invisible Ballista" throws an object of metal, stone, glass or ceramic as a projectile, doing up to +30 damage; a Finesse Targeting roll is required to hit the intended target, with a Range increment of 20 paces, but this spell is not resisted by Magic Resistance |
Base 30, +1 metal, +1 Touch, +1 size
Praecisus Bonisagi
Armo Turbam Cataphractum | ||||||
CrTe (An) | 35 | Touch | Mom | Group | ||
This spell creates up to 10 complete suits of armor (hauberk, helmets, greaves, gauntlets, and other components). The player must make an Int + Finesse roll 12+ to create a passable set of armor that fits the intended wearer. The higher the roll, the more aesthetically appealing and higher quality the armor will be and the more perfectly it will fit the wearers. The general quality of the armor may be found by referencing the chart on page 61 of Houses of Hermes: Societates. The caster must have a model of the armor and any materials that the caster wants to substitute for the model, e.g. bronze buckles, silver inlay, lacquered plates, or the like. The armor is made of whatever material the caster supplies. The caster must touch the intended wearers of the armor during the casting of the spell. | ||||||
Base 5, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +2 Complexity, +1 Finesse bonus
Aversum Contra Corpus | ||||||
ReCo | 25 | Per | Sun | Ind | ||
'Ward Against Corpus' protects the caster from all Corpus-based attacks; as a side-effect of experimentation, the caster may not touch any Corpus-based creatures for the duration of the spell
Base 15, +2 Sun
Benedicere Vocalis Beati Puerilis | ||||||
PeMe | 20 | Per | Sun | Ind | ||
As Blessing of Childlike Bliss, with Voice Range
Base 10, +2 Voice, +2 Sun
Circulus Domum | ||||||
ReCo (An, Aq, Au, He, Ig, Te) | 40 | Touch | Mom | Circle | ||
As per Leap of Homecoming, but transports anything inside the target Circle
Base 35, +1 Touch
Conjuro Gurgustium Sagae | ||||||
CrTe (An,He) | 35 | Touch | Moon | Group | ||
'Conjure the Witch's Hovel' creates a sturdy wattle and daub cottage with a thatched roof of about 150 square feet. The cottage contains a hearth, furniture, firewood, and bedding. The cottage sleeps four comfortably, by medieval standards. This spell also has the effects of Chamber of Spring Breezes and Notes of a Delightful Sound in the hovel as experimental side effects.. |
Base 3 +1 Touch, +3 Moon, +2 Group, +1 size, +1 elaborate design
Cudere Denarios | ||||||
ReTe | 15 | Touch | Mom | Part | ||
'Minting Coins' turns one pound of rough metal into coins. The caster must make a Finesse roll of 6 to make the coins look like those of a specific realm. If the caster holds an authentic coin from that realm, the Finesse roll is somewhat easier.
Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Part
Donum Gradus Gigantis | ||||||
ReCo | 25 | Touch | Conc | Ind | ||
'Gift of the Giant's Stride' allows the recipient to make great strides, traveling approximately three paces with each step. A person traveling on medieval roads, while under the spell, should expect to walk about 60 miles a day. When sprinting, the character can run faster than a horse at full gallop (approximately thirty miles per hour); however, because of the distance traveled with each step, the Storyguide may require Dexterity + Finesse rolls to avoid unintentionally colliding with objects (even slight changes in the ground could potentially cause a mishap). The faster the character is attempting to move, the more damage such a collision might cause. | ||||||
Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Conc
Ex Lana Vulgari in Loricam Militis | ||||||
MuAn (Te) | 25 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
'From Common Wool to Knight's Hauberk' changes an item made of animal material - silk, wool, or leather - turning the base material into metal. A simple cloth doublet becomes the equivalent of unearthly fine mail with no load and a +6 Soak bonus. Armor made of quilted material or any kind of leather improves its Protection by an additional +6. Unlike the Doublet of Impenetrable Silk, the magic of this spell may make the armor better at absorbing shock, depending on the nature of the base material. |
Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Sun
Globus Flammae Tonitrualis | ||||||
CrIg | 35 | Voice | Mom | Ind | ||
'Ball of Thundrous Flame' creates a ball of intense flame that flies to the target, inflicting +30 damage and creating a deafening thunderclap when it strikes (Stamina roll 9+ or be deafened; roll Stamina 9+ each minute to recover hearing). | ||||||
Base 25, +2 Voice (experimental effect)
Incaendere Accendii Umidi | ||||||
CrIg | 25 | Sight | Mom | Ind | ||
'Ignition of the Damp Kindling' causes an object that is barely flammable, such as a human body, to ignite. The object continues burning until it exhausts its fuel or is extinguished. If a person is ignited, the spell does +12 damage per round until the person is extinguished. |
Base 10 (ignite something barely flammable), +3 Sight
Incisus Quod Lacrimat | ||||||
PeCo | 20 | Voice | Mom | Ind | ||
'The Cut that Cries': the caster points at the victim and a large (Medium) wound opens on his or her body. | ||||||
Base 10, +2 Voice
Pilum Flammae Tonitrualis | ||||||
CrIg | 20 | Voice | Mom | Ind | ||
'Javelin of Thundrous Flame' creates a bolt of fire that flies from the caster's hand to the target, inflicting +15 damage to the target and creating a deafening thunderclap (Stamina roll 9+ or be deafened; roll Stamina 9+ each minute to recover hearing). | ||||||
Base 25, +2 Voice (experimental effect)
Pugio Flammae | ||||||
CrIg | 20 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
Creates a dagger of intense flame that does +20 damage to the target touched | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch (experimental result)
Salarium Argenteus | ||||||
CrTe | 20 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
This Ritual creates a roughly spherical lump of silver about six inches across (approximately 44 pounds of silver) | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch
Somnus Endymionis | ||||||
ReMe | 25 | Sight | Sun | Ind | ||
'Sleep of Endymion' causes an individual to fall asleep until the spell expires; for the duration, the target may not be awakened by normal means. | ||||||
Base 4, +3 Sight, +2 Sun
Spiculum Flammae Tonitrualis | ||||||
CrIg | 30 | Sight | Mom | Ind | ||
Creates an intense bolt of fire at Sight range, inflicting +20 damage on the target. This spell was developed by experimentation, and has a minor flaw/side effect, illuminating the caster in a brilliant nimbus in a flash of light; the color of the light varies according to the distance to the target, from a deep red if the target is very near, to a deep blue if the target is barely within sight. |
Base 15, +3 Sight, additional effects from experimentation
Volatus Magici | ||||||
ReCo | 25 | Per | Sun | Ind | ||
Allows the caster to fly as fast as the wind. The caster may also move slowly or hover in place. The caster may travel long distances (several hundred miles) in a day, avoiding poor roads and terrain obstacles, but the caster does need to land occasionally to get bearings. With practice, a caster may learn to navigate while flying, but this requires familiarity with flying a given route. To perform maneuvers or precision flying, the player must make a Dexterity + Finesse roll against a target set by the Storyguide. This spell will affect up to a size +4 individual due to experimentation. | ||||||
Base 15, +2 Sun
Rainer Jerbitonis
Adparitura Fidelis Perductoris Diei | ||||||
ReMe | 25 | Eye | Sun | Ind | ||
'Loyal Service of the Day's Guide' imbues all of the target's actions with a strong sense of loyalty towards the caster |
Base 10, +1 Eye, +2 Sun
Rufina Bonisagi
Conjuratio Aedificii Mystici | ||||||
CrTe | 40 | Touch | Mom | Ind | ||
A magnificent edifice, formed from a single block of stone, rises out of the ground. The structure will manifest as desired by the caster, subject to his skill with Finesse and the limits of the ritual. The intended form of the ritual is a tower standing 120 feet high and 45 feet wide, with a foundation set 40 feet into the ground. Castings that deviate from the intended form are possible, but demand greater Finesse on the part of the caster. The caster determines the design based on a physical model of the desired structure, which is required to aid in visualization of the result. |
Base 3, +1 Touch, +5 size, +3 elaborate design
Scrutinium Scitum Nigromanticum Securiae | ||||||
InMe | 30 | Touch | Ring | Circle | ||
'Securia's Clever Necromantic Inquiry' enables the caster to discern the surface thoughts of any spirits with a mind within the target circle, as well as allowing those same minds to understand surface thoughts of the caster: these thoughts are available to all spirits with minds within the target circle, and might be discerned by someone with Second Sight within the target circle, in the same manner that the silent speech of spirits is detectable. |
Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Ring
Scrutinium Nigromanticum Interim Securiae | ||||||
InMe | 25 | Touch | Ring | Circle | ||
'Securia's Interim Necromantic Inquiry' enables the caster to discern all emotions of any spirits of Mentem within the target circle; an experimental side effect causes those in the area of effect to feel more relaxed and soothed than they otherwise would, which tends to alter the results of the spell. |
Base 10, +1 Touch, +2 Ring
Nimbus | 1252 | |||||
CrIg | 20 | Voice | Diam | Ind | ||
Creates a nimbus around the head of the target, potentially blinding him (Natural Resistance roll Sta 9+). | ||||||
Base 5, +2 Voice, +1 Diameter
Gjöf Jarðar | 1254 | |||||
CrHe | 20 | Ritual | Touch | Mom | Group | |
'Gifts of Jörð' creates processed plant products, such as threshed grain, dried herbs, washed fruit and vegetables, etc., filling available containers (barrels, baskets, sacks, etc) or piled in heaps if sufficient containers are not present. The caster must touch each container to be filled during the casting of the ritual. Each casting may produce a variety of products, according to the desire of the caster, filling up to 1,000 large containers (of one cubic pace capacity), or some number of larger or smaller containers, the total equal to no more than 1,000 cubic paces of products. |
Base 2, +1 Touch, +2 Group, +2 size, +1 complexity
Infans Sanus | 1254 | |||||
CrCo | 25 | Touch | Moon | ?Huh? | ||
Healthy Babe provides an unborn child a +12 bonus to Recovery rolls for the duration; this spell is not powerful enough to cause Warping, but sustained use for six months or more will cause Warping to the child from the sustained effect. This spell does not seem workable within the bounds of Hermetic theory. |
Base 5, +1 Touch, +3 Moon
Matris Sensum Praeseminationis | 1249 | |||||
InCo | 10 | Per | Mom | ?Huh? | ||
Mother's Sense of the Fetus allows the caster to learn all useful information about an unborn child in the caster's womb; details of sex, appearance, health, etc. are available in detail. This spell will not function for a man, nor does it seem workable within the bounds of Hermetic theory. |
Base 10
Nativitas Maturus Magae Impatientis | 1257 | |||||
CrCo | 40 | Per | Sun | ?Huh? | ||
This spell hastens the growth of an unborn child in the caster's womb, causing it to come to term and deliver over the course of the spell, if cast immediately following a Sun event; the effect will inflict one Warping Point on the child. |
Base 30, +2 Sun
Uterus Elasticus Matris Impatientis | 1249 | |||||
MuCo | 15 | Touch | Sun | Part | ||
'Elastic Womb of the Impatient Mother' allows the target's womb and birth canal to expand unnaturally for the duration. This is intended to be used in concert with Quickened Birth for the Impatient Mother, but may be used to ease natural childbirth as well. |
Base 3, +1 Touch, +2 Sun, +1 Part
Mandare Spiritum Aeris | 1239 | |||||
ReVi(Au) | 25 | Sight | Diam | Ind | ||
This spell commands a Spirit of the Air of any Realm to do the caster's bidding. The caster must penetrate the spirit's magic resistance, so lower-might spirits are easier to control than more powerful ones. This spell does not summon a spirit, but if a spirit of the air is within Sight range, this spell can compel it's service |
Base 5, +3 Sight, +1 Diam
Discerno Spiritus Magnos Aeris | 1240 | |||||
InVi | 5 | Sight | Mom | Ind | ||
Discerns if the target is a magical spirit of the air of eighth magnitude or greater, if this spell penetrates the spirit's magic resistance. | ||||||
Base 2, +3 Sight
Discerno Spiritus Potentes Aeris | 1240 | |||||
InVi | 15 | Sight | Mom | Ind | ||
Discerns if the target is a magical spirit of the air of fourth magnitude or greater, if this spell penetrates the spirit's magic resistance. | ||||||
Base 4, +3 Sight
Tunica pro Bjornaer | - | |||||
CrAn | 30 | Touch | Sun | Ind | ||
'Tunic for the Bjornaer' creates a tunic of wool, silk, or leather, with any ornamentation or design the caster desires; the tunic must be of a single piece, but may be short or long, light or heavy, according to the intent of the caster | ||||||
Base 15, +1 Touch, +2 Sun
Ululatus Glandis Praecipitis | - | |||||
InTe | 20 | Per | Sun | Hear | ||
'Howl of the Hurtling Bullet' lets the caster know where anything made of stone or metal will be in the immediate future by a howl that sounds in the air in advance of the object‘s arrival; an object that is controlled may change course, so this cantionem is sometimes wrong The caster gets a +9 bonus on Defense rolls against stone or metal weapons (provided he has the freedom to dodge), and can automatically dodge stone or metal missiles hurled from more than ten paces away The howl is only audible to the caster, and it cannot be simulated by people making noises This cantionem is preferred by magi Tremeris to the more limited Shriek of the Impending Shafts Note that, just as with that other cantionem, the howl does not sound until the motion of the relevant object has begun; this effect cannot predict future actions, only project the path of current actions within the hearing of the caster |
Base 3, +2 Sun, +3 Hearing