The process of Enchanting in Geoza is for the most part limited to the Mana and Alchemy Origins.  No other magical (as opposed to Deific) Origin has the capability for true permanence.  Sorcery can only Anchor an effect - not permanent enough for enchantment, although an Anchored effect can perform some of the same functions as an Enchantment.  Spirit effects can last for months or even years, but they must end sometime (and although Runic effects can be made permanent, doing so relies on the underlying Alchemical basis of Runes).
Enchantment is the process of reducing the Affinity of an object so that it may store Mana, either in raw form or as an Imbedded effect. The enchanting must be done while the object is being crafted: a certain amount of leeway can be granted here. For example, a rough-hewn staff of wood can be enchanted during the fine shaping and carving. There must be a significant alteration of the object in order for the enchanting to be successful.  This requirement is based on the peculiar fact that, although Mana can produce permanent effects, its limitations with the Reality Dominion prevent the outright alteration of Affinity in a permanent fashion.   The process of Ritual Mana Shaping outlined here is one of only two methods of shaping Affinities known in Geoza (the other method being Alchemical Enchanting).
Enchanting involves changing the underlying structure and nature of an object. An enchanted piece of wood is not the same as a 'natural' piece of wood. Although the two may appear identical in grain, texture, hardness, etc., they are different at a fundamental level. They interact with Reality - the flows of Mana that form the basis for everything that is - in completely different ways.
For this reason, once an object has been fully enchanted, the operable Dominion under which it falls is no longer Matter, but Reality.  Enchanting is essentially the Transformation of the Dominion of an object.  As such, there are ritual Mana paradigms that must be cast to initiate this process and sustain it while the object is crafted.
Enchanting is a slow ritual process that involves Shaping one Transformation / Reality effect at the beginning of a crafting session, and a second one at the end.  Using this method, the adepts need not craft the item themselves, but merely provide the Affinity alteration while the craftsman does the physical work.  If one of the adept does craft the item herself, she can also use Transformation effects to aid her in the mundane process of crafting as well.
Enchanting is a Ritual Mana Shaping because the Configuration Might of Mana is insufficient to achieve the necessary alteration of Reality.  The increase in Configuration Might associated with ritual shaping allows Mana adepts to achieve a sufficient Transformation / Reality effect.  Because ritual shapings are a cooperative process, a single adept cannot perform the basic enchanting process by himself.
The first ritual effect is shaped at the beginning of a crafting session.  The duration for this Shaping must be sufficient to last the entire crafting session - often several hours.  The second Shaping is performed at the end of the crafting session, and "fixes" the alteration of Affinity which has occurred over the course of the crafting session - and must use the Permanence Temper Aspect.  Note: both paradigms outlined on this page are fully optimized ritual Mana effects, in accordance with the magical research rules and the rules for Ritual Mana Shaping.
Initial Shaping:
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Scope affects a Form (3 points)
Range is generally Touch (Slight Scope, 1 point).
Area is not usually an issue (unless the object or material being enchanted is especially large).
Duration is generally expanded to an hour (Impressive Scope, 10 points)
Potency Potency is based upon the current Affinity of the object, and the desired Affinity.  Use the Enhancement/Reduction guidelines, with Affinity costing the same as Renown to alter.
Intricacy Based on the Nature of Change, Intricacy is Epic (21 points).
Temper Aspects Extend Duration is almost always necessary (one point is often enough)
Build may be used with other Transformation effects.
Since the ritual Configuration Might (Omnessence Limit) of Mana in Transformation / Reality is only 48, this effect will often only reduce the Affinity by a single level.  Multiple crafting sessions may be necessary to fully enchant an object.  For example, to reduce an object with a current Affinity of 4 to an Affinity of 3 would only require a Potency of 2, but with the cost for Scope (16) and Intricacy (21) added in, there isn't much room for Potency.  Even with only one point allocated to extend the duration, the maximum Potency possible is only 11 points - enough to reduce an Affinity from 4 to 0 (or reduce an Affinity from 7 to 5).  Because costs for reducing an Affinity often involve "off the chart" numbers, the costs to reduce Affinity are summarized here.  Numbers in parentheses are included merely for the sake of completeness - no known method is capable of achieving those results.   Numbers in brackets are possible only if Extend Duration is not used at all.
Cumulative Cost to Reduce by
Beginning Affinity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 4 9 (14) (19) (25) (31) (37) (44) (51) (58)
9 4 8 (13) (18) (23) (29) (35) (41) (48) -
8 4 8 (12) (17) (22) (27) (33) (39) - -
7 3 7 {11} (15) (20) (25) (30) - - -
6 3 6 10 (14) (18) (23) - - - -
5 3 6 9 (13) (17) - - - - -
4 2 5 8 {11} - - - - - -
3 2 4 7 - - - - - - -
2 2 - - - - - - - - -
1 - - - - - - - - - -
From this table, it is obvious why enchanters prefer materials with inherently lower Affinities (i.e. materials which are more "magical").  An object with an affinity of 3 can be fully enchanted in only one session, whereas one with an affinity of 7 would require at least three sessions to fully enchant (i.e. to reduce the affinity to 0).
Final Shaping:
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Scope affects a Form (3 points).
Range is generally Touch (Slight Scope, 1 point).
Area is not usually an issue (unless the object or material being enchanted is especially large).
Duration need not be expanded, because of the Permanence Temper Aspect.
Potency Potency is based on the final (reduced) Affinity of the object, whatever that is (an Affinity of zero still costs 1 point).
Intricacy Intricacy is Moderate (4 points).
Temper Aspects Build must be used to link this Paradigm to the initial one (2 points)
Since the Configuration Might (Omnessence Limit) of Mana in Transformation/Reality is only 48, and Permanence is required, the base cost for this effect cannot exceed 15 points (plus the Build Temper Aspect) - fairly limiting, considering that 10 of those points are consumed by Scope and  Intricacy.  Thus, if the object being enchanted cannot be reduced to an Affiinity of 5 or less in one session, that object cannot be enchanted by this method.  (Note: this means that objects with initial Affinities higher than 7 cannot be enchanted by this method).
Some formally defined terminology for Geozan magical items:
Mana Reservoir (or simply Reservoir) An enchanted item which is used to store Mana.  A magician must "attune" his Aura to a Reservoir to be able to use it.  This process creates a mystical link between the magician and the item.  A Reservoir may only be drawn from if it is within the "Aura space" of the magician (generally, on his person, or touching him).
Talisman An enchanted item that has been Imbedded with an effect that is not constant, but must be activated.  Such an item may store more than one "charge," or more than one activated effect.   Activation can be mystical, psychic, or physical, depending on the ability and/or desires of the enchanter.  Mystical activation requires Manasense (Slight).  Psychic activation requires psychic ability (latent or active) (Moderate).  Physical activation can be vocal (Slight) or somatic (Moderate).   Note that these cost guidelines refer to the cost of using the Mechanism Temper Aspect.
Amulet An enchanted item which has been Imbedded with a permanent, constant effect.
Ephemeral An item or substance which has been Imbedded with a single effect.  The physical basis of the item or substance dissipates with the effect.  Such items are often the product of Alchemy.
Charm An enchanted item which holds a limited-use constant or activated effect.  The item may be re-usable or it may be a type of Ephemeral.
Augmentant An item which has not been enchanted, but has been altered by a permanent magical effect.  For example, a staff could be mystically hardened to resist breaking or gouging when parrying.
Fetish An item, which may or may not be otherwise enchanted, to which one or more Spirits have been bound (see Spiritism).
Focus An enchanted item which is capable of maintaining a Sorcery Conduit (see Thaumaturgy).  Foci can only be created by Thaumaturges, but may be used by any Sorcerer who is familiar with their purpose and the mechanism associated with a specific focus.