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Ekstasis (ecstasy) is the word used to describe entering a trance to allow one's spirit to travel separately from the body. There are some similiarities with the tradition of Nightwalkers described in HMRE, but there are enough differences to warrant describing it independently for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga. Ekstasis requires a Major Supernatural Virtue: Ekstasis (Major, Supernatural): the character can enter an Ekstatic trance, and may form an ekstatikon and manifest a phantastikon. Ekstatikoi While in an Ekstatic trance, the character's physical body becomes insensible, as if in a deep sleep. The character's spirit separates from the body, assuming an independent form called an ekstatikon (pl ekstatikoi). The ekstatikon is similar to a ghost, and may be affected by the Mentem Form, as well as by Vim spells that are specifically designed to affect ekstatikoi. However, an ekstatikon does not have a Might Score, and may not be damaged by spells designed to reduce Might, nor warded against by spells that exclude beings with Might. An ekstatikon exists in an alternate state of being, with different Characteristic Scores than the physical body. Some Characteristics (Intelligence, Perception, Presence, and Communication) remain unchanged, while others receive altered Scores:
The altered scores are used in the normal fashion for appropriate Abilities by the ekstatikon. For example, an ekstatikon might use Quickness (Perception) + Athletics while running. As an ekstatikon, a character may see spirit entities and other ekstatikoi, and may communicate with them using the silent speech of spirits. Second Sight is not required for this, as the ekstatikon is a spiritual entity. Although the Second Sight Ability is not necessary for an Ekstatic character, some do possess it, and may use the higher of Second Sight or Awareness for appropriate rolls as an ekstatikon. To those who can sense it, an ekstatikon appears generally as the character's physical body appears, but ghostly, with some alteration due to significant differences in Characteristics. For example, the ekstatikon of a character may appear more robust if Strength or Stamina are greater for the ekstatikon. However, an ekstatikon will be generally recognizable as the character to those who know the character, assuming they can sense the ekstatikon. Physical aspects that are part of a character's essential nature, such as those deriving from a Virtue or Flaw, must also apply to the ekstatikon. For example, a character with the Missing Hand Flaw will have an ekstatikon that is missing a hand, and a character with the Large Virtue will have a large ekstatikon. Physical aspects that are incidental, however, might not be reflected in the ekstatikon. Perhaps the character has a scar from an injury, but not one that is "essential" to the character. In that case, the scar might or might not appear on the ekstatikon. An Ekstatic character may alter the appearance of his ekstatikon somewhat if desired. He may not change aspects of his essential nature, such as Virtues and Flaws, as mentioned above, nor may he imitate the appearance of another person. However, he may alter the clothing and accoutrements of the ekstatikon with a Presence + Concentration roll 9+. He may alter the facial features or other non-essential distinguishing marks with a Presence + Concentration roll 12+. For example, if the character has a big nose, perhaps he wishes to make his ekstatikon's nose less prominent. Or perhaps a character has always thought her hands were too large and ungainly, and wants her ekstatikon to manifest smaller, more feminine hands. The ekstatikon is disturbing to others, as if the character possessed the Magical Air Flaw. Even if others cannot directly sense the ekstatikon, they may feel disturbed or uneasy when in the presence of an ekstatikon. Animals that are especially sensitive to spirits are also especially sensitive to ekstatikoi, and usually react accordingly. Brave or fierce animals will confront what they sense, even if they are not quite sure where it is, exactly. Timid animals will flee the area. However, a character with a Gentle Gift or Gentle Air will not disturb others in this way, and a character with Inoffensive to Animals will not disturb animals. As a spiritual entity, the ekstatikon is not limited by physical constraints. An ekstatikon may fly through the air, for example, in the absence of any spiritual obstacle to such flight. An ekstatikon can fly about as fast as a bird can fly. Similarly, an ekstatikon can pass through material walls, although the ekstatikon provides no inherent ability to see through material barriers. Note that a wall with a spiritual element may prevent the passage of an ekstatikon, just as a material wall could prevent passage by a physical being. The earth itself seems to have this sort of spiritual element, just enough that an ekstatikon may not pass through natural earth and rock. It is possible for an ekstatikon to "dig" in spiritual earth, but the earth is just as solid and "real" for an ekstatikon as it would be for a physical character. An ekstatikon is immaterial, and may not interact directly with material things. However, an Ekstatic character may manifest a material phantastikon (see below) that is capable of interacting with material things. Ekstatikoi may interact with other spiritual entities, much as if both were material. That is, an ekstatikon may have a brawl with a ghost, or may pick up an immaterial object. An ekstatikon may also travel as spirits do, quickly traveling from one location to another. More familiar locations may be more readily reached than unfamiliar locations. A Stamina (Intelligence) + Athletics roll may apply.
Each unsuccessful attempt to reach a location results in a Long-term Fatigue level applied to the character's physical body, which must be resolved before waking (see below). An ekstatikon may be blocked from entering an Aegis in this manner, in much the same way that an Aegis can prevent someone from leaping into the protected area. Unlike many Supernatural Virtues, there is no Ekstasis Ability or Art. Ekstasis represents an alternate state of being, rather than a specific Ability or Art. Many Abilities either support Ekstasis, or may be used by an ekstatikon. A waking character requires at least one round and a Stamina + Concentration (meditation or ekstasis) roll 9+ to enter an Ekstatic trance. Fatigue, alcohol, or certain herbs or drugs may aid such rolls, although they may also lengthen the process. A sleeping character may form an ekstatikon without requiring a roll (and most discover their Ekstatic nature while sleeping, the Ekstatic trance seeming to be a dream). Fatigue of the physical body is not applicable to the ekstatikon. Ekstatikoi neither lose Fatigue, nor may expend it, and are unaffected by Fatigue penalties that might apply to the physical body. However, lengthy Ekstatic trances can cause Fatigue to the Ekstatic character's physical body:
Fatigue gained from Ekstasis applies to the physical body at the appropriate time. For example, after spending more than half a night in an Ekstatic trance, the character gains one Long-term Fatigue level, which immediately applies to the character's physical body, but does not affect the ekstatikon. After spending more than a full night in a trance, the character would gain the second Long-term Fatigue level, and so on. Ekstasis requires rest to remove all Long-term Fatigue levels before the Ekstatic can awaken naturally. Ekstasis for short periods does not require additional sleep, but Ekstasis for a full night or more will delay normal waking until all Long-term Fatigue levels from Ekstasis have been restored. Penalties from Fatigue do hinder attempts to wake the character. Ekstasis for two weeks or more will also begin inflicting atrophy upon the physical body, reflected by an Aging roll for every week spent away from the body after the first week (even if the character is not old enough to begin aging otherwise). Aging points must apply to physical characteristics; if a Mental characteristic is mandated by the Aging result, convert the Mental characteristic into the corresponding physical characteristic per the chart above. Wounds on the physical body are applicable to the ekstatikon, and typically manifest on the ekstatikon. Similarly, wounds taken by the ekstatikon also appear on the physical body of the character. Ekstatic characters do not generally appear naked. Most ekstatikoi manifest clothing appropriate to the physical character. This occurs without a conscious decision on the part of the character, and the "clothing" is part of the ekstatikon. Ekstatic characters may alter the appearance of their clothing with a Presence + Concentration roll 9+, as described above. It is possible for an ekstatikon to have other, spiritual objects as well. Such objects generally possess a spiritual duality; they have both a physical and a spiritual existence. Objects with this sort of duality may develop by virtue of their relationship to a ghost, for example. Some unusual varieties of vis may also have a dual nature, and an item fashioned with care from the physical form of such vis would retain the duality. Ekstatic objects may also be created by an Ekstatic character. The object must be special to the character in some way, similar to the way in which some ghosts manifest objects that were special to them in life: for example, an heirloom, or a wedding ring. This sort of object may be given a version of spiritual duality by an Ekstatic character. To do so, the character must meditate over the object for at least an hour each day, repeatedly over several weeks. An object prepared in this manner becomes an Arcane Connection of indefinite duration to the Ekstatic character. Once an Ekstatic object has been obtained or prepared, when the character enters an Ekstatic trance with the object on her body, the object becomes part of her ekstatikon. She may utilize the object as appropriate, both as part of her ekstatikon, and in manifest form as part of her phantastikon. An Ekstatic character may prepare more than one such object, but each object prepared in this fashion must have a special connection to the character. Some Ekstatic characters may have a Minor Flaw: Essential Ekstatikon, that prevents them from preparing objects in this way. Such characters would be limited to using objects with an inherent dualistic nature. Other characters, who have a Minor Virtue: Encompassing Ekstatikon, are more adept at preparing Ekstatic objects. An ekstatikon is immaterial, as noted above, and may only interact with spiritual things. However, an Ekstatic character may manifest a material form of the ekstatikon, known as a phantastikon. A phantastikon is visible, audible, and tangible, and can interact with material things in most ways, but it retains some of the same limitations as an ekstatikon (inability to expend Fatigue, for example). However, because a phantastikon is material, it is constrained by its material form. A human phantastikon may not fly, for example, nor is a phantastikon able to travel rapidly to a location in the manner of an ekstatikon. An Ekstatic character may manifest a phantastikon in one of two forms. One form is human, appearing as a non-ghostly version of the ekstatikon, including any conscious modifications made by the character. Unless the character has modifed the appearance of the ekstatikon, the phantastikon manifested is also recognizable as the character to those who know her. A phantastikon is typically disturbing to others, just as an ekstatikon is, in the absence of mitigating Virtues. To manifest a phantastikon requires one round, during which the character may take no other actions. To abandon a phantastikon is a Free Action, with the constraint that a character may not abandon a phantastikon in the same round in which it was formed. To change from one phantastikon form to another is the same as manifesting a phantastikon, requiring one round. Ekstatic objects that are part of the ekstatikon also manifest as part of the human phantastikon, and may be used appropriately. An Ekstatic knife can cut material objects when manifested as part of a phantastikon, for example, and an Ekstatic rope could bind a material thing. However, Ekstatic objects are part of the phantastikon while manifested, and may not be separated from the phantastikon. An Ekstatic knife may not be given to someone else to use, and an Ekstatic rope that binds an opponent also ties the phantastikon to that opponent, in a sense. However, a phantastikon may pick up and use ordinary physical objects. Such objects may only be held and used while the phantastikon is manifest: if the Ekstatic character abandons the phantastikon, reverting to the ekstatikon, physical objects that were held by the phantastikon drop to the ground. The only exception to this constraint is if the physical object picked up by the phantastikon has a spiritual duality of its own. In that event, the object may continue to be held and used by an ekstatikon. The dual nature of such an object could constrain an ekstatikon in some ways. For example, an ekstatikon holding a dual object could not pass immaterially through a physical wall, because the dual object has a physical element that cannot pass through a physical wall. The second phantastikon form is either an animal or elemental form. Each Ekstatic character may have one such form, which does not change. Animal forms are generally "noble" beasts, just as for a Heartbeast, and the same restrictions apply. Vermin and wyrms are generally inappropriate, although some large vermin such as rats or moles may be acceptible with Troupe approval. Characters who assume an animal phantastikon may have Characteristics further modified based upon the animal form, per the rules for shapeshifting Characteristics (HoH:MC). An animal phantastikon will have Traits and Abiiities appropriate to the animal form. Just as with the ekstatikon and the human phantastikon, an animal phantastikon will reflect the essential nature of the Ekstatic character. A male character will manifest a male animal phantastikon, and a character with the Lame Flaw will manifest a lame animal phantastikon. An elemental form must be a natural manifestation of an element or combination of elements, unaltered by the craft of man. Thus, rock is permitted, but metal is not. A naturally occuring liquid would be permissable, but wine would not be. Elemental forms are much like the forms of magical elementals, although the phantastikon has no Might Score. Elemental forms have capabilities appropriate to the nature of the form. A phantastikon of air, for example, can blow like a wind or settle like a fog. A phantastikon of water could flow like a current through a body of water. Some phantastikoi are hybrids, combining elemental matter with an animal form. In such cases, the hybrid phantastikon will possess some traits appropriate to its animal form, and some traits appropriate to its elemental form. An hybrid combining elemental matter with a human form is also possible. The essential nature of the character should be reflected in an elemental phantastikon, just as for an animal phantastikon. This may be less evident in many cases, however. A character with the Lame Flaw should be impeded in movement in some manner appropriate to the element concerned, and a character with a Missing Eye should have an appropriate penalty to Perception, even if the elemental form does not have eyes. Some Ekstatic characters may have a Minor Flaw: Limited Phantastikon, that prevents them from manifesting one form of phantastikon. For example, such a character might be unable to manifest an animal or elemental phantastikon. In this case, the character could only manifest a human phantastikon. Another character might be prevented from manifesting a human phantastikon, and in this case could only manifest the animal or elemental phantastikon appropriate to that character. Ekstasis and Other Magic Ekstasis may be combined with other magical talents. Indeed, Ekstasis forms the core of shamanic magical traditions. There are some limitations as to the sorts of magic that may be performed while in an Ekstatic trance, however. Because Fatigue is not applicable to an ekstatikon, magic that requires the expenditure of Fatigue may not be performed while in an Ekstatic trance. This applies to Hermetic spontaneous magic as well as other Hedge magical Abilities or Arts. An Ekstatic character may use magic normally outside of an Ekstatic trance. Related Virtues and Flaws Several related Virtues and Flaws are available to characters with the Ekstasis Virtue. Effortless Ekstasis (Minor Supernatural Virtue); the character is able to readily enter an Ekstatic trance; subtract three from the difficulty for entering a trance. Encompassing Ekstatikon (Minor Supernatural Virtue): the character is especially talented at preparing objects to grant them a dual spiritual nature; the character requires only about a week of preparation, and the object need only have been a personal possession of the character for at least a year Enduring Ekstatikon (Minor Supernatural Virtue): the character accumulates less Fatigue from time spent in an Ekstatic trance:
Mutable Ekstatikon (Minor Supernatural Virtue): the character is especially adept at altering the Ekstatikon; subtract three from the difficulty of modifying the appearance of the Ekstatikon Nimble Ekstatikon (Minor Supernatural Virtue); the character is especially adept at traveling as an ekstatikon; subtract three from the difficulty of reaching a location. Essential Ekstatikon (Minor Supernatural Flaw): the character may not prepare objects to grant them a dual spiritual nature. Limited Phantastikon (Minor Supernatural Flaw): the character may not manifest one of the two forms of phantastikon, human or animal/elemental. No Phantastikon (Major Supernatural Flaw): the character may not manifest a phantastikon in any form. Somnolent Ekstasis (Minor Supernatural Flaw): the character may only manifest an ekstatikon while sleeping; this also excludes other states of consciousness such as might be caused by Fatigue loss, alchohol, or drugs; only normal, everyday sleep allows the character to manifest an ekstatikon.
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