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Several of the services Domus Merceris provides to Ordo Hermei are notarial. Perhaps the most well-known example occurs during declarations of Bellum Magum, but Domus Merceris provides notarial services in many ways. Conventum registration is sometimes thought of only in terms of correspondence, but in some Tribunalia, registration of a conventum with Domus Merceris may be the only record of its existence. Other examples include declarations of inheritence, passing of a discipulus from one magus to another, and registration of vis sources. This last example, known as perscriptio vis in Hermetic Latin, has developed over the centuries into a set of formal processes. Although Domus Merceris tends to follow these defined processes throughout Ordo Hermei, some Tribunalia may interpret their value differently, and some Tribunalia have specific Leges Peripheriae that require modifications. Perscriptio Locorum
Perscriptio Praxeos
Adnotatione Obsignata it is customary to specify the Tribunal, as otherwise it may not be accepted as evidence in some Tribunalia. Tribunalia vary in the degree to which primacy of claim may be established through adnotatione obsignata, but in most it is sufficient to establish claim of a source when it is revealed, although rarely sufficient to convict another of depriving a sodale of magical resources.
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