engheld, the largest conventum Germaniae, spreads out among seven separate locations throughout Germania (and in one case, in Gallia). The central conventum is a "sprawling hilltop fortress" in the Harz Mountains of southern Saxony.
Surrounded by vinyards, orchards, and flock of sheep and goats, Fengheld itself consists of a large curtain wall that encompasses the entire hilltop, with a trangular gatehose on the south side, and seven large round towers spaced evenly around the wall. within the large bailey to the south, just inside the gate, are an "elaborate guest house" with a dining hall in the center, and the Sedes Merceris. To the northwest sits Fengheldhalle, a large basilica, and four square stone towers. To the northeast are workshops and residences of the covenfolk.
Archimagus Stentorius Tremeris
a large burly man with a bushy gray beard and craggy nose; he leads conventum Fengheld and Eichengilde; at Tribunal, he usually wears a formal gray robe; his familiar Oswald, a huge gray cat, is seldom far away
Archimagus Indulius Flambonis
a flamboyant man in his 50s, typically dressed in layered orange and yellow silk robes; his huge salamander familiar, Ignius, often lumbers behind him
Archimaga Dorana Bonisagi Trianomae
a forceful woman who usually wears white robes, which always seem to be catching a breeze and flowing gently around her; her familiar Gervas, a white peregrine falcon, perches nearby
Quaesitor Meinrad Guernici
a stern man with graying blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, who typically wears a sleeveless black leather vest over a long-sleeved tunic and leggings; Melius, his badger familiar, waddles or crouches at his feet
Achaicus Criamonis
swarthy fellow who hales from southern climes, with many dark spots on his arms, typically dressed in a plain brown robe; his odd familiar Gergas, a strange ape from the far south, walks with a strange knuckle-dragging gait
Amalric Verditii
slender brown-haired man wearing a blue tunic over a natural linen shirt and gray woolen hose, bearing only a simple knife
Beechleaf Merinitae
a slim man with a greenish complexion and eerily floating bronze-colored hair, usually dressed in earth-tone tunic, breeches, and cloak
Quaesitor Sennius Guernici
a handsome man with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, usually wearing an embroidered green tunic and woolen hose
Isenbard Jerbitonis
a friendly blonde man dressed in a linen tunic, leather jerkin & leather leggings; Bytzel, a sparrowhawk, frequently perches on his shoulder when she isn't hunting for field mice
Jofridus Flambonis
a blonde man who speaks loudly with a confident air, typically wearing a reddish-orange quilted jerkin above brown woolen leggings
Discipulus Aleksandar Bonisagi Trianomae |
Discipula Róża Tremeris |
Sedes Merceris
Antistes Erich
tall, lanky fellow with red hair and beard, garbed in red leather cap, a dark green leather jerkin over a gray shirt and brown leather leggings, and carrying a stout staff
Caduceator Till
handsome man with brown hair and trimmed beard, wearing a red leather cap, leather armor over a blue tunic, and armed with a sword and dagger on crossed baldrics
Praevia Erika
brown-haired woman wearing a red linen bonnet, embroidered cotton tunic and split gray skirt over a white blouse and gray leggings, with a slim dagger on a draped leather girdle
Caduceator Ulric
strong, good-looking youth in his late teens, wearing a leather jerkin over a white shirt and brown leggings, with a dagger at his belt
Northern Route
Oculus Septentrionalis: three weeks by foot and river boat from Fengheld
Crintera: one week by ship from Oculus Septentrionalis
Insula Exhorrescere: two weeks by ship and foot from Crintera
Fengheld: four weeks afoot from Insula Exhorrescere
Eastern Route
Turris Acontiarum: two days by horse or four afoot from Fengheld
Lusatia: two weeks by horse or four afoot from Turris Acontiarum
Pohlesee: one week by horse or two afoot from Lusatia
Fengheld: two weeks by horse or three afoot from Pohlesee
Durenmarhaus |
a three-story stone house on Partus Tribunalis Durenmar, with a courtyard and detached kitchen and privy
Nerva Bonisagi
Harburg |
a secretive and secluded capitulum in the Harburg forest south of Bamburg
Arnas Calvitius Bonisagi
bald man with an expanding waistline, wearing a hooded black robe
Balastor Ex Miscellanea
barbaric-looking fellow dressed in furs and hides roughly sewn together, with a shaggy beard and hair; his familiar Bär, an enormous bear, typically remains outdoors
Laetitia Verditii
blue-eyed brunette woman, wearing a dress cunningly crafted from delicately thin pieces of leather, dyed dark blue and white, with tooled patterns along the hems
Pugnatius Nex Ex Miscellanea
huge hulking black-haired man dressed in a dark green wool shirt, open to the chest, wrapped with leather bands around the waist, and leggings wrapped with deer hide laces; Occisor, his glutton familiar, glowers near his feet
Discipulus Gisfrid Verditii
Lusatia |
somewhere in Lusatia
Teàrlach Ex Miscellanea
an enormous black-haired man with gray eyes and blue markings over most of his body, wearing a natural woolen robe and crude hide boots; sometimes a huge raven he calls Mearan-Cadail perches on his shoulder
Cruentor Egon
old, broad-shouldered man with very large feet and hands, and long thick fingers with claw-like nails, wearing a gambeson and mail hauberk with a dark green surcoat and brown cloak, with a dagger and quiver of bolts on a baldric, and carrying a hefty crossbow
Discipulus Jachym
friendly youth with strange blue markings on his face and arms, wearing linen tunic, leather leggings, and a rough woolen cloak
Discipula Runilda
Turris Acontiarum |
a lonely tower in the Kyffhauser Mountains of Thuringia.
Larissa Criamonis
cute young woman with blue eyes and blonde hair, wearing a tan woolen dress and white linen over-dress