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![]() Although Germania is the oldest Tribunal, it is no longer as central to Ordo Hermei as it once was. Some sources of strength remain: three Domus Magnae and Tribunalia Grande at Durenmar; and Durenmar's library remains a magnet for Hermetic scholars from across the Order. Nevertheless, many of the most recent discoveries have come from researchers living in the newer Tribunalia, and other Tribunalia seldom look to Tribunal Germaniae for guidance or leadership. In this time of waning influence, Tribunal Germaniae struggles with the increasing expansion of mundane society in the western parts of the Tribunal. Mundane expansion strains the magical and faerie resources upon which magi depend. Some magi believe that the Tribunal must involve itself more in mundane affairs and learn to live in balance with mundane people. Others want to roll back the tide of mundane expansion and fight to preserve the wild places. And still others strive to find a middle ground that does not endanger Lex Hermei by interfering with the mundanes in either way. The Tribunal also faces challenges in its relations with bordering Tribunalia. Stretching from the Baltic and Flemish lowlands in the north, to the Black Forest and the River Danube in the south, and to the River Oder in the east, the Tribunal Germaniae borders four Tribunalia directly, and another two across the North Sea. To the west is Tribunal Galliae, or the Normandy Tribunal. Some covenants of Tribunal Germaniae have better relations with covenants in Tribunal Galliae than they do with the rest of their own Tribunal. Still this does not always mean that relations are cordial. Covenants in Tribunal Galliae are also pressed for magical resources, and the border hills of the Ardennes sometimes witness mystical conflict over those resources. With the Norman conquests of the past two centuries, the culture of Normandy has also begun to dominate Mythic Europe, and the influence of Tribunal Galliae within the Ordo Hermae has grown apace. This growth of Norman influence has sometimes come at the expense of Tribunal Germaniae. To the east, Tribunal Sarmatiae, or the Novgorod Tribunal, is the most hostile neighbor of Tribunal Germaniae. This rivalry goes back to the time of the Schism War, when Tribunal Sarmatiae declared its independence from other warring Tribunalia. Since that time, as the strain on magical resources has grown in Tribunal Germaniae, relations have worsened. Magi from Tribunal Sarmatiae defend their western border vigorously against incursions from Germania, and continue a policy of limiting new covenants. To the south, the borders are relatively quiet. Relations with Tribunal Helvetiae are somewhat more congenial, with trade and exchanges of knowledge occuring on a regular basis. Still, magi of Helvetia guard their vis sources diligently, ever watchful against incursions by magi from Tribunal Germaniae. To the southeast, the narrow border with Tribunal Daciae, or the Transylvanian Tribunal, is also fairly quiet. Although there has been some contention for resources along this border area, no major incidents have resulted. Still, Domus Tremeris established a covenant in the border region in the middle of the previous century, and Tribunal Germaniae responded with the establishment of its own covenant in the area soon after. Across the North Sea, Tribunalia Britanniae and Caledoniae are near enough by sea that trade and contacts are frequent. These contacts are typically peaceful, but this has not always been so.
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