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Şaman (shaman) magic is a hedge tradition that deals with spirits through spirit quests and pacts. Şaman magic also includes a form of divination using dream interpretation, and minor abilities with Animal Ken and Dowsing. Şamanlar use their abilities to aid their clan, acting as healers, oracles, and intermediaries with the spirit world. To be a şaman is to fill a role in the life of the clan. Among the peoples of the steppe, Şaman magic is the most common tradition, but some şamanlar belong to different traditions: some may have talents similar to folk witches or faerie wizards, or may be Goetists. Conversely, if a person practices şaman magic, but does not fill that role in a clan, she may not be called a şaman. Those who live apart from the daily life of a clan are often called bögüler (sorcerers, sg. bögü), regardles of the specific tradition of magic. Most şamanlar are not Gifted, and those who are Gifted typically possess the Gentle Gift or are Inoffensive to Magical Beings. Few şamanlar would spend the time and effort to train a çırag (apprentice) whose Gift was offensive to spirits. More frequently, şamanlar are Mythic Companion or Companion-type characters, who must assign Virtues to various şaman talents. Companion şamanlar typically have the Wise One Social Status Virtue, to signify their role in the clan. Other Social Statuses are possible, but would change the social role of the şaman. Companion şamanlar should take the Ekstasis Major Virtue and the Iye Minor Virtue, and may select other şaman talents as desired according to the number of Virtue points available. Companion şamanlar without Healing or Animal Healing talents should select the Herbalism Minor Virtue at a minimum, and should have some Chirurgy, so that they may fulfill a healer role. Some Companion şamanlar may have Mythic Herbalism instead. Mythic Companion şamanlar have the Mythic Şaman Free Social Status Virtue, which also grants them the Iye Minor Virtue at no cost, and allows them to take two points of Virtues for every Flaw point. Typically, nine points of Virtues will be assigned to the following major talents: Dream Interpretation Thereafter, remaining points may be spent on Animal Healing, Animal Ken, and Dowsing if desired, or on other Virtues appropriate to the şaman's role. Gifted şamanlar, who have had their Gift Opened to the şaman tradition, have the following talents, and need not assign Virtues to them: Dream Interpretation In addition, the "free" Virtue derived from the Gift is the Iye Minor Supernatural Virtue (which corresponds to the "House Virtue" of a Hermetic Magus). Virtue points should be spent on Virtues that enhance şaman talents, or on Virtues that apply to nomadic life (for nomadic şamanlar). Mythic Herbalism is common among both Mythic Companion and Gifted şamanlar, as it provides additional healing capability as well as the ability to concoct potent intoxicants that may aid Ekstasis. Although Mythic Herbalism is not a core şaman talent, it is compatible with the şaman tradition, and thus imposes no penalty when Opening a Gift to şaman magic. Gifted şamanlar may belong to Ordo Hermei, as magi Ex Miscellanea, and in this case should select the Hermetic Magus Social Status Virtue. Other Gifted şamanlar most often will have the Wise One Social Status Virtue, but may on occasion have the Outcaste Social Status Flaw. This most commonly occurs for a şaman who is not part of the normal life of his clan, as might be the case for a şaman who lacks the Gentle Gift. It is possible for a Spirit Votary Mythic Companion to also have şaman Talents such as Ekstasis (thus fulfilling the Spirit Votary requirement for other Supernatural Virtues), in addition to the required Spiritual Pact Major Supernatural Virtue. A Spirit Votary only rarely has an Iye however, as a şaman may only form a Votary pact with his Iye, and only the most powerful Iyeler are capable of forming such a pact. Note that the Spiritual Pact of a Spirit Votary is of a different nature than the Spirit Pacts of şamanlar, although similar in concept.
The following Virtues and Flaws are especially appropriate for şaman characters, in addition to the Virtues and Flaws listed under Ekstasis: Gentle Gift Major Virtue *Although the Ekstasis talent allows a şaman to perceive and communicate with spirits while in an Ekstatic trance, selecting the Second Sight Virtue (or learning it as a Gifted şaman) allows the şaman to perceive and communicate with spirits outside of an Ekstatic trance. ** for şamanlar who travel with their clan A Şaman Pact Focus is unique to şaman magic. This Minor Supernatural Virtue doubles the contribution of Magic Lore to a Pact Total, for a specific type of Pact (i.e. Healing, Protection, etc.). A şaman may have only one Şaman Pact Focus. Şamanlar typically use Dream Interpretation as their primary method of Divination, but may use other forms of ceremonial Divination by selecting Divination as an additional Minor Virtue. Per the Saga Rule concerning Divination, Augury, and Additional Methods, Astrology and Numerology would require additional separate Virtues, but all other forms of ceremonial Divination could be included by selecting an additional Divination Minor Virtue. The core talents of şaman magic are Ekstasis and the Iye. Ekstasis is discussed in detail under the description of that talent. Iye is a Turkish term for a kind of familiar spirit, which is a close companion to the şaman. Some şamanlar are even said to "marry" their Iye. The Mongol term is Ezen; the Finnish term is Waldas. To have an Iye requires a Minor Supernatural Virtue: Iye (Minor, Supernatural): the character has an Iye, a familiar spirit that aids şaman magic, adding a modifier equal to the magnitude of its Might Score to şaman Pacts. Acquiring an Iye represents the completion of a şaman's training: a character lacking an Iye is not truly a şaman. An Iye may be any magical spirit, but most are spirits of elements or animals. Some may be jinn, or even a genius locii, although a şaman whose Iye is a genius locii will forego the normal nomadic lifestyle of his clan, remaining at the locus of the spirit, which may be a sacred site for the clan. For this reason, şamanlar with genii locii Iye are rare, and may be Spirit Votaries or Gifted. An Iye aids şaman magic by enhancing the potency of spirit Pacts, but is also an ally in its own right, with its own inherent talents. Each Iye should be created using the rules for magic characters in RoP:M. The Magic Might of an Iye should be aligned with the character's role: a Companion şaman should have a "Grog" level spirit; a Mythic Companion şaman should have either a "Grog" or "Companion" level spirit, and a Gifted şaman should have a "Companion" level spirit (see RoP:M, 34). For example, a Gifted şaman in a "low" power saga could have a Might 5 Iye, while a Companion şaman in a "high" power saga could also have a Might 5 Iye. A şaman character may elect to have a more powerful Iye by selecting the Güçlü Iye Minor Virtue, which shifts the category of the spirit to the next greater category (i.e. a "Grog" spirit would become a "Companion" spirit, or a "Companion" spirit would become a "Magus" spirit). The relationship between şaman and Iye should generate stories in its own right, as for the True Friend Story Flaw, although neither character gains Flaw points for that relationship. Both the şaman and Iye should have a True Friend Personality Trait with a score of at least three. Most şamanlar will give vis to their Iyeler, both as a sign of friendship and to empower the devopment of each Iye. Each pawn of vis given typically increases the Iye's True Friend Trait by one point (the points, not the score), in addition to any other effects. Other interactions may alter the strength of the True Friend Trait as well, positively or negatively. The şaman character may not select the Magic (Being) Companion Story Flaw with regard to his Iye, although he may select that Flaw with regard to another Magic Being. The Iye may have a Magical Friend Social Status, or may select another Social Status appropriate to Magical Beings, with the exception of Magical Monster: the spirit's relationship with the şaman precludes that option. Finally, the relationship between the şaman and Iye precludes any similar mystical bonds. A şaman may not also have an animal familiar, for example in the manner of a Folk Witch, nor may an Iye serve as an ally for another entity, such as having a Khadim bond to a sahir. Many lesser spirits, especially those associated with animals, have Cunning rather than Intelligence. Communication with such spirits, even for a şaman with Second Sight, can be challenging. Animal Ken provides a şaman a convenient way to communicate with spirits with Cunning rather than Intelligence. It is also useful when healing animals. In addition to its more typical uses for finding water, lost things, or vis, şamanlar often use Dowsing while Ekstatic, to find spirits. This does require that the şaman have prepared or obtained an Ekstatic spirit item to use in place of a dowsing rod. An Iye usually serves as a sympathetic connection for most magical spirits, but spirits of other Realms may require other sympathetic connections. An Iye also adds its modifier to Dowsing attempts when searching for spirits, but not to other kinds of Dowsing. Many şamanlar have a talent with Dream Interpretation, which allows them to divine answers according to the rules in TMRE (62-63). The şaman version of this talent is non-Hermetic, and is not bound by the limit of Arcane Connections in the same manner as the Hermetic Mystery Virtue, although it may have limits imposed by the Storyguide. |
Şaman magic is empowered by forming Pacts with various spirits, to enlist their aid. Şamanlar typically lack the ability to compel spirits to do anything, and so must bargain for their aid, in a manner similar to the way that sahirs do. Unlike sahirs, şamanlar are not summoners, and must seek out spirits through spirit quests, using the Ekstasis talent and the aid of an Iye. Over time, şamanlar may develop relationships with specific spirits, represented by a Pact Favor Trait for each spirit. Improving a Pact Favor Trait will enable a şaman to make more potent Pacts with a given spirit. Şamanlar tend to have a few spirits with which they have developed strong relationships with over time, and upon which they rely for most Pacts. It is possible for an Iye to empower any Pact, although doing so has drawbacks. For example, even something as simple as a Service Pact denies the şaman the aid of his Iye while it is away performing the requested service. Most şamanlar prefer to make Pacts with other spirits, reserving the Iye for its aid and companionship. Different types of Pacts include Service Pacts, Healing Pacts, Longevity Pacts, Protection Pacts, and Ancillary Pacts. A Service Pact is simply an agreement for the spirit to perform some service for the şaman. A spirit is only capable of performing services within the scope of its own abilities and powers, but otherwise nearly any service may form the basis for a Service Pact. The length of service and/or degree of effort required by the spirit will be governed by the relative strength of the Pact Favor Trait. Spirits with lower Pact Favor will not be willing to exert themselves greatly for the şaman, while spirits with higher Pact Favor may be more willing to help the şaman. Bargaining for an exchange of services may lead to more than simply asking for help.
Because şaman healing draws upon the Might of a spirit to empower the healing, vis is not required, although a şaman may use vis in bargaining with a spirit for this Pact. Greater afflictions require a higher Pact total, and a more powerful spirit to empower the healing:
To empower the healing, the spirit must spend points from its Might Pool as noted above. Spirits are generally willing to spend most of their Might Pool on a Healing Pact, assuming their Might Pool will replenish normally (i.e. over a 24-hour period) and the terms of the Pact are acceptable. |
Healing Pact Total Intelligence + Healing + Magic Lore + Iye Modifier + Pact Favor + Aura |
Şaman healing is challenging, and requires great talent and high Pact Favor to heal the most grievous afflictions. This is one reason among many that şamanlar tend to also use Chirurgy and Herbalism or Mythic Herbalism.
Might Score Points = 1 per decade, or fraction thereof, of the recipient's age | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A Longevity Pact provides a modifier to Aging rolls equal to either one-fifth or one-tenth of the şaman's Healing Pact Total, rounded up. Recipients with some form of supernatural talent receive a modifier equal to one-fifth of the Healing Pact Total; recipients without any supernatural talents receive a modifier equal to one-tenth of the Healing Pact Total. In this respect it functions identically to a Hermetic Longevity Ritual, although the totals involved are typically lower. Unlike a Hermetic Longevity Ritual, a Longevity Pact does not "fail" if the recipient receives an Aging result. The spirit continues to empower the Longevity Pact for the term of the Pact. It is possible for an Iye to empower a Longevity Pact, and most are willing to do so, but this is not wise. By reducing the Might of the Iye, even temporarily, the şaman is also reducing the aid which the Iye may provide to him. Nevertheless, some inexperienced şamanlar will do so, preferring to have some Aging modifier provided by their Iye until they can develop Pact Favor with another spirit. A Longevity Pact does not stack with any other variety of supernatural Aging modifier, such as that from a Hermetic Longevity Ritual. A Protection Pact may provide protection for a single Öğe, or element, at a time. Each of the five Öğe includes two Hermetic Forms, as follows:
The recipient of a Protection Pact is protected against the indicated Forms, both natural and supernatural. For example, a Güneş Pact will protect the recipient against an elemental's fire attack, a flaming arrow, or even the searing heat of the desert sun. It will also protect him against confusing illusions or glamours. Against supernatural effects, the recipient receives Magic Resistance for a single Öğe, equal to the Protection Pact Total, or the spirit's Might, whichever is less. |
Protection Pact Total Intelligence + Magic Lore + Iye Modifier + Pact Favor + Aura |
Protection Pact Magic Resistance = lesser of Protection Pact Total or spirit Magic Might | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
For example, a şaman may make an arrangement for a spirit to attend him and empower one or more Healing Pacts during the next week. The spirit will follow the şaman around during the week, and if the şaman needs the spirit to empower a Healing Pact during that time, he does not have to stop and spirit quest to find a suitable spirit, the spirit is right there. This is not always done, because it is frequently more costly in terms of vis and/or duties that the şaman must provide, but it may be useful in some situations. As noted above, each spirit with which a şaman interacts has a Pact Favor Trait, which modifies the strength of the Pacts that a şaman may make with that spirit. Pact Favor Traits are similar in some ways to the resistance of agents (HoH:TL, 141-144). Each spirit starts with a Pact Favor Trait equal to (Might Score times -1). Over time, a şaman may apply Pact Favor Points to improve (increase) that Pact Favor Trait. Note that when a şaman improves the Pact Favor Trait of a spirit, he is only improving its favor towards him. Another şaman would not benefit from his efforts, and would have to improve the Pact Favor Trait of the spirit separately. |
Base Pact Favor Trait = Might Score * -1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
To improve the Pact Favor Trait, the şaman spends Pact Favor Points, which are gained from Exposure, Practice, or Adventure Source Quality during seasons in which the şaman interacts with the spirit. In each season in which the şaman interacts meaningfully with a spirit, represented by spending seasonal experience on Healing, Animal Healing, Dream Interpretation, Second Sight, or Magic Lore, the şaman gains a number of Pact Favor Points equal to the Source Quality of the seasonal activity. These points must be applied immediately to one or more spirits that were involved in the seasonal activity. Each Pact Favor Point applied improves the Pact Favor Trait of the spirit by one point. Thus, a spirit with Magic Might 10 would typically begin with a Pact Favor Trait with -10 points. After a season of Adventure where the şaman encounters the spirit and attempts to develop his relationship with that spirit, he gains 6 Pact Favor Points (because the Source Quality of that Adventure Season was 6). He applies the Pact Favor Points (PFP) to that spirit, improving its Pact Favor Trait to -4 points. Each Pact Fravor Trait has a score based on the number of points for that Trait. To determine the Pact Favor Trait score, compare points of Pact Favor to the Art Experience Table, using Pact Favor points in place of experience points. The Pact Favor modifier is equal to the Art Score that corresponds to Pact Favor, rounding up for negative values. For example, in the case of a spirit with -4 points of Pact Favor, the Pact Favor Trait score would be -3. A spirit with -10 points of Pact Favor would have a Pact Favor Trait score of -4. Pact Favor can be improved to a positive number. In the case of a Pact Favor Trait that has been improved to a positive number, the (positive) Pact Favor Trait score should be added to the Pact Total, as well as applying to other types of actions. This does mean that positive Pact Favor has diminishing benefits, but over time Pact Favor may be improved significantly. Pact Favor Traits should be recorded and tracked like other Traits, recording both points and score (positive or negative). Note that recorded Traits reflect what is known to the şaman; the Storyguide may apply modifiers to the recorded values based on the nature of the spirit involved. An Iye does not have a Pact Favor Trait, but uses its True Friend Trait score in place of a Pact Favor Trait. That is, use the True Friend Trait score of the Iye toward the şaman, not that of the şaman towards his Iye. The şaman tradition has its own variant of Warping, called Unutkanlik, or Forgetfulness. Şamanlar gain Warping from the same sources as other characters, and if a şaman gains two or more Warping Points from a single event, he may endure Unutkanlik. The şaman may roll to attempt to avoid Unutkanlik: if he succeeds, he does not experience Unutkanlik (although the effects of a botch still apply). |
Unutkanlik Avoidance Stamina + Concentration + Dream Interpretation + stress die vs Warping Score + Number of Warping Points Gained + Aura + stress die |
Duration of Unutkanlik Intelligence + Dream Interpretation + stress die minus Warping Score + stress die
If the şaman botched his avoidance roll, a random spirit will possess his body for the remainder of the season. While the spirit is possessing his body, it will not appear comatose, nor accumulate Fatigue, nor atrophy, but the spirit could cause much mischief, depending on the specific spirit. His Iye may attempt to hinder the possessing spirit or even oust it from his body, but the details of this are highly dependent on the spirit that possesses his body. Most frequently, the spirit will be Magical, but Faerie, Infernal, or even Divine spirits are possible. Depending on the result of the Duration roll, the şaman may gain a benefit or hindrance from his experiences in the spirit world, as noted in the Duration table above. A Minor Benefit is typically a number of experience points in an applicable Ability, most often Magic Lore or the Ability involved in gaining the Warping Points. If a spirit was involved, a number of Pact Favor Points may be appropriate instead. The number of points gained in either case is equal to the şaman's stress die roll for Duration of Unutkanlik, above. A Major Benefit is often a Minor Virtue appropriate to the situation, but may be any benefit of similar value to the şaman. A Major Hindrance is typically a Minor Flaw appropriate to the situation, often a Lesser Malediction, but may be any hindrance of similar penalty to the şaman. A Minor Hindrance is typically the loss of a number of experience points in an applicable Ability, or the loss of Pact Favor with an applicable spirit. The number of points lost is equal to the şaman's stress die roll for Duration of Unutkanlik, above.
Şamanlar Sigils | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Şamanlar receive the following Magical Defense Bonuses:
In addition, şamanlar may benefit from Protection Pacts that provide additional magical defense.
Şamanlar do not need laboratories, nor do they have seasonal activities in the same manner as Hermetic magi, sahirs, or many other hedge wizards. Şamanlar with Mythic Herbalism may use a simple heat source and cookpot for a few days or weeks at a time, but otherwise şaman activities do not require facilities. Most şamanlar are literate; most Turks use a script of some sort. Some use variants of Arabic or Persian scripts, and some şamanlar may speak and write in Arabic or Persian. Others use runic Turkish scripts. In any case, most şamanlar will be capable of reading and writing in some fashion, and may possess texts on şaman subjects, such as Dream Interpretation, Healing, or Magic Lore. Şamanlar occasionally gather at gatherings of clans to discuss their dreams and matters of the spirit world, and they may exchange şaman texts at gatherings. Even so, most şaman experience is gained through Practice and Adventure seasons. Şaman characters may thus benefit greatly from the Independent Study Virtue. Şamanlar typically do "work" for two seasons of each year, just as most characters do. However, even during "work" seasons they are typically involved in adventures (spirit quests) in the spirit world, and thus most "work" seasons will be Adventure Seasons for Source Quality.
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