Spiritism Profile

The following profile defines the use of the Spirit Origin in accordance with the ARIA Reality system.
Origin Template
Omnessence Fundamental
Paradigm Elements

Origin Template

Nature Partially Sentient - the Origin as a whole isn't sentient, but some spirit entities are sentient, or partially sentient.
Form Collective Entity.   The Spiritism Origin is composed of all the Spirit entities in the Spirit Realms.   Spiritism is an interaction of a spirit's nature and the adept's ability to act as a medium through which effects can be generated
Genesis Created.  Spirit entities are created by Geoza, directly or indirectly.
Connections Related.  Spirit is related to the Runes Origin.
Orientation Balanced.  In addition to the spirit realm, spirits often take interest in the material realm.
Relations Varies, from Aloof, to Ambivalent, to Meddlesome, depending on the spirit.
Origin Notes Those who can access the Spiritism Origin are known as Spiritists or Shamans.
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Omnessence Fundamental

Primary Trait Charisma - Spirits can be fickle beings.  The adept's ability to persuade, impress, coerce, or bargain with spirits is the basis for Spiritism.
Affinity (see Resistance)
Inanimate = Varies by spirit, according to the Material Comprehension attribute of the spirit
The Spiritism Province is the most flexible of all the Origins, although the ratings can be misleading.  All Power and Facility values are theoretical maximums: actual ratings vary according to the type and power of the spirit.  No one spirit has ratings equal to those listed below, but collectively the Spiritism Origin does.
Archetypes Dominions
Conjuration 10 Flux 10
Creation 10 Organic 10
Destruction 10 Matter 10
Divination 10 Reality 10
Manipulation 10 Spirit 10
Transformation 10 Will 10
Province Aspects
Province Notes The spirit must understand the concept of the effect in order to participate in casting.  Spirits have varying degrees of comprehension, according to their Omnessence Province and other conceptual limitations.
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Category Limited.
Manifestations Channeled spirit.
Availability Varies according to the spirit.  Availability is applied differently in the Spiritism Origin - it is the difficulty of finding a spirit of a given type.  A lower Availability rating indicates a higher likelihood of Accessing a spirit of that type.  Availability can vary with the situation (both geographically and symbolically).
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Category Finite (Recyclable)
Aspects Although the total "amount" of spirits in existence is nearly infinite, it is not truly so.   Further, the incidence of spirits of a given type may be much lower.
Amount Levels 8
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Category Restricted
Aspects Unique - Open, Interruptible, causes Fatigue (Fatigue Trial at same difficulty as Meditation Trial to avoid gaining Fatigue).
Method Meditation / Charisma Trials
Ease of Access Varies from 2 to 5, according to the type of spirit
Access Time Varies according to the type of spirit and expertise of adept.  Use the degree of success of the Meditation Trial to determine the base Access Interval:
Marginal Narrative Interval: 4 Hours
Complete Narrative Interval: 1 Hour
Superior Narrative Interval: 10 Minutes
Extraordinary Narrative Interval:   1 Minute
Mythic One Action Interval
Access time can be modified based on the situation (Mythguide discretion).
Access Facility Varies according to the type of spirit (Summoning Difficulty)
Notes Accessing the Spiritism Origin requires the adept to make a successful Meditation Trial based on Charisma, with a base difficulty equal to the Availability level of the spirit sought, to shift his awareness into the Spirit Realms and locate the desired type of spirit.  The spiritist must then succeed at a Charisma (Presence) Trial to attract and access the desired spirit.   The degree of success on the Presence trial determines the number of "services" (i.e. effects) the spirit will provide for the adept:
Marginal One service at reduced level of capability
Complete One service
Superior Two services
Extraordinary Three services
Mythic Three services plus bonus (additional services at a later time, reduced difficulty with summoning that type of spirit in the future, etc.)
Note:  Binding a spirit to a Fetish, in addition to reducing its overall power for creating an effect, will also generally reduce the number of services available by one.  A Superior degree of success is generally needed to Bind a Spirit to a Fetish.  Binding a spirit to the adept's Aura does not reduce the number of services available.
A Spiritual Ally can assist in both the Meditation Trial and the Charisma Trial, by adding one-third its rank (rounded down) to the ATC for each Trial.
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Category Possible
Adept Unique (Spirit Binding):   Capacity = Sensitivity Rank + Spirit Lore Rank
Inanimate Object A Spirit can be bound to a specially crafted object ("Fetish").  Capacity varies according to the nature and craftsmanship of the object (see below for details).
Aspects Spirit capacity is calculated differently for Spiritism - the Summoning Difficulty of the spirit is its capacity rating (i.e. a spirit "consumes" an amount of capacity equal to its Summoning Difficulty).  Binding a spirit - either to the adept's aura, or to a fetish - reduces the effective Archetype Power values and Dominion Facility values of the spirit by one each.
Spirits can be bound (Imbedded) into an enchanted object called a fetish.   The object must have an Affinity lower than the Material Comprehension of the spirit, and must have enough capacity to hold the spirit (a spirit "occupies" capacity equal to the Summoning Difficulty for that type of spirit).  Imbedding only binds the spirit temporarily.  It is often used in conjunction with the Mechanism Aspect.   Multiple embeddings can be made, but each object can only be a fetish for one type of spirit, and the capacity of the object must be able to hold the combined Summoning Difficulties of all spirits. 
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Omnessence Nature
Category Dynamic Interpreted.
Limitation Aspects Effects may vary based on the spirit's understanding of what is being asked of it (based on a possible communication trial), and the spirit's comprehension of the material world (represented by the Spirit's Material Comprehension Rating).
Natural: Effects behave 'normally' after they are achieved.
Notes Omnessence points are less a measure of the Spirit or its capabilities than a measure of how much effort the Spirit in question can exert through the adept - either through its limitations or the adept's.   Thus, the Omnessence cost of a given paradigm is used to give a benchmark for that effect, not a rating of the Spirit's power or lack thereof (the same spirit may be able to achieve more when working with another adept, for example).
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Paradigm Elements

Category Preparation
Aspects Communication (Required, Neutral)  The adept must communicate the desired effect to the spirit.
Actions (Possible, Enhancer) Explanatory gestures might help the adept indicated the desired effect or target.
Time Base Interval: 12 seconds, minus the Communication Rank of the adept, plus the Material Comprehension of the spirit.
Variable (Fluctuating: from 1 second to [Material Comprehension] seconds more or less than the base interval).  This variation is at the judgment of the Mythguide
Variable (Manipulating: minimum 1 second, maximum equal to five times the base interval).
Access time which is manipulated to increase/decrease the total time modifies the difficulty of the Effects Trial by -1/+1 per Variation Interval.  If a Communication Trial is also required, modifiers for a manipulated preparation interval also apply to that trial.
Variation Facility Reduction: 3
Extension: 1
Preparation Trial Communication Trial (optional).  In some unusual situations, the Mythguide may call for a Communication Trial on the part of the adept.  However, this should not normally be needed.
Interruption Allowed, but increases preparation time by two seconds in addition to the time of the interruption.
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Paradigm Method Channel
Casting Time 1 OP
Fatigue None from Preparation or Casting.
Base Range Personal.  Base Range can be expanded to Sight (Moderate Scope) or Familiar (Impressive  to Epic Scope, based on relative familiarity of target to adept and/or spirit, and distance from the adept).
Base Area Individual - can be expanded to Base Area of (6 - Material Comprehension) paces in radius (Moderate Scope)
Area Increment 6 - Material Comprehension of Spirit.
Base Interval One Minute or less.
Base Duration can be expanded to a Narrative Interval (Moderate Scope or higher, based on length of Narrative Interval.  An hour would be Moderate, a day would be Impressive, and a week would be Epic).  The effect is maintained through continued manifestation of the Spirit through the effect.  If the Spirit is banished, destroyed, or otherwise prevented from manifesting, the effect cannot be maintained.  The Extend Duration Temper Aspect can be used to extend the duration of a specific interval (i.e. two weeks is Impressive Scope, with an additional point spent on Extend Duration).
Effects Cost
Scope standard
Potency standard
Intricacy standard
Passive Base = Aura (Affinity)
Rank = Charisma (Willpower)
   (or by Affinity of material)
Difficulty = Effect Might
Active Alter - can only be attempted through use of the Spiritism Origin (in some cases, use of Runes might be possible).  If the resisting adept does not possess the Sensitivity Background Aspect, increase Difficulty by one.  If the resisting adept has a Spirit Guide or Ally, decrease Difficulty by one.
Counter - can be attempted through any Origin.  If the resisting adept does not possess the Sensitivity Background Aspect, increase Difficulty by one.  If the resisting adept has a Spirit Guide or Ally, decrease Difficulty by one.
Participation Collective - Unlimited.   See notes on Ritual Spiritism.
Temper Aspects
Build Maximum limit on number of paradigms which can be combined into an effect is limited only by the adept's ability to continue to access spirits (Fatigue can be the limiting factor).
Delay Delay is indefinite, based upon Spirit's nature and understanding of effect.  Cost to delay an effect is equal to the paradigm's Base Cost divided by the Charisma of the adept.
Extend Duration An effect's duration can be extended at a cost of one point of Omnessence per Duration Interval (Variation Facility 1).
Imbed Cost is special.   Imbedding a Spirit is actually Binding the Spirit to a Fetish.  This reduces the Spirit's effective Archetype Power values and Dominion Facility values by one each.   See Storage, above.
Mechanism Can only be used in conjunction with Delay or Imbed.  Omnessence cost increases with complexity.   Divination effects may be necessary for some Mechanisms.  The Material Comprehension of the spirit can effectively limit the types of mechanisms which the spirit can comprehend.
Removed Cost is standard.   Range must have been extended to Sight or Familiar, and the target/location must be familiar to the Spirit (either through the adept being able to see it, or through previous "experience" on the part of the Spirit).
Target A Targeting Trial based on Intellect (Perception) is required for Removed Effects, as well as for missiles, etc.  No cost.  Base Difficulty = 2.
Widen Variation Facility 1.   Scope must include Area (Moderate Scope).
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Waste Waste does not exist within the Spirit Origin.
Side Effects Attention:  Spiritism can attract the attention of other spirits, manifested or otherwise.   This is not always a bad thing, but it can be.
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Geoza has several Omnis (mystical organizations) which are associated with Spiritism.  Many are informal associations or cultural groups, especially in the case of Shamanism Omnis.  The mindset necessary for Spiritism does not lend itself to overly hierarchical structures.
Hsytha Shamans A fellowship of Hsytha shamans among the Hsytha of Merochas' Great Swamp.  Mystics, Shamans, and Psychics among the Hsytha all belong to this fellowship.
Mahjaitanu Naij'aimah The Mylharran Imperial Order of Mages.  All adepts in Imperial service belong to this order, regardless of their Origin(s).
Mutai Witchwarriors An independent fellowship of Mutai Mystics.  Mutai Witchwarriors are actually Wizards who combine Mana and Spiritism Origins - they are shapeshifters with a variety of totem animals.
Priests of Estopa Servants of Estopa, the Goddess of Dreams and Psychics, are often sought for advice and interpretation of their dreams, as well as for help with those who have disorders of the mind. The Order has a strict code of ethics with regard to mental contact.  Members of this order often educate Jalani children with obvious Psychic potential, which helps them deal with the additional burden of their talent.  Because the Dreamlands are part of the Spirit Realms, Priests of Estopa often study spirits and their capabilities, and those who are capable of Spiritism use their ability in the service of Estopa.
Royal Arcane Society This association of adepts of all types is sponsored by the King of Belaquin.  They have extensive contacts with both the Artificier's Guild and the Magesmith's Guild, although neither of those organizations is allowed to practice openly within the Kingdom of Belaquin.
Sea Seekers A mysterious Aezjarean Order of Mystics and Wizards.  The exact goals of the group are unclear to outsiders (even to other Aezjareans), but seem to include the search for a powerful artifact that they believe was lost beneath the waves of the Great Ocean centuries ago.
Shub'sah Shamans The Shamans of the Shub'sah Hssuga are Psychics and/or Shamans, but are not Mystics, unlike their Hsytha cousins. A Shub'sah who is talented in Psychics and Mana might be both a Shaman and a Shou'sahm. Such individuals are rare, but extremely powerful. Psychic abilities vary.
Spirit Lodges of the Cheyhro A collective term for the Lodges of the Cheyhro peoples in many regions, whether Cheyhro, Staka, or Wishu.  Lodges include Great Eagle, Mountain Cat, Raven, Red Bear, Serpent, and Gray Wolf.
Ssuhim Shamans The Shamans of the Ssuhim are Spiritists. Among the Ssuhim, Sensitivity has never been linked with Psychic talent or Manasense (there are no known instances of both or all talents in the same individual).
Storm Warriors Paladins of Tar'nah, the Mylharran God of the Sky and Spirit Magic.  Males of Warrior status with Magical Talent and Sensitivity are inducted into this order. Those who also have Psychic ability (many do) are trained in Psychic abilities, especially Pneumosis.  Some may also have a True Calling to serve Tar’nah. The Mylharrans have a special respect for and caution with Spiritism, thus the connection with Tar'nah.
Tar'nah Monks Within the Mylharran Empire, those without a True Calling or Warrior status, but who have Sensitivity, become Monks. Those who have Magical Talent are trained as Spiritists, others are taught how to deal with their Sensitivity. Those who cannot control their talent are executed. Many of the Monks are ethnic Wishu.
Tar'nah Priests Mylharrans who are called to the service of Tar'nah.  They usually have Sensitivity and often have Magical Talent as well. It is rare that a person without Sensitivity is Called to the service of Tar’nah. Those with Psychic Talent are also trained, with emphasis in Pneumosis
Thurian Shamans Thurians with appropriate talents are trained as Psychics, Spiritists, or both.  Mystics belong to the Azhaeli (see Mana Omnis).  A Thurian may not belong to both; if one has Sensitivity, one becomes a Shaman. Thus, some Thurian Shamans may have Manasense, but are not trained Mystics (such a person might have learned how to use Mana on their own, however). Psychic training is varied, but usually emphasizes Pneumosis. Thurians with Sensitivity also often possess an Animal Affinity or Shapeshifting talent. The Shamans also train such individuals, but emphasis is placed on controlling such talents. There is no formal organization for these people, but they are highly respected for their abilities.
Yanshin Shamans Yanshin with Sensitivity are trained as Shamans.  This fellowship has few strictures, but those it does have are rigidly held.
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