The Primal Order - Notes for Geoza

Geoza does not actively use The Primal Order, even though conversion notes for the capsystem have been added.  It is assumed that any deific being is fully capable of performing appropriate miracles, etc. (either through their own abilities or by calling on the deity the being works for).  TPO does provide some handy methods for tracking relative deific power, and some of the concepts expressed in TPO are very useful, such as Relics, Artifacts, and Servitors.
There are some problems with it, however.   The arbitrary "per day' methods of defining Primal Flux availability are problematic.  Which day?  How long is a deific "day?" Such questions are especially difficult when it is possible for a deific being to alter "Primal Constants" of a given reality.  Why can't a deity just define a "day" on his home plane as about five minutes?  He'll regenerate very quickly compared to that poor deific slob who stuck with the humanocentric 24 "hour" (whatever that is) day.
Such questions do provide difficulties in actually playing a TPO campaign, whatever the system you're using.
They don't cause too many problems, however, if the Mythguide uses TPO in a "behind the scenes" role.  Need to know how many Artifacts that deity would "reasonably" be expected to have?  Just do some primal calculations (I advise using a spreadsheet) and voila!  you have your answer.
That's what I use TPO for in Geoza.  I usually create Avatars which are defined in ARIA terms whenever the Personas encounter such a being.
Geoza is also a "pseudo-sentient" plane or realm.  The world isn't exactly a being like a human is, nor is there any definable center of awareness to it.  But Geoza does seem to be "aware' in a different sense than humans are used to.  One result of this is that Geoza is a limited non-intervention plane in TPO terms.  Primal entities cannot enter Geoza if they possess more than 1,000 points of Primal Base.  Period.
What does this mean?  Well, the gods themselves don't fight out cosmic battles, striding across the battlefields like Ares in the Illead.  They tend to rely on weaker agents, like "angels" or mortal priests, etc.  Even the "angels" (or whatever) tend to be limited, because the oldest of them are still too powerful to enter Geoza directly.  They have to create Avatars to enter the material or spirit realms of Geoza.
And that keeps the mortal Personas the most significant players in the game, and makes the deities significant only as  Mythguide Personas, rather than dominating the game.