Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Foedus Portae Germaniae

We, Ascripticii Portae Germaniae, do hereby establish the Laws and Governances of this Foedus, and do thus agree, swear, affirm, and intend, by our Mark below, to obey, uphold, enforce, and submit our Wills to the intent, spirit, and letter of this binding Foedus.

We do so of our own Free Will, under no influences other than our own. We understand that our rights are forfeit should this or any other part of our Adiuros be found false.

We here truthfully state that we have never consorted with or aided Infernal beings, Diabolists, or Enemies of Ordo Hermei, and will continue this abstinence as long as we live.

We further swear that to each of us the title of Magus is proper, and that all Ties, Oaths, and Loyalties, binding or otherwise, to our parentes and former sponsumi are hereby renounced. We affirm that we have sworn to Lex Hermei, and we further swear to uphold Leges Peripheriae of Ordo Hermei and Tribunal Germaniae, lest we lose the title of Magus, position within our Domus, and membership in this Foedus.

From this day forward Porta Germaniae is our home. Its goals are our goals, its allies our allies, it enemies our enemies, it riches our riches, its adversity our adversity. We swear that never, by action or inaction, will we allow the Foedus to come to harm, materially, mystically, or spiritually. We agree never to represent the Foedus to others, sign binding Sacramenta, or make Adiuros regarding its members or its welfare without first being so empowered by Consilium Portae Germaniae. In all respects we will uphold the Reputation and Honor of the Foedus and consider its welfare above our own.

We further agree to the following governances regarding the disposition of all wealth, mundane, mystical, and spiritual, within the Foedus.




Concerning Consilium Portae Germaniae


Consilium Portae Germaniae shall meet as summoned by the Aedile, but not less than once each Season. Consilium shall consist of three classes:

Fundatores Foederis shall have the right to Veto any common proposal brought before Consilium; shall have one vote in Consilium; shall have the right to bring proposals before Consilium; shall have the right to speak before Consilium; shall have the right to attend Consilium.

Ascripticii Foederis shall have one vote in Consilium; shall have the right to bring proposals before Consilium; shall have the right to speak before Consilium; shall have the right to attend Consilium.

Ascripticii Condicionis shall have the right to bring proposals before Consilium; shall have the right to speak before Consilium; shall have the right to attend Consilium.

Consilium may grant those who serve the Foedus status as Consortes or Custodes, according to the decision of Consilium.

Consortes shall have the right to speak before Consilium; shall have the right to attend Consilium.

Custodes shall have the right to attend Consilium.




Concerning the Aedile


Consilium shall appoint an Aedile every seven years, who shall call Consilium as necessary for the orderly governance of the Foedus, and who shall oversee Crumena Foederis.

The Aedile shall select from among Consortes a Vilicus to oversee the affairs of Foedus.

Each Season, the Aedile shall select from among the Ascripticii two Promi to oversee the collection of Vis for  Foedus.




Concerning the Distribution of Vis


Due to Tribunal Grandis 1261 AD ruling regarding proxy of sigilla, all previous arrangements regarding distribution of Vis are annulled and replaced with the following:

Vis collected for the Foedus shall be divided among Magi of Foedus after allocating sufficient Vis for the annual rituals of the Aegis of the Hearth and the Bountiful Feast. The remaining Vis shall be allocated according to the following schema:

Three pawns to each Fundator Foederis & Ascripticius Foederis shall be given to each member on the day after Bruma

One pawn shall be given to each Fundator, Ascripticius Foederis, Capitularius, or Condicionis who has added registered Vis sources to Foedus that contribute at least three pawns annually

Two pawns shall be given to each Capitularius or Condicionis who performed Promus at the behest of Consilium Foederis in the previous year, on the day after Bruma

Three pawns shall be given to each Fundator, Ascripticius, Capitularius, or Condicionis who performed a season of service to Foedus at the behest of Consilium Foederis in the previous year, on the day after Bruma

Four pawns shall be given to each Ascripticius Merceris who performed a year of service for Foedus, on the day after Bruma

Three pawns shall be given to Servientes Ordinis Hermei: one pawn shall be given to Mercere, one pawn shall be given to Guernicus, and one pawn shall be given to Bonisagus

Five pawns shall be given to Crumena Foederis for such future use as shall be determined by Consilium, for use in time of Dire Need, or for such enchantments or spells as may be beneficial to Foedus; Vis for Crumena shall be allocated after all other Vis has been given according to the governances listed above

Any vis remaining after all allocations have been made shall be placed in Crumena Foederis.

Consilium Foederis may authorize a distribution of Vis from Crumena, of a specific number of pawns, in any year in which Crumena reserves are deemed to be in excess of required amounts. Consilium Foederis shall set a minimum amount to be reserved for each Art, and may exclude Arts which are deemed essential to Foedus from such a distribution; such a distribution may include Condiciones if approved by Consilium Foederis




Concerning the Distribution of Wealth


Due to Tribunal Grandis 1261 AD ruling regarding proxy of sigilla, all previous arrangements regarding distribution of wealth are annulled and replaced with the following:

Silver and all other forms of Mundane Wealth collected for the Foedus shall be disposed of according to the following governances:

Foedus shall provide each Fundator, Ascripticius Foederis, and Ascripticius Merceris four librae in silver or equivalent goods each Year, on the day following Bruma

Foedus shall provide two librae in silver or equivalent goods, on the day after the Bruma, to each Fundator, Ascripticius Foederis, Capitularius, Merceris, or Condicionis who performed a season of service to Foedus at the behest of Consilium Foederis in the previous year; such service may be any service as approved in advance by Consilium

Foedus shall provide Consortes one libra in silver coin or equivalent goods per season of labor for Foedus, and shall provide Custodes one libra each in silver coin or equivalent goods per year of labor for Foedus

Foedus shall provide other folk in service to Foedus such recompense as shall be deemed proper by Consilium, according to the agreements, rights, and privileges granted to such folk

For the needs of Foedus, such moneys shall be spent as directed by Consilium; provisions for Consortes and Custodes shall be made first, then such provisions for other folk as are binding upon Foedus; provisions in silver to magi shall be made only after all other commitments of Foedus are fulfilled




Concerning Trade with Mundanes


No member of Foedus may conduct Trade with Mundanes on his own behalf, but must do so for Foedus according to the approval and direction of Consilium.



This is our Solemn Oath to abide by this Foedus and any provisions as shall be amended by Consilium Portae Germaniae.


AD 1221

Danalia Signature   Lucas Signature
Sebastianus Signature   Narenius Signature
Verticius Signature   Arcturus Signature
Concentius Signature   Califactius Signature
Pallium Signature   Auspecius Signature
Praecisus Signature   Sameen Signature
Stannus Signature   Securia Signature
Placida Tytali   Caelius Jerbitonis
Persicum Criamonis   Valdis Signature
Aurelius Bonisagi   Požárius Flambonis
Karda Bjornaer    


Emendationes Foederis


The following Emendationes Foederis are proclaimed by Consilium Portae Germaniae.

Concerning Promusi
No Ascripticius may be appointed Promus more than twice in any Year, nor may any Ascripticius be appointed Promus for two consecutive Seasons against his will.

Concerning Peregrinatores
Peregrinatores shall provide an annual payment in vis of 12 pawns of an Art or Arts specified by Consilium in advance of each year's residence. This payment of Vis may be substituted by a season of service if approved by Consilium, such service to be specified by Consilium at the time of approval. In addition to the annual payment of VisPeregrinatores must provide a season of service each year, to be specified by Consilium. If Consilium approves, this season of service may be substituted by a payment of Vis, of a quantity and Arts specified by Consilium at the time of approval. In addition to the annual payment of Vis and the season of service each year, Peregrinatores must donate a text of suitable quality each year to Librarium Foederis that is acceptable to Consilium. Donation of a text may be substituted by a season of service if approved by Consilium, such service to be specified by the Consilium at the time of approval. Donation of a text may be substituted by a payment of Vis if approved by Consilium, of a quantity and Arts to be specified by Consilium at the time of approval.

Peregrinatores shall have access to Librarium Foederis in exchange for their Adiuro that they shall make no copies without permission from Consilium Portae Germaniae, and shall have access to public areas of the Foedus in recognition of their Sacramentum Communitatis. In respecting their Sacramentum CommunitatisPeregrinatores must respect all residents of Porta Germaniae, both Gifted and unGifted, and shall respect all customs and abide by all rules of Porta Germaniae during their period of residence. In respecting their Sacramentum CommunitatisPeregrinatores shall not declare Bellum Magum during their residence at Porta Germaniae, nor may they take up residence at Porta Germaniae during a period of Bellum Magum. Should Bellum Magum be declared upon a Peregrinator in residence at Porta Germaniae, such Peregrinator shall leave Porta Germaniae for the duration of the Bellum Magum, and may return following conclusion of Bellum Magum.

Concerning Sancta
No member of this Foedus will willingly and knowingly enter the Sanctum of another Foedus member without invitation from the Sanctum owner, except during a just and properly declared Wizard’s War.  Quaesitores in good standing are exempt from this stricture if entry into a Sanctum is necessary as part of an official investigation.

Concerning Travel
Travel costs by members of Foedus shall be counted against their seasons of service, and requests for advances in credit must be approved in advance by Consilium Portae Germaniae. Travel approved by Consilium on behalf of the Foedus shall not be counted against seasons of service, nor shall Promi travel.

Concerning Absences
In the event of an extended absence of a member of FoedusPromus duty shall be suspended during the years of absence, in balance with suspension of the Vis share that would otherwise be due that member during the years of absence. If a Funditor or Ascripticius expects to be absent from Foedus for more than a Season, that magus should delegate another to vote their by proxy in Consilium during their absence.

Concerning the Rector
Consilium shall appoint a Rector every seven years, who shall be responsible for performing the duties of Aedile in such circumstances as may prevent Aedile from performing those duties.

Concerning Regio Ima
Access to Regio Ima shall only be granted to Ascripticii, or by specific permission of Consilium.

Concerning Protodiscipuli
Consilium may grant status as protodiscipuli to members of Foedus, according to the decision of Consilium; all protodiscipuli are declared to be magical resources of Foedus, until such time as they are awarded by Consilium to a magus as a discipulus, or until such time as they are confirmed to not possess Ingenium.

Concerning Commoratores
Consilium may grant status as commorator, according to the decision of Consilium, to one who is not a member of Ordo Hermei, who is given permission by Consilium to reside on Foedus lands without becoming a member of Foedus.

Concerning Meritores
Consilium may grant those who serve Foedus status as meritores, according to the decision of ConsiliumMeritores shall receive one solidus in silver or equivalent goods per season of service.

Concerning Ascripticii Condicionis
Consilium may grant status as Ascripticii Condicionis to filii of Ascripticii Porta Germaniae, according to the decision of ConsiliumAscripticii Condicionis shall have the rights specified above with regard to ConsiliumAscripticii Condicionis shall be required to provide Sacramentum Communitatis and one season of service each year to Foedus in exchange for continued residence at Porta Germaniae. Ascripticii Condicionis shall not be considered members of Foedus for the purposes of distribution of Vis or of mundane wealth, but shall be considered members of Foedus for all other purposes. 

Ascripticii Condicionis may request status as Ascripticii Foederis following seven years of residence and service to Foedus as Ascripticii Condicionis. Consilium may accept or reject such request at its discretion. Ascripticii Condicionis who are not accepted as Ascripticii Foederis following fourteen years of residence and service to Foedus as Ascripticii Condicionis must leave Foedus and surrender any property of Foedus, to include residences, laboratories, texts, incantamenta, or any other item or materials provided by Foedus for their use. Former Ascripticii Condicionis may request hospitality as peregrinatores if desired, subject to the conditions for such hospitality specified by Consilium.

Ratified by Pallium Tenebrae Guernici Spring 1245 AD, with copy sent to Durenmar for Tribunal records


Further Concerning Peregrinatores
In respecting their Sacramentum CommunitatisPeregrinatores shall not interact with nor involve themselves with any local mundanes during their residence at Porta Germaniae, without the prior approval of Consilium.

Peregrinatores shall seek approval of Consilium before inviting any guests to Porta Germaniae, and shall be responsible for providing suitable provisioning for their guests. Peregrinatores shall be responsible for any guests they host during their stay, including assurance that their guests abide by the rules and customs of Porta Germaniae.

Peregrinatores who offer the loan of a Columna for the use of Foedus during their stay, and payment of an enchantment quality gem acceptable to the Consilium, may, upon approval of the Consilium, have members of Ordo Hermei as guests for up to a year.

Concerning Discipuli
Consilium may grant a discipulus, who has completed a season of service improving a Hospitium laboratory, access to an available Hospitium laboratory, with the permission of the parensParentes remain responsible for the actions of their discipuli.

Concerning Departed Members of Foedus
Consilium notes that some signatories to Foedus have departed and are no longer Ascripticii. Narenius Flambonis departed in 1221 AD without explanation, and his sigil was retired by Tribunal Germaniae in 1242 AD. Accordingly, he is no longer Ascripticius. Sebastianus Rutilius Bonisagi departed due to the requirements of his Domus in 1235 AD, and relinquished his sanctum. Accordingly, he is no longer Ascripticius. Pallium Tenebrae Guernici departed in 1245 AD by his own decision, and is no longer Ascripticius.

Consilium further notes that any Ascripticius who ceases to be a member of Ordo Hermei in good standing, whether by Wizard's March or other requirement of the Lex Hermei, shall immediately cease to be a member of Foedus and shall relinquish status as Ascripticius and all rights pertaining therein.

Concerning Consilia
Consilium Foederis Porta Germaniae, previously known as Consilium, shall be known as Consilium Foederis to distinguish it from any lesser consilium within Foedus, such as that of a capitulum.

Concerning Capitula
Consilium Foederis may approve the establishment of a Capitulum, according to the decision of Consilium Foederis.  Each Capitulum, regardless of location, is part of Foedus Porta Germaniae. All Capitularii, magus or mundane, are members of the Foedus, and shall have status within Foedus as granted by Consilium Foederis.

Each Capitulum shall establish itself by Chartula with the approval of Consilium Foederis, and shall register a location with Domus Merceris according to its Chartula.

As specified by Consilium Foederis, each Capitulum shall annually tribute Vis, wealth, or other victuals to Foedus in exchange for support from the Foedus; Vis remaining to the capitulum after tribute shall be distributed according to Chartula Capituli. In addition to tribute, each Capitulum shall maintain suitable guest lodging exclusively for visiting members of Foedus, and must provide Aegis tokens to Ascripticii in good standing during a visit.

Each Capitulum shall individually and separately establish requirements for hospitality of peregrinatores; such requirements shall apply only to that Capitulum and shall not grant access to Foedus proper. No Capitulum may grant status within Foedus; Consilium Foederis reserves the right to admit Ascripticii to itself only, whether of Foedus proper or any Capitulum.

Concerning Ascripticii Capituli
Consilium Foederis may grant status to a magus as an Ascripticius Capituli, according to the decision of Consilium Foederis.  Ascripticii Capitulorum shall have the right to bring proposals before Consilium Foederis; shall have the right to speak before Consilium Foederis; shall have the right to attend Consilium Foederis.

Each Ascripticius Capituli must obtain approval from a Capitulum to become a member of that CapitulumAscripticii Capitulorum shall have rights within a Capitulum according to the Chartula of each Capitulum, and shall have rights within Foedus according to Foedus.

Ascripticii Capitulorum shall have the right to establish sancta in their respective Capitula, but shall not have the right to establish sancta at Porta Germaniae.

Ascripticii Condicionis may request status as Ascripticii Capitulorum at any time.  Consilium Foederis may accept or reject such request at its discretion, and Consilium Capituli of the requested Capitulum may accept or reject such request at its discretion.

Ratified by Adria Guernici Spring 1256 AD, with copy sent to Durenmar for Tribunal records


Concerning Capitulum Arcis Caelitis
Consilium Foederis establishes Capitulum Arcis Caelitis, to be governed by Chartula Arcis Caelitis. Consilium Foederis allots Campus Arcis Caelitis to Capitulum Arcis Caelitis as a locus for its use until such time as Consilium Foederis decides to reclaim it for use by Foedus.
Tribuni for Capitulum Arcis Caelitis shall be Consortes Auditorii, and shall have the right to attend Consilium Foederis.


Ratified by Adria Guernici Spring 1260 AD, with copy sent to Durenmar for Tribunal records


Concerning Capitulum Mýtiny Hub
Consilium Foederis establishes Capitulum Mýtiny Hub, to be governed by Chartula Mýtiny Hub; Capitulum Mýtiny Hub shall be responsible for protecting and gathering vis from Saltus Fungorum, and providing victuals to Porta Germaniae of no less than 50L annual value



Concerning Discipuli Service
Consilium Foederis may approve a season of service from a discipulus, according to the decision of Consilium Foederis; such a season of service shall be compensated with 1p vis to the parens upon completion of the season of service, and 1p vis to be held in trust by Foedus until the discipulus swears Lex Hermei

Hospitia duties shall continue to be rewarded through Hospitia access, and shall not qualify for this manner of compensation


Concerning Ascripticii Merceris
Consilium Foederis may grant status to a Redcap as an Ascripticius Merceris, according to the decision of Consilium Foederis; Ascripticii Merceris shall have the right to bring proposals before Consilium Foederis; shall have the right to speak before Consilium Foederis; shall have the right to attend Consilium Foederis



Concerning Capitulum Jeskyně Včely
Consilium Foederis establishes Capitulum Jeskyně Včely, to be governed by Chartula Jeskyně Včely; Capitulum Jeskyně Včely shall be responsible for protecting and gathering vis from Mella and Rubi, and providing victuals to Porta Germaniae of no less than 50L annual value

Preamble & Adiuro
Distribution of Vis
Distribution of Wealth
Trade with Mundanes