(Oak Guild) |
Archimagus Stentorius Tremeris |
The largest and most venerable gilde, the Oak Gilde stands for a restoration of traditional Hermetic values; respect for the wisdom of the Founders; respect for elders; and above all, maintaining the status quo. This gilde holds a clear plurality in sigil count, and thus dominates the politics of the Tribunal. |
(Hawthorn Guild) |
Magistra Ardea Bjornaer |
The smallest gilde in membership (although not in sigil count), the Hawthorn Gilde is also one of the oldest. This gilde stands for protection of the wilderness and preservation of the wild magical places. It is dominated by magi Bjornaer of the Wilderist camp, and its influence has waxed in recent years as Eschengilde's has waned. |
(Ash Guild) |
Archimagus Indulius Flambonis |
The Ash Gilde is the gilde of dominance and confrontation. This gilde believes that magi should assert their superiority over mundanes. Dominated by magi Flambonis and Tytali, recent events and casualties have diminished the size and influence of Eschengilde. |
(Elder Guild) |
Magister Iacob Merinitae |
Once a part of Hawthorn Gild, this gild formed after the division within Domus Merinitae in the ninth century. Its goals are to improve relations with the Fae and to preserve the Faerie places of the world. Consisting mainly of magi Merinitae, it is the third-largest Gilde. |
(Linden Guilde) |
Archimaga Dorana Bonisagi Trianomae |
A respected and diplomatic gild, the Linden Gilde stands for trust between magi; peaceful resolution of conflicts; and cooperation rather than division. Although smaller than Eichengilde, Lindengilde often exerts more influence than its numbers would suggest. |
(Apple Guild) |
Magister Henri de Tours Jerbitonis |
Composed largely of magi Jerbitonis, the Apple Gilde seeks friendly relations with the mundanes, and acceptance of magi by them. This gilde believes that Ordo Hermei should aid the mundanes, teaching them and trading with them, and joining with them in (Christian) worship. This is the youngest gilde, both in the age of the gilde, and in the average age of its members. |