Primus Archimagus Occultes Bonisagi |
Praeco Ordinis |
Sigil |
tiny silver-bound codex with Claves Bonisagi depicted in silver on the cover |
Reputation |
master of textual magics
friendly fellow wearing a gray woolen robe and pale blue over-robe with fine dark blue embroidery along the hem and front, carrying a slim silver-bound codex
Prima Bilera Guernici |
Quaesitrix Praesidens |
Sigil |
small bronze spade, bearing the scales of Domus Guernici, with a handle of olive wood carved to depict an oregano plant |
Reputation |
mistress of gardens |
unassuming woman in late middle age, wearing an unadorned brown robe and a white wimple, with a kidskin glove on her left hand; a Mouflon ram (Cornelius) trails at a distance; she is accompanied by a maidservant (Elettra) when she leaves Forum Hermei
Prima Insatella Merceris |
Caduceatora Seniora |
Sigil |
small golden caduceus |
Reputation |
adroit merchant and administrator |
elderly woman wearing fine Italian attire: a yellow silk dress with blue embroidery and several decorative buttons in ivory, silver, and alabaster;  white cotton palla, and embroidered rose-colored bonnet; she sits in an armchair that floats just above the ground, and is shadowed by Mireio Merceris and Maria Merceris at all times
Prima Falke Bjornaer |
Sigil |
falcon feather etched into crystal |
Reputation |
falcon Heartbeast, mistress of Aquam |
small lithe woman with tremendous physical presence; she wears a dark green robe and allows her long brown hair to fall freely about her shoulders and back; her feet are always wet, leaving a small puddle if she remains in one place for a time
Prima Muscaria Criamonis |
Sigil |
garnet carved in a mushroom shape, dotted with silver specks, which she wears on a silver chain |
Reputation |
grows mushrooms |
adolescent girl in her mid-teens with a strange figure-eight marking on her forehead, wearing a simple brown robe with a rope belt, and carrying a short staff
Primus Ebroin Ex Miscellanea |
Sigil |
silver triskelion |
Reputation |
young |
young man wearing a bulky set of rose-colored woolen robes; a large hairy man (Bryn) in forester's garb with a large axe accompanies him when outside Forum Hermei
Primus Archimagus Garus Flambonis |
Sigil |
brass brooch in the shape of a lit torch, with orange enamel depicting flames |
Reputation |
master of Ignem |
tottering old man wearing a black woolen hooded robe and carrying a carved staff inlaid with various metals in mystical patterns along its length; a large crow (Cesc) flies around him, occasionally landing on his shoulder or the top of his staff; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by a young valet (Mateu) carrying a bulky leather satchel
Primus Archimagus Andru Jerbitonis |
Sigil |
signet ring with a tower inlaid in copper and blue enamel |
Reputation |
master of Mentem, diplomat to the Church |
tall handsome man in his 50s, with dark curly hair, wearing blue silk hose and a white long-sleeved tunic under a blue-dyed sleeveless leather jerkin and a dark blue woolen long coat with silver needlework and decorative buttons down the front hems; his black cat Crucifixio meanders around him; 
Andru is accompanied by Carmine Flambonis, a lovely dark-haired Iberian woman wearing a burgundy silk dress with white embroidery and a white cotton palla; she carries a wand of wood and brass shaped to resemble a rose with closed petals; her cat Murmuratia is close by; a manservant (Florello) and maidservant (Bianca) attend Andru and Carmine if they leave Forum Hermei
Primus Archimagus Handri Merinitae |
Sigil |
large key carved of elder wood |
Reputation |
master of Faerie secrets |
somewhat homely man in late middle age, wearing gray robes and carrying a lyre; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by three satyr guards wielding large axes
Prima Archimaga Poena Tremeris |
Sigil |
wand of walnut wood with silver & amber embellishments |
Reputation |
mistress of Necromancy |
short stocky woman with graying black hair in a long braid and a circlet of electrum, wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe with a white linen girdle; a large white wolf (Atia) and a blonde discipula (Olga) dressed in white accompany her; she is shadowed by a pair of stipatores (Costica & Sergiu) whenever she leaves Forum Hermei |
Poena is typically also accompanied by Archimagus Denes Tremeris, who wears a charcoal-gray robe and is himself trailed by discipuli Hajnalka and Rajmund |
Primus Archimagus Asterses Tytali |
Sigil |
small model brass and silver astrolabe |
Reputation |
astrologer |
inscrutable woman dressed in black clothing, carrying an ashwood staff carved with various astrological symbols; an Alpine ibex (Sigismund) accompanies her outside Forum Hermei; the goat is capable of speech and is quite erudite, being well-read in philosophiae and artes liberales; a servant (Perig) with a shovel and pail follows the goat, scooping up droppings or placing the bucket to catch urine
Primus Stouritus Verditii |
Sigil |
tiny hammer of hornbeam and iron |
Reputation |
master of mechanismae |
large, muscular elderly man (90s), wearing leather trousers and a cotton gambeson under a light hauberk of bronze mail; he carries a pair of steel tongs in his hand, with which he gestures when he speaks, and wears a bulky and complex bronze helmet which produces various mechanisms (an articulated arm holding a glass lens; a tiny singing brass bird; a bronze ear-horn); a manservant (Maussollos) with one bronze articulated arm attends to him when he leaves Forum Hermei
Archimagus Valentin Tytali |
Aquitania |
32 Sigilla |
Sigil |
gold ring engraved with a V in blue enamel |
Reputation |
master of Corpus |
handsome man with the build of a heroic warrior and long blonde hair gathered in two tails that drape over his shoulders; he wears black leather leggings and a gray silk gambeson under a gleaming mail shirt, with a purple silk-lined cloak hemmed with black mink fur over all; a sword and dagger in tooled leather scabbards hang from baldrics under his cloak, and he carries a bronze scepter set with a large wine-colored gem; a large mastiff (Barghest) prowls at his side
Maesiane Bonisagi Trianomae |
Aquitania |
29 Sigilla |
Sigil |
cross carved from apple wood |
Reputation |
mistress of healing |
middle aged woman dressed as a nun, with natural wool habit and natural linen scapula, wimple, and veil; she carries a staff of Aesclepius, and outside Forum Hermei is accompanied by two women (Isabel, Magali), also dressed as nuns
Peire Jerbitonis |
Aquitania |
24 Sigilla |
Sigil |
oaken tally stick with five marks |
Reputation |
numerologist |
man dressed as a burgher in brown and dark green; he carries a bronze-framed abacus, and is accompanied by a woman dressed as a nun (Lepida Criamonis); he is accompanied by a large serving man (Josep) with a gnarled cudgel when he leaves Forum Hermei
Zotikus Criamonis |
Quaesitor Praesidens Aquitaniae |
Reputation |
master of Vim |
old man marked with various red wound scars on his hands, arms, and neck, wearing a simple hooded brown robe and a leather belt, and carrying a spear; a large black hound (Sébastien) is usually at his side, as is his discipula Pernelle
Conte Merceris |
Antistes Aquitaniae |
Reputation |
stern overseer |
balding middle-aged man, dressed in a brown tunic and leggings with a dark yellow surcoat and floppy red velvet hat
Julia Jerbitonis |
Britannia |
25 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver ring set with four tiny opals |
Reputation |
politician opposed to Domus Tremeris |
beautiful middle-aged woman, wearing a pale blue robe trimmed in silver with several decorative ivory buttons, and a silver fillet & beaded mesh over her brown hair; a small black cat (Pussita) roams nearby; outside Forum Hermei, she is accompanied by two mailed men@arms (Aylmer & Osgar) with swords and shields, and a maidservant (Ositha)
Sevestre Bonisagi Trianomae |
Britannia |
23 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver stylus |
Reputation |
Magister in Artibus |
middle-aged man dressed in a scholar's brown robe with a leather belt, complete with a brace of books in his hood; a large white and gray cat (Adair) sits at his side, observing everything carefully
Archimaga Maghor Tremeris |
Britannia |
12 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bronze ring with a wavy line in red enamel around the circumference |
Reputation |
master elementalist |
middle-aged woman dressed in a formal charcoal-gray robe, with a wand of bronze and electrum set with tiny gems; a large badger (Taffy) scuttles about at her feet; discipula Mabyn attends her; she is shadowed by a pair of stipatores (Deryn & Vaughn) outside Forum Hermei
Iudicius Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Britanniae |
Reputation |
master of Intellego |
ruddy white-haired old man with a long white beard, wearing a black hooded robe and carrying a twisted staff of rowan wood; a black weasel (Jules) peaks out from his hood occasionally; discipulus Coll, a young man in a brown robe, attends him; when outside Forum Hermei, a manservant (Celyn) accompanies him
Lyonell Merceris |
Antistes Britanniae |
Reputation |
miserly merchant |
humorless slender middle-aged man wearing an undyed, but oft-mended woolen robe and a straw hat with a red cloth band
Archimagus Corona Vallaris Tremeris |
Caledonia |
27 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bronze arm torc set with amber |
Reputation |
master of combat |
brisk elderly man dressed in a mail hauberk under a formal charcoal-gray surcoat emblazoned with the symbol of Domus Tremeris in silver; he carries a large claidheamh mor in his hand, typically resting it either on his shoulder or point down on the ground; his mastiff (Caesar) at his side, along with discipulus Lochlyn, also mailed and carrying a claidheamh mor; outside Forum Hermei a group of mailed gallowglaigh (Alfarr, Sigge, Hakon & Orvar) with swords and shields wait, guarding a group of pale fawn-colored horses
Jessamine Bjornaer |
Caledonia |
26 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bracelet of polished wooden beads inscribed with the symbols of the Hermetic Arts |
Reputation |
seer, hedge witch |
spry elderly woman wearing a simple blue dress with white needlework along the hems and neck; she wears an elaborate chain of beads with a sort of crucifix as a bracelet around her left wrist; discipula Aldona accompanies her
Trálín Ex Miscellanea |
Caledonia |
17 Sigilla |
Sigil |
flint dagger with a handle of rowan wood |
Reputation |
hedge wizard |
enormous barbaric-looking man in a loose woolen tunic, barefoot, with long red hair gathered at the back and blue tattoos over most of his body; he has a long flint dagger in a sheath on a leather baldric, he is accompanied by a weathered brown-haired man dressed in earth-tone woolens and leather (Caduceator Fearghas Merceris), who translates between Latin and Gaelic for him
Callum Ruber Ex Miscellanea |
Quaesitor Praesidens Caledoniae |
Reputation |
master of Vim |
ruddy man with dark red hair in a long braid, wearing a green woolen tunic and a brown woolen cloak, with a gnarled walking stick
Triduana Merceris |
Antistes Caledoniae |
Reputation |
matron of Clan MacAeris |
gray-haired woman in late middle age, in a blue dress, pale blue palla, and white bonnet with an embroidered red shawl
Archimagus Annaeus Quintilius Tremeris |
Dacia |
20 Sigilla |
Sigil |
carved agate amulet |
Reputation |
master of Animal, senior leader in Domus Tremeris |
stocky white-haired man wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe; accompanied by Dwynwen Tremeris, he is shadowed by two stipatores (Mihail & Silviu) outside Forum Hermei
Archimaga Piroska Tremeris |
Dacia |
18 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bronze earring set with opal |
Reputation |
mistress of Mentem; dancer |
woman with hints of gray in her long black hair who walks on her toes like a dancer; she wears a formal charcoal-gray robe that is tailored to fit closely in the bust and waist, and flow freely around her legs; she is accompanied by a large white wolf (Lozois) and by Felix Tremeris, bearing a long spear with a dark blue draco, and shadowed by two stipatores (Ciprian & Nicusor) if she leaves Forum Hermei
Archimagus Austinus Doveris Tremeris |
Dacia |
1 Sigillum |
Sigil |
lead ring set with turquoise |
Reputation |
master necromancer |
elderly white-haired man wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe and walking with the aid of a staff; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by a contingent of eerie guards (Ernakh & Pullus, plus Safrax, Kovrat, Erem, and Olcay) garbed as Roman legionaries (lorica segmentata), each with a strapped buckler, powerful bow, and paired machaerae
Ariston Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Daciae |
Reputation |
master of Terram |
tall, handsome dark-haired man, clean-shaven, wearing a dark blue woolen tunic and leggings, a brown leather jerkin, and a white surcoat bearing the scales of Domus Guernici on the breast; he carries a white hazelwood staff; his discipula Necia attends him; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by a manservant (Prokopios) and a large muscular old man bearing a round shield and mace (Vasos)
Ajtony Merceris |
Antistes Daciae |
Reputation |
efficient & reliable |
short half-bald man with gray hair, wearing a wide-brimmed red leather hat, dark brown tunic and leggings, and a gray wool cloak
Taurinius Flambonis |
Gallia |
30 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bone-handled dagger |
Reputation |
venator |
man in late middle age, wearing a mail hauberk under a dark brown cloak; he has a long dagger at his side and carries a short staff of rowan wood holding a basalt crucifix at its top; outside Forum Hermei, a viciously-scarred mailed warrior with sword and axe accompanies him (Gustave)
Gaumardas Jerbitonis |
Gallia |
24 Sigilla |
Sigil |
small silver mirror, inscribed with Gaumardis on the reverse |
Reputation |
master of Imaginem |
middle-aged man dressed as a burgher in hues of blue and rich deep brown, wearing a variety of jewelry, with a white cat (Ponce) lounging nearby; Jehan Tremeris shadows him at all times; a burly man (Roche) in leather armor with a club at his belt accompanies him when he leaves Forum Hermei
Archimagus Tullius Tytali |
Gallia |
8 Sigilla |
Sigil |
glass pestle containing a strand of mercury |
Reputation |
master alchemist |
balding old man wearing a pale gray robe embroidered in red with mystical and astrological symbols; a faint whiff of acrid and foul odors may sometimes be detected; a barnacle goose (Didier) struts nearby
Vortigern Jerbitonis |
Quaesitor Praesidens Galliae |
Reputation |
master of Mentem |
tall blonde man with a friendly air, wearing a white tunic and sleeveless burgundy over-tunic, carrying a wooden baton carved with astrological symbols; his black cat (Gerner) sits lazily watching his surroundings
Grazide Merceris |
Antistes Galliae |
Reputation |
mistress of tafl |
middle-aged woman wearing a pale orange dress, yellow palla, and multihued red henin
Archimagus Stentorius Tremeris |
Germania |
45 Sigilla |
Sigil |
ring of braided silver wire |
Reputation |
master of Rego |
large stout man with a long bushy beard, wearing formal charcoal-gray robes; Oswald, a huge gray cat, is often around him
Henri de Tours Jerbitonis |
Germania |
28 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver coin with four wedges cut into it |
Reputation |
master of Mentem |
friendly corpulent man, dressed in rich Flemish clothing of silk and the finest English wool, with ostentatious gold and silver jewelry and numerous decorative buttons; 
he is accompanied by Esteve Flambonis, in a reinforced leather hauberk and yellow tabard with a blue flame on the breast
Archimaga Dorana Bonisagi Trianomae |
Germania |
28 Sigilla |
Sigil |
oaken spindle bearing an agate whorl |
Reputation |
mistress of weather magic |
forceful woman wearing white robes which always seem to be catching a breeze and flowing gently; a white peregrine falcon (Gervas) perches near her; when she leaves the Forum, she is accompanied by a maidservant (Doris)
Adria Guernici |
Quaesitrix Praesidens Germaniae |
Reputation |
mistress of Vim |
petite black-haired woman, wearing a dark green silk dress with white accents, linked brass platelet belt, white palla, and a green & gold henin; a huge tan & black owl (Zorzi) perches nearby
Xavier Merceris |
Antistes Germaniae |
Reputation |
master of Muto |
brown-haired man with a neatly trimmed beard, wearing a tan hooded robe; Verris, his white cat familiar, lolls nearby, and discipula Dagmaer follows
Archimagus Ethacles Jerbitonis |
Graecia |
33 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver disc set with an opal in the center |
Reputation |
master of illusion |
balding older man, with a trimmed gray beard, wearing robes of rich silk brocade adorned with tassels, thread of gold, and a variety of decorative buttons; a turtle dove (Jocasta) typically sits on a perch nearby; 
he is accompanied by a beautiful Greek woman (Xenagos Diantha Merceris) who translates between Latin and Greek for him; outside Forum Hermei, Ethacles is accompanied by two warriors (Aris & Mihail) in heavy lamellar armor, with sword and shield
Archimagus Bythren Tytali |
Graecia |
28 Sigilla |
Sigil |
conch shell |
Reputation |
master of sea magic |
tall blonde-haired man clothed in a pale orange woolen tunic and gray woolen trousers with a sleeveless black leather jerkin; he carries a golden trident and has a large empty leather bag at his belt
discipula Zoe, a pretty Greek teen dressed in boyish garb, accompanies her parens; outside Forum Hermei, an unsavory-looking man (Lieven) dressed in black leather and armed with several daggers and knives also accompanies him
Tzakia Bonisagi Trianomae |
Graecia |
21 Sigilla |
Sigil |
pewter tulip brooch set with a tiny chrysoberyl |
Reputation |
seeker |
Greek woman wearing a dark green dress with yellow embroidery and several amber buttons, a yellow silk palla, and a yellow shawl; she carries a slender hornbeam wand carved to resemble a closed tulip at the tip; accompanying her is a strange hairy creature with a black face (Kesari)
Claudios Guernici |
Arche Quaesitor Graciae |
Reputation |
master of Terram |
dark-haired man with a trimmed black beard, wearing a loose embroidered blue & gray robe over a white silk tunic and gray silk leggings, carrying a staff
Charissa Merceris |
Thyroros Graeciae |
Reputation |
rhetorician |
tall, dark-haired woman wearing a
richly embroidered green and yellow dress, white mantle, and filmy red silk wimple; discipula Irisa attends her
in a simple white dress
Archimagus Klemens Jerbitonis |
Helvetia |
17 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver signet ring with a slanted pattern of six slightly wavy lines |
Reputation |
master of Mentem |
portly white-haired old man, wearing a white toga with dark blue trim; a large black cat (Inquisitus) trails behind him, sniffing interesting things; a man in clerical attire accompanies him; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by two men in white tunics carrying fasces
Fortuito Criamonis |
Helvetia |
15 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver trinket in the shape of a four-leaf clover |
Reputation |
seer |
short wiry old man (80s) with faint white patterns on his arms, wearing a white toga with pale green trim; his shadow moves about nearly continuously, without reference to any source of light; a wizened barn owl (Signus) perches on his shoulder, occasionally whispering in his ear; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by two men in white tunics carrying fasces
Archimagus Paxton Verditii |
Helvetia |
14 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bronze awl inscribed "Paxton" |
Reputation |
master leathercrafter |
somewhat resembles a weathered oak tree; his skin is deeply lined with a leathery complexion; he wears a white toga with dark orange trim; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by two men in white tunics carrying fasces
Athena Alpina Guernici |
Quaesitrix Praesidens Helvetiae |
Reputation |
mistress of Intellego |
graying woman covered in dark freckles on her face, neck, and hands, wearing a white stola trimmed with yellow, with a yellow bonnet and pale yellow palla, carrying a dark wooden staff holding a clear crystal at one end; a large crow (Andreas) is usually perched nearby; outside Forum Hermei, she is attended by a pair of maidservants (Edeburga and Lanthildis)
Mary Merceris |
Magistra Helvetiae |
Reputation |
mistress of Muto |
plump matronly woman wearing a white stola embroidered with red mystical symbols along the hems, a white over-dress, and a red wimple; she carries an electrum wand bearing a glass sphere on one end; her white cat (Ranos) sits nearby
Archimaga Pádraigín Deirarach Flambonis |
Hibernia |
18 Sigilla |
Sigil |
small bracelet of ivory carved in the shape of an Ouroboros |
Reputation |
dragon-maga |
lean, wiry woman in early middle age, with sun-browned skin and red hair that slowly shifts through shades of red and auburn; she appears to wear a white dress embroidered with red and gold flames at the neck and hem, with a golden arm torc, necklace and bracelet, and tiny jewels in her hair; she is sometimes accompanied by a red-headed young woman (Lasair) in a simple white dress
Siofra Merinitae |
Hibernia |
16 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bracelet of tromm (elder wood), carved with a woman's face |
Reputation |
mistress of Herbam |
petite elfin woman with a pale slightly green complexion and light brown hair that resembles vines and tendrils as much as hair; she wears a shoulderless garment of tree bark down to mid-thigh, and is otherwise unclothed and barefoot; a bark-skinned bald woman (Sadhbh) accompanies her when she leaves Forum Hermei
Fiachra Merinitae |
Hibernia |
15 Sigilla |
Sigil |
three raven's feathers, spread to the points of an equilateral triangle |
Reputation |
seer |
tall, slender young woman with black hair and dark green eyes, wearing an enveloping cloak of raven feathers; she rarely reveals even a hand or a wrist from beneath her cloak, but when she does, she reveals either her sigillum or a wand of bone with a pale green topaz set in the tip; a large raven (Tuara) lurks beside her
Urien Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Hiberniae |
Reputation |
master of Terram |
old man with balding white hair, wearing a long green tunic and dull orange cloak, carrying a spear; an eerie black rook (Meubred) perches on his shoulder; discipula Óebfinn attends him; outside Forum Hermei, a scarred dark-haired woman (Saorse) wearing a leather jerkin accompanies him, carrying a bow & quiver, and a long knife
Gopstan Merceris |
Antistes Hiberniae |
Reputation |
historian |
energetic man with long brown hair, wearing a red woolen cap and gray tunic under a black and green leather coat; he carries a sword and dagger in scabbards on crossed baldrics; outside Forum Hermei, two athletic young men in leather armor with spears, shields, and daggers stand guard
Gabriela Tremeris |
Hispania |
40 Sigilla |
Sigil |
ivory hairpin with silver accents |
Reputation |
Certatrix |
Sicilian woman dressed in exotic Moorish cotton and silks; a lioness (Sarra) stalks by her side, and discipulus Martialis, a lad in his early teens, attends her ; Tayyar Tremeris shadows her; outside Forum Hermei, four Iberian warriors (Vitin, Diego, Jorrin, Artal) in leather armor, with swords and crossbows, guard her
Archimaga Azucena Flambonis |
Hispania |
29 Sigilla |
Sigil |
brass patriarchal crucifix bearing a flagellum |
Reputation |
mistress of Perdo |
stout matronly woman wearing a black dress, black wimple, and black cloak; she wields a wand of hornbeam wood tipped with lead in the shape of a human skull; discipula Liena attends her; outside Forum Hermei, she is accompanied by four Iberian warriors (Carlos, Javier, Nataniel & Rafael) in leather scale armor with swords and shields; her magnificent courser (Loida) also remains outside with her retainers and their horses
Archimaga Martiena Tytali |
Hispania |
14 Sigilla |
Sigil |
tiny tablet of cypress wood inlaid with silver 'M' |
Reputation |
mistress of spirits |
friendly smiling woman of middle years, dressed in Italian fashion with an embroidered and buttoned orange coat over a pale brown brocade silk dress; some may see an enormous ghostly bear towering over her; her maidservant (Olivia) attends to her when she leaves Forum Hermei
Archimagus Diurnus Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Hispaniae |
Reputation |
master of Intellego |
swarthy black-haired man with a crisp bearing, wearing a gray wool gambeson under a bezainted leather hauberk (each bezaint is bronze with silver etched scales); he carries a short spear, often over one shoulder; a black and white crested porcupine (Bevon) scuttles near his feet; outside Forum Hermei, a half-dozen rough-looking men wearing brown tunics and leather leggings carry spears, javelins, and long knives
Remei Merceris |
Antistes Hispaniae |
Reputation |
friendly brunette woman wearing a red linen bonnet and white silk tunic under a dark blue velvet doublet & skirt; when outside Forum Hermei, a maidservant (Eustaquia) attends to her
Archimagus Gerontius Merceris |
Roma |
24 Sigilla |
Sigil |
small electrum caduceus |
Reputation |
Mercurian |
belies his apparent age with an energy and vigor that would be envied by men half his age; he dresses in a simple gray robe and carries a red alder wood staff with electrum serpents coiled around the top; an Aesculapian snake (Bernardo) is often coiled around his shoulder and staff arm; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by four soldiers in leather scale armor with glaives
Clodian Bonisagi Trianomae |
Roma |
23 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver pendant in the rough shape of an armillary sphere |
Reputation |
astrologer |
magus in early middle age, dressed in nice Italian merchant garb in browns and greens, with minimal jewelry; when he leaves Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by a young woman (Michelina) dressed in matching hues.
Staeysekin Verditii |
Roma |
13 Sigilla |
Sigil |
soffietta |
Reputation |
mistress of glass |
slender haughty woman who wears clothing made of colored glass that bends and swirls around her, translucent but not transparent; she is a blaze of warm colors resembling a walking flame; outside Forum Hermei, two large men (Gimilian & Millanu) accompany her; they have sculpted glass breastplates, silk chitons with glass-beaded strips, and sculpted glass vambraces and greaves, all in shades of sea-greens and blues; the two carry glass clubs and have glass-decorated daggers in glassy scabbards
Protantus Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Romae |
Reputation |
master of Corpus |
gray-haired man in late middle-age, wearing a
dark gray robe trimmed in lighter gray
Garibald Merceris |
Antistes Romae |
Reputation |
master merchant |
dignified gray-haired man dressed in a floppy red velvet hat, orange and brown tunic, hose, and doublet; he is accompanied by a younger man and woman (Vitus and Fabrisse Merceris)
Susan Wicklowis Merceris |
Sarmatia |
8 Sigilla |
Sigil |
caduceus carved of linden wood |
Reputation |
explorer |
energetic middle-aged woman, wearing traditional Russian dress, overdress, and white wimple; a black Borzoi (Misha) ambles by her side; a maidservant (Nina) attends her when she leaves Forum Hermei
Nastassia Baramov Bjornaer |
Sarmatia |
6 Sigilla |
Sigil |
brass brooch in a stylized eagle shape, inlaid with garnet and topaz |
Reputation |
none |
beautiful blonde-haired woman with pale blue eyes and a luminous complexion; she wears a simple white dress embroidered along the hems and neckline with red-orange arabesque patterns, and usually goes barefoot; 
she is accompanied by Quaesitor Yakim ibn Rassur Flambonis, who is dressed in steppe garb; a falcon (Ayberk) usually perches outside Forum Hermei, but may occasionally fly in to whisper in Yakim's ear
Boris Davidovich Bjornaer |
Sarmatia |
5 Sigilla |
Sigil |
small section of tree with bark, marked by the claws of a bear |
Reputation |
none |
huge hirsute old man in a simple brown robe; he is accompanied outside Forum Hermei by a trio of burly Russian woodsmen (Boroda, Ruslan, Vaslaw) with large axes and bows
Pavel Chedyav Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Sarmatiae |
Reputation |
master of Intellego |
stout balding man wearing a linen tunic & leggings and a light wool cloak; outside Forum Hermei, he is accompanied by four mail-clad warriors with swords and shields
Karpos Merceris |
Antistes Sarmatiae |
Reputation |
fur trader |
burly bearded man wearing a leather hat with a red horsetail plume, linen tunic and over-robe, carrying a stout walking stick; outside Forum Hermei, he is attended by a middle-aged woman (Nadea)
Saquisius Jerbitonis |
Syria |
33 Sigilla |
Sigil |
bronze caliper with silver accents |
Reputation |
architect |
tall dark-complexioned man with curly hair and beard; he wears fine silks in the Saracen style, in gold, orange, and white, and carries a staff of polished acacia wood
Archimagus Emeric Bonisagi Trianomae |
Syria |
25 Sigilla |
Sigil |
silver-chased brooch set with two carnelions |
Reputation |
master diplomat |
tanned, white-haired old man with a full white beard; he dressed in Saracen style silks in pale blue and white, and carries a staff of olive wood; a desert owl (Irfan) is usually nearby
Jocelin Bonisagi Trianomae |
Syria |
13 Sigilla |
Sigil |
brass signet ring set with jasper |
Reputation |
none |
young brunette man dressed in Frankish Outremer garb (that is, silks and cottons in Frankish styles but with some Oriental influences)
Felix Guernici |
Quaesitor Praesidens Syriae |
Reputation |
master of Intellego |
scowling middle-aged man who walks with a pronounced limp, wearing a white cotton robe and a wide-brimmed leather hat, carrying a staff; a falcon (Pau) perches nearby; outside Forum Hermei, he is attended by a manservant (Louis)
Valya Merceris |
Magistra Syriae |
Reputation |
mistress of Muto |
dark-haired woman wearing a flowing white dress and filmy red silk head veil, with an electrum bracelet set with amber and a polished black stone; outside Forum Hermei, she is attended by a Saracen maidservant (Ashraqat) and is guarded by a swarthy man (Ibrahim Merceris) armored in the Saracen style, with a loose white cotton kaftan over his armor
Cato Guernici |
Quaesitor Helvetiae
Consiliarius |
Reputation |
master of Imaginem |
bald man wearing a brown woolen robe over linen tunic and trousers; a ferret (Roberta), typically rides in a bag slung from Cato's shoulder
Archimaga Erlea Tytali |
Quaesitrix Hispaniae
Consiliaria |
Reputation |
mistress of Mentem |
white-haired woman wearing a light gray palla over a dark gray robe, with an intricately carved staff of walnut wood inlaid with silver and lead; her cinnamon cat Lía lurks at her feet; discipula Consuela, wearing an embroidered yellow dress, attends her; outside Forum Hermei, Erlea is accompanied by her maid María and two mailed custodes, Roi and Xian.