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Sarmatia held Tribunal at Triozera in Summer 1260 AD. Praeca Susan Wicklowis Merceris led Tribunal, along with Quaesitor Praesidens Pavel Chedyav Guernici and Antistes Karpos Merceris. Magi in attendence: Triozera: Leczyca: Millecavernae: Pripet Novyy: Planetes: Insula Valaamis: Praeca Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall be a magus habitans designated as successor by the previous Praeco, or absent such a designation, elected by an assembly of all magi habitans; Praeca Susan Wicklowis Merceris designates Boris Davidovich Bjornaer as Praeco upon her demise; Quaesitor Praesidens Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall be appointed by Praeca from among Quaesitores habitans in good standing in attendance at each Tribunal; Praeca may veto any proposal that would, in her judgement, endanger the Tribunal; Primatus Tribunalis shall be established by date of the founding of each conventum, or for magi, by the date of swearing Dejuratio Fidelis Tribunalis Sarmatiae, and shall be recorded by Domus Merceris and published each Tribunal; the following conventa are Conventa Avita Tribunalis Sarmatiae: Triozera, Leczyca, Millecavernae, and Pripet Novyy; Each Conventum Avitum shall preside over a Toparchia Sarmatiae: Triozera the north, Millecaverna the east, Pripet Novyy the south, and Leczyca the west; Planetes and Insula Valaamis shall be neither Avitum nor Tributum, but Liberum, and are exempted from requirements as Conventa Tributa, but their magi shall not be exempt from provisions regarding magi habitans; Conventa Libera may not receive allegiance as Conventa Avita; All other conventa or capitula within Territorium Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall be Conventa Tributa, and must swear allegiance to a Conventum Avitum, according to the Toparchia in which they are located; Tributa may not receive allegiance from other conventa; each Conventum Tributum shall tribute to its Conventum Avitum every seven years; one pawn of vis per magus habitans registered to that Conventum Tributum; Each Conventum Tributum must host a Quaesitor in good standing, excepting only if no Quaesitor wishes to reside at a given Conventum Tributum, then that Conventum Tributum shall be relieved of this obligation until such time as a Quaesitor in good standing wishes to reside at that Conventum Tributum; The charter of each Conventum Tributum must be approved by Praeca, by its Conventum Avitum, and by a Quaesitor habitans in good standing; the date of founding of each conventum shall be the date on which all three approvals are complete and indicated by signatures thereof; Magi new to Tribunal Sarmatiae shall present themselves to Quaesitor Praesidens and swear Dejuratio Fidelis Tribunalis Sarmatiae to establish habitatio, and shall thereafter be recognized as magi habitans after seven years and fulfillment of a season of service to Tribunal Sarmatiae; only magi habitans Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall vote in Tribunal Sarmatiae; A discipulus of a magus habitans may be presented at Tribunal to swear Dejuratio Fidelis Tribunalis Sarmatiae and establish habitatio, and shall be considered a magus habitans if he has been resident in Tribunal Sarmatiae for seven years at the time he is presented as a magus; Dejuratio Fidelis Tribunalis Sarmatiae: the magus swears to never register, or attempt to register, a conventum Sarmatiae in another Tribunal, and to honor Territorium Tribunalis Sarmatiae and Leges Peripheriae Sarmatiae. If a magus habitans abandons Tribunal Sarmatiae, whether by being absent without proxy for three consecutive Tribunalia, or by establishing habitatio in another Tribunal, or by voting in another Tribunal, then habitatio for that magus shall terminate; All magi habitans Tribunalis Sarmatiae must serve Tribunal Sarmatiae for one season each septanniversum, from the date of establishment of habitatio; such service shall be decided by Praeca and shall be announced at each Tribunal; magi not present at Tribunal shall be responsible for service; magi who fail to perform a season of service as directed shall pay a fine of a rook of vis to Tribunal Sarmatiae; magi who fail to perform a season of service for two consecutive septanniversa shall have habitatio terminated and shall leave Tribunal Sarmatiae; Caduceatores habitans who serve their Domus shall be accounted as having served the Tribunal, as shall Quaesitores habitans who serve Tribunal Sarmatiae or Ordo Hermei, and additional service shall not be required of them; Protodiscipuli discovered within Territorium Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall be wards of Tribunal Sarmatiae, and shall be awarded to parentes upon decision of Tribunal Sarmatiae; no magus may claim a discipulus from Tribunal Sarmatiae without decision of Tribunal Sarmatiae; All vis sources within Territorium Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall belong to Tribunal Sarmatiae, and shall be dispensed according to Leges Tribunalis Sarmatiae; vis extracted from aurae shall be excluded from this provision; All vis sources discovered within Territorium Tribunalis Sarmatiae must be registered with Tribunal Sarmatiae before the next Tribunal; each magus who registers a new vis source shall be awarded a Praemium for fifty years following registration of that vis source; Praeca Tribunalis Sarmatiae shall appoint several Dispensatores at each Tribunal; each shall serve until the next Tribunal, Dispensatores shall receive all vis gathered in Sarmatia, for dispensation at the following Tribunal; at the direction of Praeca, a Dispensator shall witness gathering of vis from specified sources; if so directed, no magus may gather vis from that source without a Dispensator as witness; Dispensatores shall dispense vis at each Tribunal, at the direction of the Praeco, according to the following leges: Each magus who registers a new source of vis shall receive a Praemium of one pawn from that source each year for fifty years following registration of the source; One pawn of vis shall be Merces to each magus who gathered vis for Tribunal Sarmatiae in each year, to be selected according to Primatus Tribunal Sarmatiae; Vis remaining after Praemia and Mercedes shall be apportioned as portiones conventorum: each conventum shall receive portio proportional to sigilla magorum habitans of that conventum present at Tribunal (to include sigilla of caduceatores and quaesitores); Each conventum may select a pawn of vis in turn from among that available, according to Primatus Tribunalis; after each conventum has selected a pawn, another shall be selected in turn, and so on, until each conventum has received its due share; Vis remaining after each conventum has received its due share shall be Tributum to Tribunal Sarmatiae, to be held by Domus Merceris in trust; vis belonging to Tribunal Sarmatiae shall be dispensed according to the decision of Tribunal Sarmatiae, for such uses as Tribunal Sarmatiae shall deem prudent. Tribunal Sarmatiae may designate a source of vis, or a certain magical entity, as a Tutella Sarmatiae; no magus may harm or collect vis from any Tutella Sarmatiae. Sarmatia defines four categories of vis: vis intactus, which has never been in possession of a magus, however briefly; vis veridis, which has come into possession of a magus, but has not been accounted and dispensed at Tribunal; and vis pernumerans, which is vis that has been accounted at Tribunal, or has been brought into Sarmatia from another Tribunal. Consortes and covenfolk may use vis intactus for their own purposes, but vis intactus may not be taken out of Sarmatia, nor may vis veridis; only vis pernumerans may be taken out of Sarmatia. Fourth is vis sapsa, which is vis that manifests within the body of a magus, or within the body of his custos, or within his sanctum; vis sapsa shall be accounted the same as vis pernumerans, and belongs to that magus. Magi may not establish sancta at registered vis sources for the purpose of claiming that vis source as vis sapsa. Praeca may only assign a season of service which the assigned magus habitans is capable of completing in a reasonable manner.
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