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The Latin spoken by magi is different from that spoken by clergy or scholars, however. Much of the vocabulary of Ordo Hermei has special idiomatic meanings; sentences that would be generally comprehensible to a magus of Ordo Hermei might seem nonsensical, or at the very least confusing, to someone unfamiliar with Hermetic Latin. In addition to idiomatic vocabulary, Hermetic Latin makes use of the neuter gender of nouns and adjectives in ways that are different from classical, clerical, or academic Latin, and uses some classical Latin terminology that has since been discarded by most speakers of medieval Latin. The Hermetic Arts are a good example of Hermetic idiom. While the phrase Creo Ignem ("I create fire") would be easily understood by itself, the phrase is used in Hermetic Latin in ways that could be confusing to non-Hermetic Latin speakers. For example, "This is a Creo Ignem effect" literally would mean "this is an I create fire effect." Similarly, vis and Vim have non-standard declensions in Hermetic Latin. Vis is used in both nominative and accusative singular cases to refer to substances with raw magical power, to avoid confustion with Vim, which refers to the Hermetic Art. Vim is used in nominative, genitive, and accusative singular cases to refer to the Hermetic Art. In the plural, vis uses the somewhat antiquated viris for both nominative and accusative cases, and virium in the plural genitive. Sometimes, the specific grammar of Hermetic Latin is not used by magi, typically because they have been educated in either clerical or academic Latin. In such cases, Hermetic magi who lack such education may stumble over certain phrasings. The following glossary gives examples of various Latin vocabulary and phrases. Some terms are fairly standard, with little difference from common medieval Latin. Other terms have meanings that are specific to Hermetic Latin.
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A or Ab | from; starting at; with |
Ad | to; towards; at |
Affinitas cum [Art] | Affinity with [Art] i.e. Affinitas cum Ignem |
[Art] Potentem | Puissant [Art] i.e. Creo Potentem |
[Form] Efficacem | Deft [Form] i.e. Animal Efficacem |
Amicus | friend; in Hermetic usage, typically used to describe a fellow magus who is a close confidant (pl. amici) |
Animus | mind; will; life; in Hermetic usage, either the mind of a person, or a spirit in general, of any Realm (pl. animi) |
Arcanum | secret; mystery; in Hermetic usage, an object of mystical power, including vis-bearing objects with special qualities or powers (pl. arcana) |
Ars Magica Hermei | Hermetic magic theory; the magic of Bonisagus the Founder |
Artes Hermei | Arts of Hermes; the magical arts of Ordo Hermei as defined by Bonisagus the Founder; the Astus (Techniques) and Formas (Forms) |
Aspectus Alter | other sight; the supernatural talent of Second Sight (also used as an adjective: aspectus alter "Second-Sighted") |
Assectator | follower; a magus who follows a specific style or school of Certamen: Assectator Andabatarum Assectator Bestiariorum Assectator Gladiatorum Assectator Gladiatricium Assectator Essedariorum Assectator Hoplomachuum Assectator Laqueriorum Assectator Ossis Mordacis Assectator Provocatorum Assectator Pumiliorum Assectator Retiarium Assectator Scissorum Assectator Velitorum |
Astus | crafts; in Hermetic usage the Techniques of Bonisagus (sg. Astum) |
Aura Divina | Divine Aura |
Aura Faetis | Faerie Aura |
Aura Inferna | Infernal Aura |
Aura Magica | Magic Aura |
Aversum | ward; in Hermetic usage, a form of magical protection against a specific kind of thing (pl. aversa) |
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Bellum Schismatis | Schism War; conflict between Hermetic magi in the early 11th century, resulting in the destruction of Domus Diednis |
Bestianimae | Heartbeast; 'beast of the spirit' |
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Caduceator | herald; one who bears the caduceus; in Hermetic usage, a messenger of Domus Merceris (i.e. Redcap) |
Cantionem | chant; incantation; spell; in Hermetic usage, a spell cast by a magus, as opposed to a magical effect generated by an entity or enchanted device (pl. cantiones) |
Cantionem Caerimoniale | ceremonial spell; in Hermetic usage, an improvised spell that is aided by the inclusion of ceremonial elements and casting props (pl. cantiones caerimonialia) |
Cantionem Extemporalis | spontaneous spell; in Hermetic usage, an improvised spell (pl. cantiones extemporales) |
Cantionem Formulatis | in Hermetic usage, a prepared, defined ("Formulaic") spell (pl. cantiones formulates) |
Cantionem Ritualis | ritual spell; in Hermetic usage, a defined spell requiring an elaborate ritual and the expenditure of vis (pl. cantiones ritualia) |
Cantum | chant; incantation; spell; in Hermetic usage, commonly used to indicate a minor spell or an effect created by an enchantment or power of an entity (pl. cantus) |
Cantum Arcens | warding spell; in Hermetic usage, a magical effect that functions as a ward (pl cantus arcens; cf. aversum) |
Cantum Obsistens | countering effect; in Hermetic usage, a magical effect that diverts or dispels another magical effect (pl. cantus obsistens) |
Cantum Fortuitem | accidental spell; in Hermetic usage, an improvised spell that requires no exertion (a casual spontaneous spell) (pl. cantus fortuita) |
Cantum Potentem | potent spell; in Hermetic usage, a spell that is aided by a casting focus (Potent Magic) (pl. cantus potentia) |
Cantum Ultimum | final spell; in Hermetic usage, refers to a spell cast at the conclusion of a Certamen match, after an opponent has succumbed to Fatigue (pl. cantus ultima) |
Capitulum | little head; chapter-house; in Hermetic usage, a subsidiary covenant who magi are, for the purposes of Hermetic law, members of the parent covenant (pl. capitula) |
Cernentia | seeing, the sight; in Hermetic usage, Second Sight (Cernentatus, 'Sighted') |
Chartula | covenant charter |
Cognomen Hermei | Hermetic Name; the name by which a magus is known within Ordo Hermei |
Cohaerendum | [one who] must be adhered to; in Hermetic usage, the entity whose connection to a particular object is the strongest, in the sense of the object being an Arcane Connection to that entity (pl. cohaerendos, fem. cohaerendam) |
Colonia | colony; in Hermetic usage, a settlement belonging to a covenant, which is not a capitulum, typically having no member magi in residence (pl. coloniae) |
Columna | pillar; in Hermetic usage, a summa on an Art that is widely recognized as being the finest in existence (pl. columnae) |
Communio Magorum | Wizard's Communion; in Hermetic usage, the act and ability through training or a spell, to join to a group of magi who will cast a spell in cooperation |
Concessio | Grant, concession; in Hermetic usage, the granting of a title, such as Archimagus (pl. concessiones) |
Consors | colleague; in Hermetic usage, an honored companion of a magus or of a group of magi, such as a conventum (pl. consortes) |
Contextum Arcanum | Arcane Connection; a mystical link to a being, object, or place (pl. contextus arcanos) |
Contextum Certum | certain connection; in Hermetic usage, an Arcane Connection which is by its nature of indefinite duration (pl. contextus certos) |
Contextum Stabilis | stable connection; in Hermetic usage, an Arcane Connection which has been "fixed" in a laboratory process (pl. contextus stabiles) |
Conventum [Domus] | covenant of a [House]; in Hermetic usage, a covenant dominated by magi of a particular House, where [Domus] is replaced by the name of the Domus: i.e. Conventum Bjornaer, Conventum Bonisagi, etc. |
Conventum Multigenerum | covenant of multiple origins; in Hermetic usage, a covenant composed of magi from several Domus, which is not dominated by any one Domus (pl. conventa multigenerum) |
Copula Familiaris | bond of a familiar; in Hermetic usage, the enchantment that binds a familiar and magus (pl. copulae familiarium) |
Crepusculum Magum | magical twilight; in Hermetic usage, the experience in response to Warping that is unique to Hermetic magic (Wizard's Twilight) (pl. crepescula maga) |
Crepusculum Extremum | final twilight; in Hermetic usage, the final Twilight experience of a magus, from which he does not return |
Cultum Mysterium | secret cult; in Hermetic usage, a group of magi united by a common mystical tradition, which is to some extent kept secret from the rest of Ordo Hermei (pl. culta mysteria) |
Custos | keeper; in Hermetic usage, a trusted servant or guardian (pl. custodes) |
Custos Scutatum | shield guardian; in Hermetic usage, a personal bodyguard of a magus (pl. custodes scutata) |
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Defensio Magica | magical defense; in Hermetic usage, magic resistance, such as that provided by Parma Magica, Hermetic Forms, or supernatural beings |
Dicio | dominion; in Hermetic usage, an area under the influence of a Divine Aura (dicionis "of the dominion") |
Discipulus | apprentice; in Hermetic usage, a Gifted student of a Hermetic magus (fem. discipula, pl discipuli) cf. tirocinium |
Distortio | warping; in Hermetic usage, the side effect(s) of exposure to strong mystical forces |
Domus | house; in Hermetic usage, magi belonging to one of twelve Hermetic "Houses"; domus is also the genitive and plural form |
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Elementius | in Hermetic usage, one who has a special affinity with the elements (fem. Elementia) |
Entitas cum Vi | entity with might; in Hermetic usage, a being with supernatural Might (pl. entitates cum vi) |
Eximium Genus | special origin; in Hermetic usage, one with Mythic Blood, indicating both a natural aptitude for some application of magic (magica eximia) and some innate mystical talent |
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Faeta | faerie; in Hermetic usage, a faerie (pl. faetae) |
Faetis | faerie; in Hermetic usage, the Faerie Realm |
Fons Vis | power source; in Hermetic usage, a source of vis (pl. fontes virium) |
Forfactum Immunitas | forfeit immunity; in Hermetic law, immunity from prosecution that derives from a deed (factum) that places someone outside the protection of the law (foris Lex Hermei) |
Formas | forms; in Hermetic usage, the Forms of Bonisagus (sg. formam) |
Fundamen | foundation; in Hermetic usage, a basic summa on an Art that is of exceptional quality (pl. fundamena) |
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Genitum Vis | power origin; in Hermetic usage, a source of vis (pl. genita virium) |
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In Modo | in the manner; in Hermetic usage, dueling in the style of a certain school of Certamen In Modo Andabatae In Modo Bestiarii In Modo Gladiatoris In Modo Gladiatricis In Modo Essedarii In Modo Hoplomachus In Modo Laquerii In Modo Ossis Mordacis In Modo Provocatoris In Modo Pumilii In Modo Retiarii In Modo Scissoris In Modo Velitis |
Incantamentatum | enchantment effect; in Hermetic usage, an effect generated by an enchantment, as opposed to the enchanted item itself (pl. incantamentata) |
Incantamentum | enchantment; in Hermetic usage, an item which generates a mystical effect (pl. incantamenta) |
Incantamentum Funis | enchantment of a cord; in Hermetic usage, enchantment of a familiar bond or cord (pl. incantamenta funis) |
Incantamentum Gravidatum | impregnated enchantment; in Hermetic usage, a charged item (pl. incantamenta gravidata, often shortened to gravidata or sg. gravidatum) |
Incantamentum Infusum | enchantment [having been] poured into; in Hermetic usage, an invested device (pl. incantamenta infusa, often shortened to infusum or infusa) |
Incantamentum Minutum | lesser enchantment; in Hermetic usage, a lesser enchanted item (pl. incantamenta minuta, often shortened to minutum or minuta) |
Incantamentum Telesmis | talisman enchantment; in Hermetic usage, an enchantment that is a personal expression of the magic of a magus e.g. a Talisman; often shorted to Telesma (pl. incantamenta telesmium or telesmae) |
Incessum Magi | in Hermetic usage, a Wizard's March; a hunt for a renounced magus (cf magus repudians) (pl. incessus magorum) |
Indolis | of innate quality or talent; in Hermetic usage, generally refers to a person with supernatural talent, but without The Gift (pl. indoles) |
Ingenium | talent, innate quality; in Hermetic usage, The Gift (adj. ingeniosum, Gifted) |
Ingenium Debile | impaired talent; in Hermetic usage, a derogatory reference to the Gentle Gift (adj. ingeniosum debile, impaired of The Gift) |
Ingenium Mancum | crippled or maimed talent; in Hermetic usage, a damaged Gift (adj. ingeniosum mancum, maimed of The Gift) |
Ingenium Mite | gentle talent; in Hermetic usage, the Gentle Gift (adj. ingeniosum mite, Gentle Gifted) |
Ingenium Molestum | troublesome talent; in Hermetic usage, the Blatant Gift (adj. ingeniosum molestum, Blatant Gifted) |
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Latrunculus | pawn; in Hermetic usage, the basic unit of measurement for vis (pl. latrunculi); abbreviated p (for pignus, meaning token) |
Legatus | delegate; in Hermetic usage, a maga elected to represent a Tribunal at Tribunal Grandis (pl. legati) |
Legatus Quaestoricius | investigatory envoy; in Hermetic usage, the Quaesitorial representative of a Domus to the Magvillus Council (fem. legata quaestoricia, pl. legates quaestoricii) |
Leges Peripheriae | laws of the periphery; in Hermetic usage, the expanded laws of Ordo Hermei, clarified through Tribunal rulings; often specifying the relevant Tribunal: |
Lemuris | specter, shade; in Hermetic usage, a non-corporeal spirit |
Lex Hermei | law of Hermes; in Hermetic usage, refers both to the oath itself, and to the broader body of Hermetic law |
Librarius | librarian (fem. libraria) |
Librarium | libary |
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Magica Eximia | remarkable magic; in Hermetic usage, a natural aptitude for some application of magic (magical focus) |
Magica Formulatis Mutabilis | Flexible Formulaic Magic |
Magica Mercurialis | Mercurian Magic |
Magica Perennis | Enduring Magic |
Magica Perfecta | Flawless Magic |
Magica Quieta | Quiet Magic, indicating the ability to cast spells in a low voice without penalty |
Magica Silens | Quiet Magic, twice, indicating the ability to cast spells silently without penalty |
Magica Vafra | Subtle Magic |
Magica Vigoris Extemporalis | Life-linked Spontaneous Magic |
Magica Vigoris Formulatis | Life Boost |
Magica Vigoris Plena | combination of both Life-linked Spontaneous Magic and Life Boost |
Magus Hermei | magus of Hermes; a member of Ordo Hermei (fem. maga Hermei, pl. magi Hermei) |
Magus Paganus | rustic wizard; a Hedge Wizard (fem. maga pagana, pl. magi pagani) |
Magus Repudiatus | rejected magus; in Hermetic usage, a magus who has been cast out of Ordo Hermei (fem. maga repudiata, pl. magi repudiati) |
Magus Saracenus | Saracen wizard; in Hermetic usage, generally meaning an Arab or Islamic wizard |
Mundanus | mundane; in Hermetic usage, a person who lacks Ingenium, The Gift (fem. mundana, pl. mundani) |
Mysterium | mystery; in Hermetic usage, a specific Mystery talent, such as a Virtue gained through initiation into a cultum mysterium (pl. mysteria) |
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Nepos | grandson; in Hermetic usage, the filius of a Hermetic filius or filia (fem. neptis; also neptis "grandchild of") |
Notarius Testationis | writer of testimony; in Hermetic usage, a member of Domus Merceris authorized by a Quaesitor to witness Hermetic contracts such as covenant charters and vis loans; a notary for Hermetic affairs |
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Olim | formerly; in Hermetic usage, used to designate the former Domus of a magus who has changed Domus |
Orbus | orphan; in Hermetic usage, a magus who has been renounced by his Primus, removing him from membership in that Domus |
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Pactum Conventus | covenant charter (c.f. chartula) |
Parens | Hermetic 'parent' of a maga |
Patescendum Artium | opening the Gift to the Hermetic Arts |
Peritia Contionis | mastery of a spell |
Pignus Aegidis | token of the Aegis; a token given to a guest, which allows use of magic without penalty from an Aegis (sometimes also called Pignus Invitationis) |
Pravitas Tytali | the Tytali Corruption |
Provocatio | challenge; the Gauntlet of an apprentice (various Domus may have specific terms) |
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Quaesitor cum auctoritate | Quaesitor in good standing; one who has a current letter of confirmation from Magvillus |
Quaesitor Praesidens | the presiding Quaesitor of a Tribunal |
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Recidens | withdrawn, departed; used to describe a magus who has died or passed into Final Twilight |
Regina | queen; an amount of vis equal to 100 pawns |
Regnum Divinum | the Divine Realm |
Regnum Faetis | the Faerie Realm |
Regnum Infernum | the Infernal Realm |
Regnum Magicum | the Magic Realm |
Repudatio | repudiation; the act of renouncing a magus from Ordo Hermei |
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Sedes Merceris | seat of Mercere; a center of Redcap activity, often an area within a Hermetic covenant, but sometimes a covenant in its own right (sometimes called Sedes Caducifera) |
Senatus Archimagorum | council of Archmagi |
Sigillum | sigil; a physical symbol of membership in Ordo Hermei (pl. sigilla) |
Sigillus | sigil; a trace of commonality between the spells and enchantments of a magus; that aspect of a maga's magic that identifies it as hers (sometimes Sigilla when referring to a maga) |
Subsidium Sortitionis | casting support; a casting item for a Potent spell |
Subsigno Sanctum | under the seal of a sanctum; a document or other item sealed with the personal sanctum symbol of a magus, and thus protected by Hermetic law |
Sumboli Verditii | symbols of Verditius; in Hermetic usage, the 'runes' that magi Verditii use in their enchantments (sg Sumbolum Verditii) |
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Tabulam Sortitionis | casting tablet |
Tentamen | attempt, effort; the Gauntlet of an apprentice (various Domus have specific terms) |
Textum Laboris | structure of toil; an Hermetic lab text (sometimes also called a scriptum laboris) |
Tirocinium | apprenticeship (pl. tirocinia) |
Turris | tower; an amount of vis equal to 10 pawns (a rook) |
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Varicandum | striding; the use of instantaneous transport via Rego Corpus effects |
Veneficum | sorcery; typically meaning non-Hermetic magic of any sort, but sometimes specifically Infernal arts |
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