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Tyro | Journeyman |
After passing an Apprentice's Gauntlet, a magus of Tribunal Germaniae is considered a Tyro. Tyros are often peregrinatores at first, but may also be members of conventa. Some magi never rise above this rank, for a variety of reasons.
Magister | Master |
To be a Magister in Tribunal Germaniae is to be recognized as a mature and accomplished magus, who has proven his worth in several areas. Magister status is only granted to those who have been given Zeihhanen by three magi of Magister or Archimagus rank. Zeihhanen are tokens: symbols of approval and backing for a Tyro to progress to the rank of Magister. A Magister cannot grant a Zeihhan to a Tyro of the same conventum, or the same Domus. Additionally, a Tyro should collect Zeihhanen from Magisteres of three different gilden, although one of them may be from the same gilde as the Tyro. A Zeihhan is only granted after a Tyra has achieved some notable task set by the granting Magister. No Magistra will even consider granting a Zeihhan if a Tyro is fresh out of apprenticeship; a Tyro must have aquired a reputation for magical accomplishment in Tribunal Germaniae before seeking Zeihhanen. Tyrones rarely progress to the Magister rank in less than thirty years.
Archimagus | ||
The rank of Archimagus is gained in Tribunal Germaniae just as it is anywhere else in Ordo Hermei: a magus must have invented a spell of at least seventh magnitude, be famed for some great deed throughout Ordo Hermei, and must have defeated a current Archimagus at some specified challenge. In Tribunal Germaniae, a magus must also have achieved Magister rank before challenging an Archimagus for the rank.
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