Persona creation in Geoza follows the standard ARIA process in most areas, with a few changes from the streamlined Geoza system.  There are also special rules for magical talent, true calling, and psychic disciplines, and there are a few clarifications to other Background Aspects.

Persona Creation Outline

1)  Persona Concept.  Geoza is a world of great variety, and thus many persona concepts are viable.  Choose a Persona concept which appeals to you, and answer some basic questions about this persona:   Where will the Persona begin the game?  Where did the Persona originate?   How did the Persona get to where she is now (if the two locations are different)?   Who has the Persona encountered along her way?  How old (in general) will the Persona be when she begins the game?
Based on the starting age of the Persona, the Mythguide will assign a number of Interaction Points to the Persona (generally 7 IPs per year of age at the start of the game).  Interaction Points are used to purchase most facets of the Persona's background, attributes, and skills.
One important consideration at this stage of Persona creation is whether the Persona will be an Adept (Omnessence user) or not.   Adepts can be secular or religious (or both, in some instances).  As part of the Persona concept for an Adept, decide what Origin(s) the Persona can access, read the requirements for the Origin(s), and the general summary for creating an Adept character
2)  Persona Heritage.  Once you know what the Persona concept is, and you have an idea of what region of Geoza this Persona is from, you can select an appropriate Heritage Template from among those available in that area.  A Persona's Heritage Template will determine a number of things about the Persona, including physical and cultural traits, as well as general background information.
3)  Persona Kinship and Status.   Within the Persona's Heritage Template, determine background information about the Persona's family and status within her culture.
4)  Persona Attributes.  Geoza defines seven separate Attributes which a Persona may possess.  Personas will always have five of these attributes (Physique, Coordination, Intellect, Charisma, and Aura), and may purchase ratings in two others (Insight and Faith).  Certain Background Aspects may modify Attribute ratings, and Attributes and Edges may be further modified through Persona Development.
5)  Persona Background Aspects.   There are a number of Background Aspects available to Personas in Geoza.   Almost all of the Aspects listed in the ARIA rules are available, although some may have special applications or changes for use in Geoza.  Background Aspects which require special consideration in Geoza include Magical Talent, True Calling, Sensitivity, Spiritual Ally, and Gift.  Additionally, several specific Background Aspects have been added, such as Manasense and Psychic Talent.
6)  Persona Vocation and Skills.   Choose one or more Vocations for the Persona from among those available to her Heritage and Status within the culture.  Assign IPs to purchase appropriate Skills from among those available to her Vocation(s).  Each skill selected should also have an appropriate specialization selected, even if the persona does not increase the specialization relative to the skill.  Additional specializations may be developed later using experience.
7)  Persona TraitsTraits are aspects of a Persona that are derived from attributes, such as Weight, or purchased separately, such as Renown.  Social Traits such as Leverage or Influence Pools may be developed later through role playing.
Also, select Personality Traits for the Persona.  These do not have to be purchased, but care should be taken that the personality of the Persona supports the Persona concept, Heritage, background, etc.
8)  Persona Equipment.  Personas begin the game with an average amount of wealth for their culture and status.   Background Aspects may alter this.  Select equipment and possessions for your character appropriate to the Persona Concept, status, and Background Aspects chosen.
9)  Persona History.  Make note of the background, vocation, and major events of the Persona's life up to this point.   Add material as necessary to create a vivid portrait of how the Persona became who she is as the game begins.
Carefully review the Persona to check whether all the necessary aspects have been recorded and all IPs have been spent.  Allocate any remaining IPs to appropriate aspects, or save them for use in improving the Persona during the game.
10) Windows of Opportunity.  Geoza retains the ARIA windows of opportunity.  Windows of opportunity represent the 'atypical' nature of player personas.  Although the background, kinship, heritage, and environment of a persona typically impose some degree of structure (and therefore limitation) on a persona's development, windows of opportunity allow a player to infuse the persona with unique or unusual elements.  There are three types of windows: Situational, Vocational, and Development.
Situational Windows may modify a persona's initial situation (Heritage, Kinship, Attributes or other characteristics or traits, etc.).  Each persona has one situational window to call upon during development.  Some Heritage Groups or other significant background elements within Geoza may require the use of a situational window.
Vocational Windows may modify some element of a persona's vocational background, either by allowing the persona to pursue a vocation not normally available, or by improving or exceeding the limits of a vocation the persona could normally pursue.  Each persona has one vocational window to call upon during development.  Some significant or unusual vocations in Geoza may require the use of a vocational window.
Developmental Windows may modify any other element of a persona's development.  Such windows are typically used to indicate a significant change for the persona within the development period.  This is often used to indicate a recent change in the persona's situation as play begins.  Each persona has one developmental window to call upon during development.
From time to time, a player may wish to exchange one type of window for another.  This should be discussed in detail with the Mythguide, who should consider the relevance to the persona concept and dramatic results within the game.