22 April |
Afternoon |
Primus Ebroin Ex Miscellanea & retinue arrive via Harco Portal
young man wearing a bulky set of rose-colored woolen robes; accompanied by a large hairy man (Bryn) in forester's garb with a large axe |
Archimaga Arianna Ex Miscellanea & retinue
attractive woman garbed in sumptuous pale yellow robes of silk-lined wool, with a brass chain girdle and pale yellow bonnet; she is accompanied by a maidservant (Faílend) and three warriors in leather armor, with spears & shields (Nátán, Alstrom & Séarlan) |
Quaesitrix Orabella Ex Miscellanea & retinue
brunette woman attired in an orange dress with white kirtle & bonnet, carrying an intricately carved oak staff topped with a crystal in an irregular silver lattice; a goose (Amis) waddles beside her, and her maidservant (Roheis) attends her |
23 April |
Early Morning |
Arx Caeles arrives at Durenmar, festooned with pennants & white banners; it levitates a dozen paces above the treetops south of Durenmar vale |
Danalia Tytali & discipulus Matyas Depennatus
Lucas Faber Jerbitonis
Auspecius Bonisagi & discipulus Raduz
Concentius Jerbitonis & discipulus Mirozim
Sameen Ex Miscellanea & discipula Paula
Placida Tytali
Valdis Jarðar Bonisagi
Persicum Iuvenis Criamonis
Karda Urus Bjornaer
24 April |
Late Morning |
Sarmatia party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legata Susan Wicklowis Merceris & retinue
energetic middle-aged woman, wearing traditional Russian dress, overdress, and white wimple; a black Borzoi (Misha) ambles by her side; a maidservant (Nina) attends her |
Legata Nastassia Baramov Bjornaer & retinue
beautiful blonde-haired woman with pale blue eyes and a luminous complexion; she wears a simple white dress embroidered along the hems and neckline with red-orange arabesque patterns, and usually goes barefoot
she is accompanied by Quaesitor Yakim ibn Rassur Flambonis, who is dressed in steppe garb; a falcon (Ayberk) perches on his shoulder, sometimes flying up to swoop around Durenmar |
Legatus Boris Davidovich Bjornaer & retinue
huge hirsute old man in a simple brown robe, accompaniedby a trio of burly Russian woodsmen (Boroda, Ruslan, Vaslaw) with large axes and bows |
Quaesitor Pavel Chedyav Guernici & retinue
stout balding man wearing a linen tunic & leggings and a light wool cloak; accompanied by four mail-clad warriors with swords shields and gray tabards bearing the red heraldry of Leczyca; two lead a pack mules
Antistes Karpos Merceris & retinue
burly bearded man wearing a leather hat with a red horsetail plume, linen tunic and over-robe, carrying a stout walking stick; attended by a middle-aged woman (Nadea) |
Latruncalator Boris Merceris
short, balding, clean-shaven man wearing a thick fur hat and coat over linen tunic and woolen leggings, leading a packmule |
Afternoon |
Primus Archimagus Handri Merinitae & retinue arrive via Black Forest path
somewhat homely man in late middle age, wearing gray robes and carrying a turtleshell lyre, accompanied by three satyr guards wielding large axes |
several gnomes (Mihal, Andries, Faa, Tinka) lead & carry an array of animated items including buckets, brooms, shovels, bedpans, ladles, and roasting spits |
Evening |
Legatus Taurinius Flambonis & retinue arrive via Black Forest path
man in late middle age, wearing a mail hauberk under a dark brown cloak; he has a long dagger at his side and carries a short staff of rowan wood holding a basalt crucifix at its top; a viciously-scarred mailed warrior with sword and axe accompanies him (Gustave); a stout manservant (Simos) carries a small chest; a pretty maidservant (Mabile) carries a large bag |
25 April |
Late Morning |
Hibernia party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legata Siofra Merinitae & retinue
petite elfin woman with a pale slightly green complexion and light brown hair that resembles vines and tendrils as much as hair; she wears a shoulderless garment of tree bark down to mid-thigh, and is otherwise unclothed and barefoot; a kestral hovers or circles overhead, and a bark-skinned bald woman (Sadhbh) accompanies her |
Legata Fiachra Merinitae & retinue
tall, slender young woman with black hair and dark green eyes, wearing an enveloping cloak of raven feathers; she rarely reveals even a hand or a wrist from beneath her cloak, but when she does, she reveals either her sigillum or a wand of bone with a pale green topaz set in the tip; a large raven (Tuara) lurks beside her |
Quaesitor Urien Guernici
old man with balding white hair, wearing a long green tunic and dull orange cloak, carrying a spear; an eerie black rook (Meubred) perches on his shoulder; a scarred dark-haired woman (Saorse) accompanies him, wearing a leather jerkin and carrying a bow & quiver, and a long knife; three small chests follow him, floating in air
discipula Óebfinn, dressed in a tattered brown robe, attends Urien Guernici |
Antistes Gopstan Merceris
energetic man with long brown hair, wearing a red woolen cap and gray tunic under a black and green leather coat, with a sword and dagger in scabbards on crossed baldrics; two athletic young men in leather armor with spears, shields & daggers accompany him |
Latruncalator Luchta Merceris
Caduceator Dainial Merceris
Fortunata Verditii
dark-haired woman in a dark green woolen robe and pale yellow linen palla & bonnet, bedecked with silver rings, necklace, and earrings; she is accompanied by a maidservant (Márta) in a dark green dress and white bonnet and a mailed warrior (Cnán) |
Afternoon |
Expectatio party arrives via Harco Portal |
Venditrix Hermelinda pro Rhesus Verditii displays finely woven cloth exemplars
Venditor Gilles pro Varocher Verditii displays fine enamelled goods as exemplars
Venditor Papias pro Quintinus Verditii displays fine saddle exemplars
Late Afternoon |
Fengheld party arrives via Black Forest path |
Legatus Archimagus Stentorius Tremeris & retinue
large stout man with a long bushy beard, wearing formal charcoal-gray robes; Oswald, a huge gray cat, prowls by his side; two mailed guards in wolfhide cloaks accompany him, and a servant carrying a small chest trails him |
Discipula Sita Tremeris
dark-complexioned girl with brown eyes and dark brown hair that is barely contained, wearing a simple linen tunic; barefoot, she wears a crude dagger fashioned from a boar's tusk in a simple rope belt |
Legata Archimaga Dorana Bonisagi Trianomae & retinue
forceful woman wearing white robes which always seem to be catching a breeze and flowing gently; a white peregrine falcon (Gervas) perches near her; she is accompanied by a maidservant (Doris), and a manservant carrying a small chest |
Antistes Erich Merceris
tall, lanky fellow with red hair and beard, garbed in red leather cap, a dark green leather jerkin over a gray shirt and brown leather leggings, and carrying a stout staff |
Praevia Erika Merceris
brown-haired woman wearing a red linen bonnet, embroidered cotton tunic and split gray skirt over a white blouse and gray leggings, with a slim dagger on a draped leather girdle |
Discipulus Ulric Merceris
strong, good-looking youth in his late teens, wearing a leather jerkin over a white shirt and brown leggings, with a dagger at his belt |
Discipulus Woled Merceris
sturdy young man in a quilted jerkin, with a bow & quiver and sheathed dagger |
Discipula Erika Sicaria Merceris
bold young woman dressed in lamellar armor that seems crafted from bone, with sevaral daggers and knives in various sheaths and scabbards |
Archimaga Marguerite Flambonis & retinue
stunningly beautiful woman with braided auburn hair and haughty hazel eyes, wearing a white silk wimple and pale yellow woolen dress with red and orange embroidery and draped sleeves tied at the elbow, under a white over-dress and brass chain girdle; she is accompanied by a maidservant and two mailed men@arms in pale blue surcoats |
Amalric Verditii
brown-haired man wearing a blue tunic over a natural linen shirt and gray woolen hose, bearing only a simple knife; he rides a bronze clockwork horse |
Early Evening |
Graecia party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legatus Archimagus Ethacles Jerbitonis & retinue
balding older man, with a trimmed gray beard, wearing robes of rich silk brocade adorned with tassels, thread of gold, and a variety of decorative buttons; a turtle dove (Jocasta) flutters nearby; he is accompanied by two warriors (Aris & Mihail) in heavy lamellar armor, with swords and shields |
Xenagos Diantha Merceris translates between Latin and Greek for Ethacles |
Legatus Archimagus Bythren Tytali & retinue
tall blonde-haired man clothed in a pale orange woolen tunic and gray woolen trousers with a sleeveless black leather jerkin; he carries a golden trident and has a large empty leather bag at his belt; an unsavory-looking man (Lieven) dressed in black leather and armed with several daggers and knives accompanies him |
discipula Zoe, a pretty Greek teen dressed in boyish garb, attends her parens |
Legata Tzakia Bonisagi Trianomae
Greek woman wearing a dark green dress with yellow embroidery and several amber buttons, a yellow silk palla, and a yellow shawl; she carries a slender hornbeam wand carved to resemble a closed tulip at the tip; accompanying her is a strange hairy creature with a black face (Kesari) |
Quaesitor Claudios Guernici
dark-haired man with a trimmed black beard, wearing a loose embroidered blue & gray robe over a white silk tunic and gray silk leggings, carrying a staff; three small chests trail him, floating in the air |
Thyroros Charissa Merceris & retinue
tall, dark-haired woman wearing a
richly embroidered green and yellow dress, white mantle, and filmy red silk wimple |
discipula Irisa attends her parens in a simple white dress |
Archimagus Vasili Flambonis & retinue
man with ruddy brown hair and beard, garbed in leather armor with a scabbarded dagger and brass scepter; two burly men (Jakup & Pjeter) in lamellar armor with large axes accompany him, and his huperetes (Rajko) follows at a distance, leading a packmule |
Archimagus Cnaeus Guernici
white-haired old man wearing an unadorned gray robe, who walks with the aid of a staff |
Quaesitor Archimagus Molenius Guernici & retinue
grim older man with balding white hair, wearing gray robes; a manservant (Dinko) accompanies him |
Archimagus Azelinus Flambonis & retinue
weathered brown-skinned older man with white hair & bushy beard, wearing black robes and a gilded astrolabe on a brass chain; a bronze dagger is sheathed on a baldric over his robes; a caracal cat (Artemisia) ambles nearby; his huperetes (Milovan) follows him |
Archimagus Mantes Jerbitonis & retinue
handsome middle-aged man with curly brown hair, garbed in sumptuous blue cotton and silk robes; an eagle (Koronos) circles overhead; two manservants wearing matching blue tunics and cloaks (Nektarios & Phillipos) attend Mantes, along with his paelex (Ioanna), dressed in pale yellow |
Emporos Niko Merceris
Emporos Takis gia Batzas Verditii offers fine goldwork exemplars
Emporos Saoul gia Grigoris Verditii offers fine leatherwork exemplars
Emporos Illias gia Vatinius Galerius Verditii offers fine armor exemplars
26 April |
Morning |
Guilde de Manosca party arrives via Harco Portal |
Consors Priano di Primaluna
Venditor Giasone pro Bruccius Verditii
Venditor Piccolet pro Druda Verditii
Venditor Aribert pro Vidal Verditii
Venditrix Thomassia pro Blaunche Verditii
Venditor Ide pro Bendis Verditii
Late Morning |
Magvillus party arrives via Magvillus Portal |
Prima Quaesitrix Bilera Guernici & retinue
unassuming woman in late middle age, wearing an unadorned brown robe and a white wimple, with a kidskin glove on her left hand; a Mouflon ram (Cornelius) trails her, accompanied by a maidservant (Elettra) |
Quaesitrix Archimaga Procella Guernici & retinue
middle-aged woman with billowing brown hair, dressed in white cotton robes; her storm petrel (Aia) flutters nearby, and her maidservant (Nucca) follows her
Quaesitor Protantus Guernici
gray-haired man in late middle-age, wearing a
dark gray robe trimmed in lighter gray |
Afternoon |
Valnastium party arrives via Valnastium Portal |
Primus Archimagus Andru Jerbitonis & retinue
tall handsome man in his 50s, with dark curly hair, wearing blue silk hose and a white long-sleeved tunic under a blue-dyed sleeveless leather jerkin and a dark blue woolen long coat with silver needlework and decorative buttons down the front hems; his black cat Crucifixio meanders around him |
Andru is accompanied by Carmine Flambonis, a lovely dark-haired Iberian woman wearing a burgundy silk dress with white embroidery and a white cotton palla; she carries a wand of wood and brass shaped to resemble a rose with closed petals; her cat Murmuratia is close by; a manservant (Florello) and maidservant (Bianca) attend Andru and Carmine |
Vortimer Jerbitonis & retinue
balding older man with bushy white beard, wearing a blue doublet and hose under a light gray cloak, with a thick bronze-bound codex hanging from a leather baldric; a manservant (Ario) accompanies him, leading a pack goat |
Constance Jerbitonis & retinue
elderly white-haired woman in gray robes with a white palla and bonnet and a large leather bag; her maidservant (Miuccia) attends to her |
Malbert Jerbitonis
young man with trimmed brown beard and hair, wearing a brown leather jerkin over a green tunic & brown woolen leggings, with a brown cloak; he carries a stout staff and bears a leather pack on his back
Afternoon |
Fudaris party arrives via Harco Portal |
Prima Archimaga Asterses Tytali & retinue
inscrutable woman dressed in black clothing, carrying an ashwood staff carved with various astrological symbols; an Alpine ibex (Sigismund) accompanies her; the goat is capable of speech and quite erudite, being well-read in philosophiae and artes liberales; a servant (Perig) with a shovel and pail follows the goat, scooping up droppings or placing the bucket to catch urine |
Legatus Archimagus Tullius Tytali & retinue
balding old man wearing a pale gray robe embroidered in red with mystical and astrological symbols; a faint whiff of acrid and foul odors may sometimes be detected; a barnacle goose (Didier) struts nearby; a small chest follows him, floating in the air; two mailed men@arms (Othon, Girars) with swords & shields accompany him |
Quaesitor Vortigern Jerbitonis & retinue
tall blonde man with a friendly air, wearing a white tunic and sleeveless burgundy over-tunic, carrying a wooden baton carved with astrological symbols; a large black cat (Gerner) ambles nearby; his manservant (Landri) and maid (Flore) attend him |
Antistes Grazide Merceris
middle-aged woman wearing a pale orange dress, yellow palla, and multihued red henin |
Quaesitor Archimagus Trebatius Tytali & retinue
grim middle-aged man with trimmed graying beard, garbed in gray woolen robes and cloak; a great owl (Naissa) swoops around him; his manservant (Hernaut) attends him, and two mailed men@arms (Beuve & Arnould) with swords & shields accompany him |
Latruncalator Fromondin Merceris
Caduceator Renaud Merceris
Late Afternoon |
Hispania party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legata Archimaga Martiena Tytali & retinue
friendly smiling woman of middle years, dressed in Italian fashion with an embroidered and buttoned orange coat over a pale brown brocade silk dress; her maidservant (Olivia) attends her; a servant carrying a small chest trails her
{some may see an enormous ghostly bear towering over her} |
Quaesitor Archimagus Diurnus Guernici & retinue
swarthy black-haired man with a crisp bearing, wearing a gray wool gambeson under a bezainted leather hauberk (each bezaint is bronze with silver etched scales); he carries a short spear, often over one shoulder; a black and white crested porcupine (Bevon) scuttles near his feet; with a half-dozen rough-looking men wearing brown tunics and leather leggings carry spears, javelins, and long knives |
Antistes Remei Merceris & retinue
friendly brunette woman wearing a red linen bonnet and white silk tunic under a dark blue velvet doublet & skirt; her maidservant (Eustaquia) attends her |
Quaesitrix Archimaga Erlea Tytali & retinue
white-haired woman wearing a light gray palla over a dark gray robe, with an intricately carved staff of walnut wood inlaid with silver and lead; her cinnamon cat Lía lurks at her feet; with her maid María and two mailed custodes, Roi and Xian. |
discipula Consuela, wearing an embroidered yellow dress, attends her parens |
Archimagus Bonastruc Bonisagi & retinue
stout middle-aged man with graying hair and beard, wearing an orange cotton doublet over white linen tunic and light brown trousers, with a light brown woolen cloak and short walking stick; one eye seems to twitch frequently; his manservant (Burel) attends to him |
Archimagus Timon Tremeris & retinue
swarthy scarred man with graying brown hair & trimmed beard, wearing leather armor under a charcoal gray surcoat, with a bronze dagger sheathed on a baldric; a stipator (Miquel) in black leather armor shadows him |
Praevius Arnald Merceris
Discipulus Enric Merceris
Olivar Verditii
brings two crossbows, each of which is finely detailed; one has an attached winch
Early Evening |
Oculus Septentrionalis party arrives via Black Forest path |
Legatus Henri de Tours Jerbitonis & retinue
friendly corpulent man, dressed in rich Flemish clothing of silk and the finest English wool, with ostentatious gold and silver jewelry and numerous decorative buttons, attended by a manservant (Gustav) leading a packmule |
Esteve Flambonis, in a reinforced leather hauberk and yellow tabard with a blue flame on the breast, accompanies Henri |
Legatus Gaumardas Jerbitonis & retinue
middle-aged man dressed as a burgher in hues of blue and rich deep brown, wearing a variety of jewelry; a white cat (Ponce) strolls by his side; a burly man (Roche) in leather armor with a club at his belt accompanies him, leading a packmule |
Jehan Tremeris shadows Gaumardas at all times; he wears black leather armor with a dark gray cloak, with only a bronze dagger at his belt |
Late Evening |
Quaesitrix Archimaga Eliza Tremeris & retinue arrive via Harco Portal
middle-aged woman wearing elaborate henin and charcoal gray robe; she carries a slim bronze dagger on a bronze chain girdle about her waist; a large raven (Excingus) flutters nearby, sometimes alighting on her shoulder; her custos (Brunehaut), garbed in black leather armor with sword & shield, accompanies her
discipula Kazimiera, attired in white robes, attends her parens |
Emelye Anglicus Tremeris
woman in pale gray robes and white bonnet & palla; she wears a slim bronze dagger at her belt; a servant (Ava) attends to her; several men carry chests & bags through the portal, then depart
27 April |
Late Morning |
Val Negra party arrives via Val Negra Portal |
Primus Archimagus Garus Flambonis & retinue
tottering old man wearing a black woolen hooded robe and leaning on a carved staff inlaid with various metals in mystical patterns along its length; a large crow (Cesc) flies around him, occasionally landing on his shoulder or the top of his staff; he is accompanied by a young valet (Mateu) carrying a bulky leather satchel; a large chest floats in the air behind them |
Legata Archimaga Azucena Flambonis
stout matronly woman wearing a black dress, black wimple, and black cloak; she wields a wand of hornbeam wood tipped with lead in the shape of a human skull; she leads her magnificent courser (Loida), accompanied by four Iberian warriors (Carlos, Javier, Nataniel & Rafael) in leather scale armor with swords, javelins & shields, also leading warhorses and several packmules |
discipula Liena attends her parens, shrouded in voluminous hooded robes |
Archimagus Ardentius Flambonis & retinue
handsome white-haired man garbed in leather armor under a white over-robe, carrying an intricately carved staff capped with brass on each end, and leading his destrier (Léonce), caparisoned in white with red hourglasses embroidered at the end of each trailing tasset; four mailed men@arms (Demesio, Nalo, Celipe & Restu) with swords, javelins & shields accompany him with their mounts, along with his cacula (Brun) and a packhorse |
Archimaga Ignatia Flambonis & retinue
confident, almost masculine older woman, garbed in mail under a dark blue surcoat emblazoned with a silver hourglass; she carries a brass wand tipped with a ruby, and wears a bronze dagger sheathed at her waist; a red fox (Colombe) trots by her side, and her maidservant (Felise) trails her; four mailed men@arms (Otz, Thosa, Raolf & Anfos) in dark blue surcoats with swords and shields accompany her
Quaesitor Archimagus Quintis Flambonis & retinue
clean-shaven older man with graying hair, garbed in black leather armor with a large falconer's gauntlet and a stout staff capped with brass at each end; a harrier (Firmin) perches on his gauntlet; his cacula (Alfans) attends him, and four mailed men@arms (Estotz, Bovert, Jaufre & Sevin) with swords & shields accompany him |
Archimagus Mamercus Flambonis & retinue
clean-shaven older man with graying hair, garbed in leather scale armor under a pale vermillion surcoat emblazoned with a gold hourglass, with sword & dagger sheathed at his bronze-link belt and a vermillion shield emblazoned with a gold hourglass slung on his back; he wears a large falconer's gauntlet on his left arm; an eagle (Fidèle) flies overhead or perches on his arm; four mailed men@arms (Sevis, Allard, Raolf & Inard) in orange surcoats with swords & shields accompany him; his cacula (Tibaut) carries a perch stand for his master and leads a pack mule behind them |
Archimagus Lux Fidei Flambonis & retinue
good looking middle-aged man with closely trimmed graying beard, wearing white robes and carrying a brass lamp burning with a white flame in one hand; his cacula (Esdras) attends him |
Quaesitrix Ilyana Tremeris & retinue
youthful brown-haired woman with piercing brown eyes, garbed in leather armor under charcoal gray tabard; she carries a stout staff; a stoat (Gabi) peeks out from a leather bag; her custos (Jurdana) accompanies her, armored in leather and wielding paired machaerae |
discipulus Kemen, wearing a brown robe, attends his parens |
Early Afternoon |
Helvetia party arrives via Black Forest path |
Legatus Archimagus Paxton Verditii & retinue
somewhat resembles a weathered oak tree; his skin is deeply lined with a leathery complexion; he wears a white toga with dark orange trim, and is accompanied by two men in white tunics carrying fasces (Raganfrid & Lewenhart); one leads a pack goat |
Quaesitrix Athena Alpina Guernici & retinue
graying woman covered in dark freckles on her face, neck, and hands, wearing a white stola trimmed with yellow, with a yellow bonnet and pale yellow palla, carrying a dark wooden staff holding a clear crystal at one end; a large crow (Andreas) flies nearby; she is attended by a pair of maidservants (Edeburga and Lanthildis); one leads a pack goat |
Antistes Mary Merceris & retinue
plump matronly woman wearing a white stola embroidered with red mystical symbols along the hems, a white over-dress, and a red wimple; she carries an electrum wand bearing a glass sphere on one end; a white cat (Ranos) is often nearby |
Latruncalator Arnegis Merceris
Discipulus Gian Merceris leads a pack goat
Quaesitor Cato Guernici
bald man wearing a brown woolen robe over linen tunic and trousers; a ferret (Roberta), typically rides in a bag slung from Cato's shoulder |
Archimagus Sabastien Tytali & retinue
blue-eyed middle-aged man with short brown hair, wearing gray robes and carrying a silver-shod ironwood staff; his manservant (Adalfuns) attends him |
discipula Zenje attends her parens |
Archimagus Waldibert Bonisagi & retinue
aged balding man with spotted skin, wearing much-mended brown robes; a large boar (Garibald) trails him, examining nearly everything it passes; his manservant (Ernolf) attends him |
Archimaga Ragoneda Tytali & retinue
blonde middle-aged woman dressed in pale blue silk robes with a white linen over-robe; she carries a bone sceptor in one hand; her maidservant (Elsebeth) attends her
Archimagus Vincentius Criamonis & retinue
white haired older man with silvery skin mottled with black markings, garbed in a leather cuirass and leggings and black cloak; he carries an iron-shod staff; his manservant (Gairbert) attends him, and two men@arms in leather armor (Dailus & Snazi) with swords & shields accompany him |
Archimagus Aurelius Philosophicus Jerbitonis & retinue
tall middle-aged man dressed luxuriously in silks, brocades, and fine woolens, with a large brass & silver crucifix on a bronze chain resting on his chest; he is accompanied by several servants, including a discrete bodyguard (Gunnulf), manservant (Piccardo), and errand boy (Otho), all of whom are dressed and equipped sufficiently well to display his status appropriately
Archimagus Pietro Flambonis & retinue
small, spry man wearing a dark blue sheepskin tunic under a white wool toga edged in blue; he carries a bronze-capped oaken staff inlaid with polished blue striped agate in branching patterns; a leopard (Cinnamon) prowls at his side, along with two mailed men@arms (Riso & Gerlach) with swords & shields |
Archimaga Anastasia Flambonis & retinue
dark-haired woman wearing deep green woolen robes, and carrying a silver-tipped wand; a large black bear (Ursula Iovisae) ambles after her; her maidservant (Frederada) attends her
discipulus Sagittarius Iovialis, a large young man in a gray robe, attends his parens Anastasia |
Archimagus Talion Flambonis & retinue
pale, white-haired man with a white bushy beard, wearing thick black woolen robes and carrying a large bronze scythe; his elderly manservant (Gil) attends him |
Venditor Unsenis pro Larentius Verditii displays fine blade exemplars
Afternoon |
Coeris party arrives via Coeris Portal |
Prima Archimaga Poena Tremeris & retinue
short stocky woman with graying black hair in a long braid and a circlet of electrum, wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe with a white linen girdle; a large white wolf (Atia) and pair of stipatores (Costica & Sergiu) accompany her |
discipula Olga, dressed in white robes, attends her parens |
Archimagus Denes Tremeris & retinue
 stout, fleshy older man wearing a charcoal-gray robe and carrying a short spear; he is attended by discipuli Hajnalka and Rajmund
Legatus Archimagus Annaeus Quintilius Tremeris & retinue
stocky white-haired man wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe; Dwynwen Tremeris accompanies him; he is shadowed by two stipatores (Mihail & Silviu) |
Legata Archimaga Piroska Tremeris & retinue
woman with hints of gray in her long black hair who walks on her toes like a dancer; she wears a formal charcoal-gray robe that is tailored to fit closely in the bust and waist, and flow freely around her legs; she is accompanied by a large white wolf (Lozois), by Felix Tremeris, and shadowed by two stipatores (Ciprian & Nicusor) |
Legatus Archimagus Austinus Doveris Tremeris & retinue
elderly white-haired man wearing a formal charcoal-gray robe and walking with the aid of a staff; he is accompanied by a contingent of eerie guards (Ernakh & Pullus, plus Safrax, Kovrat, Erem, and Olcay) garbed as Roman legionaries (lorica segmentata), each with a strapped buckler, powerful bow, and paired machaerae |
Quaesitor Ariston Guernici & retinue
tall, handsome dark-haired man, clean-shaven, wearing a dark blue woolen tunic and leggings, a brown leather jerkin, and a white surcoat bearing the scales of Domus Guernici on the breast; he carries a white hazelwood staff; he is accompanied by a manservant (Prokopios) leading a packmule and a large muscular old man bearing a round shield and mace (Vasos) |
discipula Necia, attired in a pale blue dress with white kirtle, attends her parens |
Antistes Ajtony Merceris
short half-bald man with gray hair, wearing a wide-brimmed red leather hat, dark brown tunic and leggings, and a gray wool cloak |
Latrunculatrix Menyhért Merceris
Legata Archimaga Maghor Tremeris & retinue
middle-aged woman dressed in a formal charcoal-gray robe, with a wand of bronze and electrum set with tiny gems; a large badger (Taffy) scuttles about at her feet; she is shadowed by a pair of stipatores (Deryn & Vaughn) |
discipula Mabyn, in a brown robe, attends her parens |
Quaesitor Iudicius Guernici & retinue
ruddy white-haired old man with a long white beard, wearing a black hooded robe and carrying a twisted staff of rowan wood; a black weasel (Jules) peaks out from his hood occasionally; a manservant (Celyn) leading a packmule accompanies him |
discipulus Coll, a young man in a brown robe, attends his parens |
Archimagus Mercurio Tremeris & retinue
balding middle-aged man in a charcoal gray robe, carrying a carved black wood staff; a large white wolf (Romanus) ambles beside him |
Archimaga Placida Mercuria Bonisagi & retinue
thoughtful brunette woman in a brown robe and linen wimple, carrying a staff carved with a winding serpent; her maidservant (Pina) attends her |
Archimagus Valerius Tremeris & retinue
bald older man with unflinching eyes, garbed in mail under a charcoal gray surcoat, with scabbarded sword and dagger on cross baldrics; two mailed men@arms with swords & shields accompany him |
Archimagus Pherenikos Tremeris & retinue
burly white-haired man who speaks with a slight lisp, attired in charcoal gray robes and carrying a bronze-shod staff; a black bear (Tanicius) ambles after him, sniffing the air |
Quaesitor Archimagus Cervidus Tremeris & retinue
stout middle-aged man with graying trimmed beard, wearing a charcoal gray robe, with a bronze dagger sheathed at his belt; an ibis (Kais) struts or flies along with him |
discipulus Valdek attends his parens Cervidus |
Archimagus Tryestram Tremeris & retinue
blustery older man garbed in leather armor under a charcoal gray surcoat, with a pair of bronze daggers on cross baldrics; he leads a destrier (Arion) caparisoned in charcoal gray with blue Tremeris emblems embroidered at breast and flanks; two warriors in lamellar armor (Jared & Seth) with composite bows and machaerae accompany him |
Quaesitrix Archimaga Yonka Anahita Tremeris
tall woman with graying hair gathered under a silk scarf, attired in charcoal gray tunic & leggings, with a sheathed bronze dagger at her belt and a wooden wand in one hand |
Afternoon |
Harco party arrives via Harco Portal |
Prima Insatella Merceris & retinue
elderly woman wearing fine Italian attire: a yellow silk dress with blue embroidery and several decorative buttons in ivory, silver, and alabaster; white cotton palla, and embroidered rose-colored bonnet; she sits in an armchair that floats just above the ground; her maidservant (Dina) attends her |
Maria and Mireio Merceris accompany Insatella at all times
Legatus Archimagus Gerontius Merceris & retinue
belies his apparent age with an energy and vigor that would be envied by men half his age; he dresses in a simple gray robe and carries a red alder wood staff with electrum serpents coiled around the top; an Aesculapian snake (Bernardo) is often coiled around his shoulder and staff arm; four soldiers in leather scale armor with glaives accompany him; a small chest floats in the air, trailing him |
Antistes Garibald Merceris & retinue
dignified gray-haired man dressed in a floppy red velvet hat, orange and brown tunic, hose, and doublet |
Caduceator Vitus Merceris
Caduceatrix Fabrisse Merceris
Archimagus Baldassare Bonisagi & retinue
dark-haired man wearing gray robes of cotton and silk, carrying a silver-etched brass astrolabe; his manservant (Doffo) attends him
Afternoon |
Legatus Archimagus Emeric Bonisagi Trianomae & retinue arrive via Harco Portal
tanned, white-haired old man with a full white beard; he dressed in Saracen style silks in pale blue and white, and carries a staff of olive wood; a desert owl (Irfan) accompanies him
Afternoon |
Archimagus Mathieus Jerbitonis & retinue arrive via Black Forest path
handsome older man with graying hair turning to white, dressed in burgundy wool & silks with a white over-tunic embroidered with black lilies, riding a finely caparisoned palfrey; his manservant (Forsard) attends him, leading a pack mule |
Late Afternoon |
Doissetep party arrives on Bertrand Merinitae's longship made of ice |
Legatus Archimagus Valentin Tytali & retinue
handsome man with the build of a heroic warrior and long blonde hair gathered in two tails that drape over his shoulders; he wears black leather leggings and a gray silk gambeson under a gleaming mail shirt, with a purple silk-lined cloak hemmed with black mink fur over all; a sword and dagger in tooled leather scabbards hang from baldrics under his cloak, and he carries a bronze scepter set with a large wine-colored gem; a large mastiff (Barghest) prowls at his side; a small chest follows him, floating in the air; a manservant (Guion) trails the chest, carrying a large bag |
Archimaga Corinna Flambonis & retinue
white-haired old woman garbed in elaborate orange & red silk robes, bearing a staff with a brass hammer capping one end and a bronze spike on the other; a large salamander (Salvator) radiating heat scuttles behind her; her maidservant (Alpais) attends her
Archimagus Aemilius Exsanguis Flambonis & retinue
handsome man with iron-gray hair, wearing yellow silk robes and carrying a lit pinewood torch that burns with smokeless fire; a black vulture (Medir) perches nearby or circles overhead; his manservant (Pau) attends him; four warriors in leather armor (Gaur, Aratz, Lehoi & Satordi) with swords, javelins & shields accompany him |
Archimagus Cesario Tytali & retinue
white-haired stout older man in mail with a burgundy surcoat and gray cloak, wielding a bronze scepter in one hand; a large boar (Guion) with steel-capped tusks snorts at his side; his manservant (Manex) attends him
Archimagus Trogus Verditii & retinue
balding, burly older man in gray robes, with a large mason's hammer in one calloused hand (his fingernails are black) and carries a large leather bag that clinks when he moves; his manservant (Urko) attends him |
Bertrand Merinitae
Burly gray-haired man in brown woolen trousers and tunic, with a fisherman's cap and blue woolen cloak
Ben-Melkart Bonisagi Trianomae
Dark-haired man with a close-cropped beard, wearing a brown cotton robe and wide-brimmed straw hat, with a stout walking stick
Late Afternoon |
Caledonia party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legatus Archimagus Corona Vallaris Tremeris & retinue
brisk elderly man dressed in a mail hauberk under a formal charcoal-gray surcoat emblazoned with the symbol of Domus Tremeris in silver; he carries a large claidheamh mor in his hand, typically resting it either on his shoulder or point down on the ground; his mastiff (Caesar) trots at his side, along with several mailed gallowglaigh (Alfarr, Sigge, Hakon & Orvar) with swords and shields wait, leading pale fawn-colored horses |
discipulus Lochlyn, also mailed and carrying a claidheamh mor, attends his parens; a small chest follows him, floating in midair |
Legata Jessamine Bjornaer & retinue
spry elderly woman wearing a simple blue dress with white needlework along the hems and neck; she wears an elaborate chain of beads with a sort of crucifix as a bracelet around her left wrist |
discipula Aldona accompanies her parens, leading a packmule |
Legatus Trálín Ex Miscellanea & retinue
an enormous barbaric-looking man in a loose woolen tunic, barefoot, with long red hair gathered at the back and blue tattoos over most of his body; he has a long flint dagger in a sheath on a leather baldric; a second barbaric-looking man (Cuilén) carries a spear and a large bag over his shoulder |
Caduceator Fearghas Merceris, a weathered brown-haired man dressed in earth-tone woolens and leather, accompanies Trálín to translate between Latin and Gaelic |
Quaesitor Callum Ruber Ex Miscellanea
ruddy man with dark red hair in a long braid, wearing a green woolen tunic and a brown woolen cloak, with a gnarled walking stick |
Antistes Triduana Merceris
gray-haired woman in late middle age, in a blue dress, pale blue palla, and white bonnet with an embroidered red shawl
Latruncalatrix Muime Merceris
Late Afternoon |
Archimagus Sigurd Bjornaer & retinue arrive via Black Forest path
burly blonde man with projecting face and nose, wearing a brown robe and leather sandals; his discipulus Cetius attends him |
Late Afternoon |
Legatus Archimagus Klemens Jerbitonis & retinue arrive via Black Forest path
portly white-haired old man, wearing a white toga with dark blue trim; a large black cat (Inquisitus) trails behind him, sniffing interesting things; Archdeacon Hruodland, in clerical attire, accompanies him, along with two men in white tunics carrying fasces (Gunnulf & Eginolf); one leads a pack-goat |
Late Afternoon |
Aquitania party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legata Maesiane Bonisagi Trianomae & retinue
middle aged woman dressed as a nun, with natural wool habit and natural linen scapula, wimple, and veil; she carries a staff of Aesclepius, and is accompanied by two women (Isabel, Magali), also dressed as nuns; one leads a pack donkey |
Legatus Peire Jerbitonis & retinue
man dressed as a burgher in brown and dark green; he carries a bronze-framed abacus, and is accompanied by a large serving man (Josep) with a gnarled cudgel, leading a packmule |
Lepida Criamonis, attired as a nun, accompanies Peire |
Quaesitor Zotikus Criamonis & retinue
old man marked with various red wound scars on his hands, arms, and neck, wearing a simple hooded brown robe and a leather belt, and carrying a spear; a large black hound (Sébastien) at his side |
discipula Pernelle attends her parens |
Antistes Conte Merceris & retinue
balding middle-aged man, dressed in a brown tunic and leggings with a dark yellow surcoat and floppy red velvet hat |
Latruncalator Chlotar Merceris
Praevius Covone Merceris
Archimagus Hernaud Bjornaer
weathered muscular man with graying brown hair and beard, wearing a brown robe |
Archimaga Ursula Densacer Bjornaer
handsome brunette woman with intense brown eyes, wearing a gray robe |
Quaesitor Bardus Guernici
Young man with sparse brown beard, garbed in black scale armor that resembles dragon scales under a gray cloak; he carries a stout staff and has a bronze dagger sheathed at his belt |
Early Evening |
Verdi party arrives via Verdi Portal |
Legata Staeysekin Verditii & retinue
slender haughty woman who wears clothing made of colored glass that bends and swirls around her, translucent but not transparent; she is a blaze of warm colors resembling a walking flame; two large men (Gimilian & Millanu) accompany her; they have sculpted glass breastplates, silk chitons with glass-beaded strips, and sculpted glass vambraces and greaves, all in shades of sea-greens and blues; the two carry glass clubs and have glass-decorated daggers in glassy scabbards; a small chest, a large chest, and several bags follow her, floating in midair; her maidservant (Ghita) attends her |
Quaesitor Archimagus Tartalo Verditii & retinue
white-haired old man in gray robes, with a brass trumpet; his manservant (Toccio) attends him
Archimagus Horace Bonisagi & retinue
white-haired old man in green silk robes and dark green woolen cloak, walking with the aid of a slender staff; his manservant (Nardo) attends him
Archimaga Czenzi Verditii & retinue
woman with dark silver hair, garbed in leather armor and gray cloak, with a bow & large quiver of arrows, leading a fine courser (Ruga) and accompanied by three blonde women warriors in leather armor, with spears & shields
Venditor Malacresta pro Olybrius Verditii displays finely painted icons and triptychs
Venditor Soderino pro Dardano Verditii displays fine clockwork exemplars
Venditor Frosino pro Cleph Verditii displays fine vellum & codex exemplars
28 April |
Late Morning |
Criamonis party arrives via Caverna Umbrae Torquentes Portal |
Prima Muscaria Criamonis
adolescent girl in her mid-teens with a strange figure-eight marking on her forehead, wearing a simple brown robe with a rope belt, and carrying a short staff |
Legatus Fortuito Criamonis & retinue
short wiry old man (80s) with faint white patterns on his arms, wearing a white toga with pale green trim; his shadow moves about nearly continuously, without reference to any source of light; a wizened barn owl (Signus) perches on his shoulder, occasionally whispering in his ear; he is accompanied by two men in white tunics carrying fasces (Bertilo & Wibil); one leads a pack goat |
Siobhan Criamonis
cheerful middle-aged blonde woman with tiny white specks all over her skin, wearing a pale gray hooded robe; a large bag floats in midair, following her; discipula Fabrisse accompanies her, wearing a simple yellow dress |
Early Afternoon |
Syria party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legatus Saquisius Jerbitonis & retinue
tall dark-complexioned man with curly hair and beard; he wears fine silks & cottons in the Saracen style, in gold, orange, and white, and carries a staff of polished acacia wood; two servants (Karekin & Lucineh) attend to him |
Legatus Jocelin Bonisagi Trianomae
young brunette man dressed in Frankish Outremer garb (that is, silks and cottons in Frankish styles but with some Oriental influences) |
Quaesitor Felix Guernici & retinue
scowling middle-aged man who walks with a pronounced limp, wearing a white cotton robe and a wide-brimmed leather hat, carrying a staff; a falcon (Pau) flies nearby; he is attended by a manservant (Louis), who leads a packmule |
Antistes Valya Merceris & retinue
dark-haired woman wearing a flowing white dress and filmy red silk head veil, with an electrum bracelet set with amber and a polished black stone; she is attended by a swarthy Saracen maidservant (Ashraqat) |
Praevius Ibrahim Merceris, a swarthy man armored in the Saracen style, with a loose white cotton kaftan over his armor, guards Valya |
Latruncalator Simon Merceris leads a packmule
Tiberius Flambonis & retinue
dignified man armored in mail, with a finely-embroidered white surcoat bearing an orange cross sablier fitchy (bearing the hourglass of Domus Flambonis at the end of three arms, with the lower arm pointed like the blade of a sword); his Greek paelex, Helena, trails him, wearing a veil, and
he is accompanied by two mailed men@arms with identical surcoats (Dalfin, Amand); and two turcopoles in leather armor, with horse bows (Emre, Narin); their horses are caparisoned in orange-on-white, with smaller emblems on the withers and chest; his cacula, Odo, carries a large pack on his back and leads a packmule
Henrik Ex Miscellanea
friendly man with brown hair and beard, wearing pale green silk robes embroidered in yellow and white arabesque patterns, with a small dagger at his belt; a jackdaw (Anysia) flutters nearby or perches on his shoulder; he is accompanied by a manservant (Hayan) dressed white cotton robes, and a swarthy young boy (Fernas) dressed in plain linen tunic and trousers, with a too-large brown woolen cloak |
Venditor Spyros pro Steris Verditii displays sculpted exemplars
Venditor Antonis pro David Verditii displays fine goldwork exemplars
Afternoon |
Primus Stouritus Verditii & retinue arrive via Harco Portal
large, muscular elderly man (90s), wearing leather trousers and a cotton gambeson under a light hauberk of bronze mail; he carries a pair of steel tongs in his hand, with which he gestures when he speaks, and wears a bulky and complex bronze helmet which produces various mechanisms (an articulated arm holding a glass lens; a tiny singing brass bird; a bronze ear-horn); a manservant (Maussollos) with one bronze articulated arm attends him |
Archimagus Dalen Verditii & retinue
muscular middle-aged man wearing brown robes and carrying a smith's hammer in one hand; a youthful servant (Dinos) attends him
Evening |
Gloria Tytali & retinue arrive via Harco Portal
brunette, tanned woman wearing a gold-embroidered burgundy dress under a hooded umber over-robe with orange & yellow embroidery |
Praevius Landolfo Merceris accompanies Gloria, accoutred in leather armor, sword & shield, with a red silk band tied around his leather helmet |
Rhea Tytali
beautiful young brunette woman wearing a white robe and shawl; a burly man (Tufa) attired in archaic mail accompanies her, with archaic sword and shield |
29 April |
Late Morning |
Prima Falke Bjornaer arrives, flying as a falcon
small lithe woman with tremendous physical presence; she wears a dark green robe and allows her long brown hair to fall freely about her shoulders and back; her feet are always wet, leaving a small puddle if she remains in one place for a time |
Midday |
Porta Germaniae party arrives via Aethranavis
Califactius Verditii & discipula Evelin Fabrix
Arcturus Picae Bjornaer
Securia Bonisagi
Cata Jerbitonis & mastiff Bobo |
Early Afternoon |
Britannia party arrives via Harco Portal |
Legata Julia Jerbitonis & retinue
beautiful middle-aged woman, wearing a pale blue robe trimmed in silver with several decorative ivory buttons, and a silver fillet & beaded mesh over her brown hair; a small black cat (Pussita) roams nearby; she is accompanied by two mailed men@arms (Aylmer & Osgar) with swords and shields, and a maidservant (Ositha) ; a small chest floats in midair behind her |
Legatus Sevestre Bonisagi Trianomae
middle-aged man dressed in a scholar's brown robe with a leather belt, complete with a brace of books in his hood; a large white and gray cat (Adair) sits at his side, observing everything carefully; a small chest trails him, floating in air |
Antistes Lyonell Merceris
humorless slender middle-aged man wearing an undyed, but oft-mended woolen robe and a straw hat with a red cloth band |
Viorica Verdtiii & retinue
pretty young woman garbed in a beautiful pale green dress under a wondrously woven white & yellow kirtle, and an embroidered bonnet |
discipula Milena attends her parens |
Vendatrix Nance pro Hawys Verditii displays fine embroidery exemplars
Venditor Hugues pro Tharnik Verditii displays fine silverwork exemplars
Venditor Elyes pro Fabricor Verditii displays fine blade exemplars
Late Afternoon |
Laetitia Verditii & retinue arrive via Black Forest path
blue-eyed brunette woman, wearing a loosely woven wimple and a dress cunningly crafted from delicately thin pieces of leather, dyed dark blue and white, with tooled patterns along the hems; her maidservant (Gersuinda) attends her
30 April |
Late Afternoon |
Harco Portal opens: Lasair in a simple white dress enters Forum and announces in a light, carrying voice to "Please make way for a party from Harco" |
Archimaga Pádraigín Deirarach Flambonis
lean, wiry woman in early middle age, with sun-browned skin and red hair that slowly shifts through shades of red and auburn; she appears to wear a white dress embroidered with red and gold flames at the neck and hem, with a golden arm torc, necklace and bracelet, and tiny jewels in her hair |
Gabriela Tremeris
Sicilian woman dressed in exotic Moorish cotton and silks ; a lioness (Sarra) stalks by her side, and discipulus Martialis, a lad in his early teens, attends her |
Jalloun al-Sahir Ex Miscellanea
slim Saracen man with long black hair gathered in the back, a closely trimmed beard, and wearing layered silk pantaloons, tunic, and over-robe; a fine-looking sword in a richly emroidered silk-wrapped scabbard, and a fine curved dagger in a similar scabbard, hang from an embroidered silk baldric; he is attended by a manservant (Zaheid ibn Gharsiya) and two men@arms (Ansuri ibn Eizac & Mahmud ibn Labid) attired in Saracen-style armor, swords, and shields
Khadija al-Miah Ex Miscellanea
beautiful Saracen woman dressed in flowing white robes of silk and cotton, with silver rings and bracelets; outside Forum Hermei, she is attended by her husband Izdârasen, dressed in flowing blue and white robes, and armed with a long slim sword in an embroidered scabbard; and two veiled maidservants (Tamalut & Herru) in dark-hued robes |
Salim al-Jaza'eri Ex Miscellanea
older Saracen man dressed in flowing cotton robes who walks with a limp and the aid of an intricately carved staff; he is accompanied by Dahlia Ex Miscellanea, who whispers translations in his ear; he is attended by three swarthy men dressed in dark robes, wielding bows and sabers (Wiwurgh, Aylal, & Irat), and by Dahlia's husband Qasim, armed with saber and dagger
Tayyar Tremeris
young man garbed in leather armor under a black over-robe, with a bow in a case over his back and a large quiver of arrows and scabbarded saber on cross baldrics; three young Saracen men (Amestan , Badis & Merin ) accompany him, guarded by four Iberian warriors (Vitin, Diego, Jorrin, Artal) in leather armor & brown cloaks, with swords and crossbows
several servants leading pack donkeys arrive last |
Evening |
Tribunal Grandis commences in Forum Hermei |
Geoffroi Jerbitonis & party arrive via Black Forest Path |
6 May |
Afternoon |
Appolinarius Bonisagi & party arrive via Black Forest Path; he sits atop a wooden stool that "walks"; he is accompanied by a bodyguard (Arnoald) garbed in scale armor with spear, sword & shield, and by a manservant (Gelther) pushing a handcart |