rintera, Domus Magna Bjornaer, is a highly mystical conventum on the Baltic island of Rugen. Visitors that are not associated with Domus Bjornaer are discouraged; indeed, Crintera can be nearly impossible to find if you are not welcome.
Archimagus Sigurd Bjornaer
burly blonde man with projecting face and nose, wearing a brown robe and leather sandals
Prima Falke Bjornaer
small but forceful woman with silky gray hair, wearing a natural wool dress and a silver anklet; barefoot
Ardea Bjornaer
quiet white-haired woman, wearing a natural wool dress; barefoot
Sunericus Bjornaer
athletic-looking middle-aged man; cleanshaven; wearing a gray woolen robe and leather sandals
Istavn Padas Bjornaer
tall, muscular brown-haired man with a full beard, wearing a brown robe; barefoot
Reyner Bjornaer
blonde man with a regal bearing and piercing blue eyes, wearing a white woolen robe; barefoot
Quaesitor Jon Arnsson Bjornaer
tall, striking man with golden-blonde hair, wearing a brown woolen robe and leather sandals
Ekain Bjornaer
attractive young (woman?) with long brown hair in a ponytail, wearing a natural woolen dress; barefoot
Discipulus Mychajlo Bjornaer
rustic youth wearing a linen tunic, leather jerkin, and woolen trousers |
Discipula Dusana Bjornaer
Discipulus Konrad Bjornaer