rintera, Domus Magna Bjornaer, is a highly mystical conventum on the Baltic island of Rugen. Visitors that are not associated with Domus Bjornaer are discouraged; indeed, Crintera can be nearly impossible to find if you are not welcome.
Archimagus Sigurd Bjornaer
Prima Falke Bjornaer
Ardea Bjornaer
Sunericus Bjornaer
Istavn Padas Bjornaer
Reyner Bjornaer
Quaesitor Jon Arnsson Bjornaer
Ekain Bjornaer
Discipulus Mychajlo Bjornaer rustic youth wearing a linen tunic, leather jerkin, and woolen trousers |
Discipula Dusana Bjornaer
Discipulus Konrad Bjornaer