1261 AD | Seventeenth Tribunal Grandis | |
Sixteenth Tribunal Grandis | 1228 AD | |
1227 AD | Tribunal Germaniae | |
Eule Bjornaeris Final Twilight; assumes Heartbeast form and flies away | 1226 AD | |
Tribunal Germaniae | 1221 AD | |
1214 AD | Tribunal Germaniae | |
Primus Avarret Bonisagi names Murion Bonisagi as new Prima before passing into Final Twilight |
1213 AD | |
1207 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Terschelling covenant re-named Waddenzee and re-writes charter |
Falke Bjornaeris of Fengheld becomes Primus Bjornaeris | 1203 AD | |
Magi forbidden from any form of magical activity in the Rhine Gorge for 20 years | ||
1200 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Rheinstein covenant falls to army of the Archbishop of Trier |
Fifteenth Tribunal Grandis | 1195 AD | |
1194 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Crintera fails to persuade Tribunal to permit the defense of Rugen against mundanes |
Avarret Bonisagi becomes Primus Bonisagi | 1191 AD | |
1186 AD | Crintera denied permission to expel Danish invaders from Rugen under the "Guardians of the Forest" ruling | |
Tribunal Germaniae Porta Germaniae officially recognized |
1186 AD |
1182 AD | Conventum Porta Germaniae founded to secure Moravia for Tribunal Germaniae | |
Tribunal Germaniae Primus Urgen Bjornaeris slays Prudentum Jerbitonis of Oculus Septentrionalis in Wizard's War |
1179 AD | |
1172 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Trevororum abandoned and abolished |
Danish king Valdemar I invades island of Rugen | 1168 AD | |
1165 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Treverorum fined five rooks of vis for interfering with mundanes |
Oculus Septentrionalis registers its location in Lubeck | Terschelling covenant founded | |
Tribunal Syriae recognized | ||
Fourteenth Tribunal Grandis Tribunal Germaniae loses border dispute with Tribunal Sarmatiae |
1162 AD | |
1158 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Magi of Oculus Septentrionalis fined for not having fulfilled their charter |
Tribunal Germaniae Dankmar accuses Durenmar of molesting the Fae; Durenmar fined |
1151 AD | |
Apfelgilde founded | ||
Triamore founded | ||
1148 AD | Simprim Guernici calls for reform of Lex Hermei | |
Tribunal Germaniae Oculus Septentrionalis founded; dedicated to investigating the "Order of Odin" |
1144 AD | |
1129 AD | Thirteenth Tribunal Grandis | |
Twelfth Tribunal Grandis | 1096 AD | |
1085 AD | Faeries of Black Forest raid Durenmar; several magi and covenfolk are killed or captured | |
Dankmar covenant recognized | 1067 AD | |
Tribunal Grandis rejects Germania claim and establishes clear border between Germania and Sarmatia | ||
1063 AD | Eleventh Grand Tribunal Tribunal Germaniae seeks control of Polish territory in area of former Grand Silesia |
Tribunal Germaniae "Guardians of the Forest" ruling Dankmar founded but not recognized |
1053 AD | |
1052 AD | Conventum Leczyca founded in Poland | |
Aschlaranda, formerly of Waldherz, reappears at Durenmar with apprentice | 1048 AD | |
1039 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Fengheld covenant founded by magi Tremeris and Flambonis returning from Britannia |
Grand Silesia destroyed by Casimir the Restorer | 1037 AD | |
1030 AD | Tenth Tribunal Grandis Tribunal Sarmatia given authority over founding of new conventa in Slavic lands |
Tribunal Germaniae Lindengilde founded |
1018 AD | |
1013 AD | Grand Silesia re-settled | |
Ninth Tribunal Grandis end of Schism War Tribunal Sarmatia recognized |
1012 AD | |
1012 AD | Last sighting of living magi Diednis in Brittany | |
Domus Tremeris declares Wizard's War en masse against Domus Diednis | 1010 AD | |
Slavic conventa break ties with former Tribunalia; form Tribunal Slavonica Nueva | ||
Grand Silesia destroyed | Schism War begins | |
1004 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Marches entire Rowan Gilde |
Increasing conflicts with magi of Domus Diednis | 1003 AD | |
997 AD | Eigth Tribunal Grandis | |
Crintera and Rethra sponsor founding of Grand Silesia Grand Silesia Bjornaer and Waldherz Bonisagi join Rowan Gilde |
993 AD | |
990 AD | Hercynian Magi found Waldherz | |
Seventh Tribunal Grandis | 964 AD | |
961 AD | Diabolic corruption of Domus Tytali discovered Primus Tasgillius and others Marched |
Domus Diednis founds Rowan Gilde in Tribunal Germaniae | 941 AD | |
931 AD | Sixth Tribunal Grandis | |
Magyar raiders destroy conventum Sirmium | 930 AD | |
898 AD | Fifth Tribunal Grandis Quaesitor credentials established |
Davnallius reappears, destroying several covenants in Britannia before second defeat vs. Pralix | 888 AD | |
885 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Warring conventa Arae Flaviae and Schwarzburg abolished |
Tribunal Germaniae: rules governing founding of new conventa established | ||
Tribunal Germaniae: rules for sigils of "retired Magi" established | 878 AD | |
865 AD | Fourth Tribunal Grandis Certamen legality restricted Magi barred from becoming Court Wizards |
Tremere dies | 862 AD | |
857 AD | Tribunal Germaniae Spirits of three Twilight Magi return to vote at Tribunal |
Hercynius founds lineage within Domus Bonisagi | 850 AD | |
848 AD | Sundering of Domus Tremeris | |
Regional Tribunalia meet 7 year cycles begin |
836 AD | |
Bonisagus last seen at Tribunal Graeciae | ||
832 AD | Third Tribunal Grandis Trianoma dies 33 year cycle begins |
Fenicil first Primus of Domus Guernici | ||
831 AD | Birna last seen at Crintera Gathering of 12 Years | |
Mercere dies | 820 AD | |
819 AD | Flavia of Jerbiton re-appears | |
Second Tribunal Grandis Certamen "decisive in all disputes" |
817 AD | |
Domus Ex Miscellanea accepted as thirteenth Domus in Ordo Hermei | Regional Tribunalia: Britannia, Caledonia, Hibernia | |
816 AD | Ordo Miscellenea founded by Pralix | |
Anergin the Bard joins doctrinae Trianomae within Domus Bonisagi | ||
Pralix Tytali defeats Davnallius in the Battle of the Great Light | 815 AD | |
Ignes Festi Flambonis dies in single combat with Davnallius | ||
814 AD | Davnallius defeats Pralix at Battle of Loch Oadh | |
Davnallius defeats Magi of Ordo Hermei at Battle of Carnac; Davnallius retreats to Scotland | 808 AD | |
807 AD | Tytalus enters Maddenhoffen Woods in Bohemia to challenge the Queen of Faerie | |
Flavia of Jerbiton disappears | 803 AD | |
802 AD | Irencillia founded as Domus Magnus Merinitae; Holundergilde founded | |
Quendalon reappears;Myanar refuses to recognize him as the true Quendalon | 801 AD | |
799 AD | First Tribunal Grandis at Durenmar |
Last known sighting of Merinita | 792 AD | |
790 AD | Mercere loses his Gift | |
Jerbiton meets with Charlemagne | 789 AD | |
788 AD | Flambeau dies in Iberia | |
First meeting of Tribunal Germaniae |
780 AD | |
Regional Tribunalia: Germania, Helvetia, Roma, Gallia, Dacia, Graecia |
773 AD | Second meeting of Tribunal Primum |
Bjornaer founds Crintera First Gathering of 12 Years |
771 AD | |
767 AD | Ordo Hermae founded at Durenmar | |