The Cradle & The Crescent (TC&TC, 41) provides rules for Khuddam: servent jinn that have permanently enchanted bonds with a sahir, similar to that of a Hermetic familiar. Unlike the process for familiars, however, a sahira may establish bonds with multiple jinn. In most respects, there is no confusion about which bond traits apply to a given situation, as most apply to casting spells through a jinni, and that jinni's bond is the only applicable bond. In the case of a laboratory activity, the bond which applies is that from the jinni summoned for that laboratory season.
However, Safety applies also to situations involving summoning and Fatra Bayna, which can arise in situations that do not utilize a particular jinniya. The brief rules segment in TC&TC does not clarify how to handle such situations. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, the following clarification will be used. First, only a single bonus to Safety can ever apply to a roll; multiple bonds with Safety bonuses may not be applied. Secondly, for a Khadim Safety bonus to apply, the jinniya must be summoned and actively serving the sahir. This is automatically possible where the cause of the potential botch was a spell cast through a particular jinni. For other situations, the Khadim Safety bonus may be applied if the jinniya is summoned and actively assisting the sahira with her magic, even if that assistance does not directly apply to a particular die roll (for example, while summoning a different spirit). Such a service counts toward the maximum number of bound jinn. |
Sahir Summoning Spell Invention
The Cradle and the Crescent (TC&TC, 39) states that the lab total used to develop summoning spells is the Solomonic Astrology lab total (even if the sahir in question doesn't have Solomonic Astrology). For general summoning spells this makes no sense whatsoever, although it does make sense in a special case. The issue arises because sahirs can create two distinct types of summoning spells. One type of summoning spell does not require the True Name of an entity (although it does require either some other Arcane Connection or the presence of the entity in the lab for at least part of the season). The other type of summoning spell requires that the True Name of the entity be known.
For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, the first type of summoning spell will be developed using the applicable Summoning Art lab total, using the appropriate (Realm) Lore as the applicable Ability. Solomonic Astrology is applicable, however, when converting the True Name of a jinn into a specific summoning spell. As noted in TC&TC, if a True Name is known, it may be converted into a specific summoning spell for that entity, as if it were a level 5 effect. This process uses the Solomonic Astrology lab total, as noted.
True names can be researched using (Realm) Lore. Five (5) points of experience can be converted into knowledge of a True Name, as the process is described in RoP:D (20) and RoP:I (34), and a bonus point of experience in (Realm) Lore is acquired when a True Name is fully discovered (thus, the net diversion of experience from (Realm Lore) to a True Name is four points). This is the most common method of learning True Names, and may be the only practical method of learning the True Name of a powerful entity.
True Names may also be learned through use of Solomonic Astrology. A Solomonic Astrology Ritual spell with Base 4 and Thorough Detail (thus, level 15) may be used to determine the True Name of an entity. The spell must penetrate the entity's Magic Resistance. The spell must be cast in the presence of the entity, or the sahir must possess an Arcane Connection to the entity.
(Note that this application of Solomonic Astrology may or may not be successful on an Infernal target, as the Limit of the Infernal still applies.) |
Hermetic Virtues and Flaws for Sahirs
The Cradle and the Crescent (TC&TC, 30) notes that some Hermetic Virtues may be appropriate for sahir characters to take as Supernatural Virtues, but gives no details or examples. For the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga, the following adaptation rules will apply:
Major Virtue |
Solomonic Name |
Notes |
Diedne Magic |
n/a |
Elemental Magic |
n/a |
Flawless Magic |
n/a |
Flexible Formulaic Magic |
rare, but allows the sahir to vary the Parameter of a naranj, with a corresponding change in level |
Gentle Gift |
functions as normal |
Life-linked Spontaneous Magic |
n/a (unless & until Spontaneous Magic is integrated into Solomonic Magic) |
Major Magical Focus |
doubles the Solomonic Art or Sihr, as applicable to the focus, which must be a narrow application of a single Art: |
Sihr |
for the purpose of a single Solomonic Art (i.e. summoning strength should be calculated separately) |
Alchemy |
enhancing qualities; diminishing qualities; purifying; transforming |
Astrology |
premonitions; perceiving properties; perceiving information |
Physic |
diseases; wounds; Fatigue & Personality Traits; Characteristics & aging |
Storytelling |
emotions & mental states; actions; memories; illusions & images |
Travel |
a specific Realm |
Mercurian Magic |
n/a |
--- |
Umayyad Magic |
allows the sahir to compel a summoned jinni to a service, at the cost of one or more Long-term Fatigue levels (regained normally) |
Length of Service |
Fatigue Levels |
week or less |
One |
month |
Two |
season |
Three |
year |
Four |
Mythic Blood |
Replace the Minor Magical Focus with a Puissant [Art] Virtue; the sahir may avoid loss of up to two Fatigue levels from casting |
Secondary Insight |
anytime the sahir gains experience in a summoning Art, he also gains 1 point of experience in each of two Solomonic Arts; anytime the sahir gains experience in a Solomonic Art, he gains two points of experience in a summoning Art |
--- |
Subtle Solomonic Magic |
allows the sahir to disguise Ritual naranj of all Solomonic Arts with the corresponding Ability |
Minor Virtue |
Solomonic Name |
Notes |
Adept Laboratory Student |
functions as normal |
Affinity with Art |
functions as normal |
Cautious Sorcerer |
functions as normal |
Cyclic Magic (positive) |
functions as normal |
Deft Form |
Deft [Art] |
allows the sahir to disguise Ritual naranj of the specific Art with the corresponding Ability |
Enduring Magic |
n/a |
The Enigma |
n/a |
Faerie Magic |
Yatu Magic |
as noted in TC&TC & allows sahir to use Solomonic magic with any summoned Faerie, not merely jinn |
Fast Caster |
functions as normal |
Free Study |
adds +3 to the Source Quality when learning from Jinn |
Harnessed Magic |
n/a |
Heartbeast |
n/a (but technically possible, as the Initiation into Heartbeast does not require the Gift be Opened to Hermetic Magic, or indeed may not require the Gift at all) |
Hermetic Prestige |
although unlikely, this is technically possible, as this is really a Social Virtue |
Inoffensive to Animals |
functions as normal |
Inventive Genius |
functions as normal |
Life Boost |
functions as normal |
Minor Magical Focus |
n/a, due to structure of Solomonic magic |
Magical Memory |
functions as normal |
Mastered Spells |
n/a (although incorporating spell mastery into Solomonic magic would be a possible avenue of integration) |
Method Caster |
functions as normal |
Personal Vis Source |
functions as normal (this should really be a General Virtue) |
Puissant Art |
functions as normal |
Quiet Magic |
n/a, due to structure of Solomonic magic |
Side Effect |
functions as normal |
Skilled Parens |
functions as normal |
Special Circumstances |
functions as normal |
Study Bonus |
functions as normal |
Subtle Magic |
(see new Major Virtue above) |
Verditius Magic |
n/a |
Similarly, some Hermetic Flaws may be adapted for Sahirs:
Major Flaw |
Solomonic Name |
Notes |
Blatant Gift |
functions as normal |
Chaotic Magic |
n/a (unless & until Spontaneous Magic is integrated into Solomonic Magic) |
Deficient Technique |
Deficient [Art] |
applies to a single Solomonic Art, for which all casting and lab totals are halved, but not Study totals; Sahir must be capable of using the Solomonic Art to which this Flaw applies |
Difficult Longevity Ritual |
Difficult Elixir |
lab totals towards the Elixir are halved; Sahir must be capable of making an Elixir in order to take this Flaw |
Magic Addiction |
functions as normal |
Necessary Condition |
functions as normal |
Painful Magic |
functions as normal |
Restriction |
functions as normal |
Rigid Magic |
functions as normal |
Short-ranged Magic |
n/a |
Study Requirement |
functions as normal |
Twilight Prone |
Fatra Bayna Prone |
functions as normal |
Unstructured Caster |
functions as normal |
Waster of Vis |
functions as normal; includes vis used in bargains |
Weak Magic Resistance |
functions as normal; Sahir must know the Parma Magica to take this Flaw |
Weak Spontaneous Magic |
n/a (unless & until Spontaneous Magic is integrated into Solomonic Magic) |
Minor Flaw |
Solomonic Name |
Notes |
Careless Sorcerer |
functions as normal |
Clumsy Magic |
n/a |
Creative Block |
functions as normal |
Cyclic Magic (negative) |
functions as normal |
Deficient Form |
n/a, due to structure of Solomonic magic |
Deleterious Circumstances |
functions as normal |
Difficult Spontaneous Magic |
n/a (unless & until Spontaneous Magic is integrated into Solomonic Magic) |
Disjointed Magic |
n/a |
Disorienting Magic |
functions as normal |
Flawed Parma Magica |
functions as normal; Sahir must know the Parma Magica to take this Flaw |
Hedge Wizard |
n/a (this should really be a Social Flaw) |
Incompatible Arts |
n/a |
Infamous Master |
functions as normal (this should really be a Social Flaw) |
Limited Magic Resistance |
the Sahir lacks Magical Defenses related to a single Solomonic Art |
Loose Magic |
n/a |
Offensive to Animals |
functions as normal |
Poor Formulaic Magic |
functions as normal |
Short-lived Magic |
n/a |
Slow Caster |
functions as normal |
Susceptibility to Divine Power |
functions as normal |
Susceptibility to Faerie Power |
functions as normal |
Susceptibility to Infernal Power |
functions as normal |
Unimaginative Learner |
Sahir subtracts 3 from rolls when studying jinn |
Unpredictable Magic |
functions as normal |
Warped Magic |
functions as normal |
Weak Enchanter |
Sahir halves lab totals when creating Bindings |
Al-Iksir and Art-Specific Activities
The Cradle and the Crescent (TC&TC, 41) states that "any of the traditional Solomonic Arts" may be used to create Al-Iksir. This is inappropriate and will be handled differently in the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga. Al-Iksir is a Solomonic Physic + Medicine activity; no other Solomonic Arts are applicable. This does mean that unGifted sahirs who lack Solomonic Physic are incapable of creating Al-Iksir for themselves (just as unGifted sahirs who lack Solomonic Alchemy are incapable of extracting vis from an Aura).
Similar statements such as those regarding Initiating the Arts, which specify that Solomonic Travel is not necessary for an activity based on Solomonic Travel (pg42), should also be ignored. Solomonic Travel is the governing Art for any initiatory activity. This does mean that only a sahir with Solomonic Travel, Gifted or unGifted, may initiate someone into a Solomonic Art. Note that many sahirs possess an innate talent (Virtue) for a particular form of Solomonic Magic, and thus do not require initiation to learn that particular talent. Solomonic "families" may desire to initiate children who do not display a native talent, or who lack a native talent for summoning, and this is the most common application of the initiation process. Gifted practicioners are valued for their ability to initiate any of the Solomonic Arts.
This tendency in TC&TC to give sahirs a "pass" on issues that would legitimately restrict a similar activity in any other tradition is one of the significant flaws in TC&TC. UnGifted practicioners, whatever their tradition of magic, are not the equal of Gifted practicioners.
A related issue, although inexplicably inverted, is the assignment of Solomonic Storytelling to the Seeking & Scouring lab activities. These activities should use the appropriate summoning Art, not Storytelling (ref. other summoning Arts or Abilities which have similar functions). Despite the applicability of (Area) Lore to the lab total, the summoning Art is applicable. As a result, all sahirs should be capable of this activity. |
Solomonic Laboratory Specialization
The Cradle and the Crescent (TC&TC, 38) includes a brief summary of Solomonic laboratories and some specific rules for handling them, but does not address laboratory specialization (per Covenants, ch 9). The following rules adaptations will be adopted for the Bohemian Rhapsody Saga.
First, all of the primary characteristics of a Hermetic laboratory are applicable to a Solomonic laboratory. Thus, a Solomonic laboratory also has Size, Refinement, General Quality, Upkeep, etc. All of the rules and laboratory trait modifications for laboratory characteristics in Covenants also apply to Solomonic laboratories and activities, with the exception of specific changes noted in TC&TC, such as the mechanisms for setting up a new lab and reducing its penalties for Solomonic Arts.
The principles of labwork apply to Solomonic laboratories, although the application of those principles may require adaptation. This is especially true with regard to the principle of Sympathy. An underground lab may be beneficial to the Hermetic Art of Terram, but that does not necessarily mean that an underground lab has any special sympathetic relevance to any Solomonic Art. However, there may be areas of sympathy that are more relevant to Solomonic magic than they are to Hermetic magic. Social features, for example, may be of greatly increased value for Solomonic Storytelling, compared to their value or detriment to various Hermetic activities. The same is also true for many Aesthetic features, which in addition to improving the appearance of the lab, may provide sympathy for Solomonic Storytelling.
Some care must be used with regard to Safety and Warping and the use of the charts for Hermetic Experimentation and Disasters. Solomonic magic is very different from Hermetic magic, and thus the possible results are different. |
Solomonic Activities
Solomonic laboratories have eight applicable activities which may benefit from specialization:
Solomonic Activity |
Hermetic reference |
Experimentation |
Experimentation |
Khuddam |
Familiars |
Bindings |
Items |
Al-Iksir |
Longevity Ritual |
Naranj |
Spells |
Teaching |
Teaching |
Texts |
Texts |
Taqqa Manipulation |
Vis Extraction |
These activities are roughly equivalent to Hermetic activities, which are cross-referenced for each. Applicable lab traits from Covenants may be used directly for reference (i.e. Superior Lighting will grant a +1 specialization in Texts for a Solomonic laboratory, just as it would for an Hermetic lab, and Superior Equipment will grant a +1 specialization in Taqqa Manipulation for a Solomonic laboratory, just as it would grant a +1 in Vis Extraction for an Hermetic lab.
Solomonic Arts
Solomonic magic has far fewer Arts than Hermetic magic; there are only six available Arts in which to specialize:
Summoning |
Solomonic Astrology |
Solomonic Storytelling |
Solomonic Alchemy |
Solomonic Physic |
Solomonic Travel |
Each Solomonic laboratory may have up to two activity specializations (just as with Hermetic laboratories), and up to two Art specializations (fewer than allowed for Hermetic laboratories, because of the reduced number of applicable Arts), for a total of up to four specializations.
Although Solomonic Arts have no direct cross-references to Hermetic Arts, there are some rough correlations which may be useful in adapting laboratory traits from Covenants.
Hermetic Art |
Solomonic Art |
Intellego |
Astrology |
Rego |
Summoning, Travel |
Animal, Corpus, Mentem |
Physic |
Imaginem, Mentem |
Storytelling |
Aquam, Auram, Herbam, Ignem, Terram |
Alchemy |
Vim |
Summoning, Travel |
Again, it must be emphasized that these are not direct cross-references. Not every trait that grants a potential specialization in Intellego is adaptable to a specialization in Solomonic Astrology, for example. Each trait should be considered on a case-by-case basis.