Conjuration:   Sorcery and Spiritism

Conjuration is the use of both the Sorcery and Spiritism Origins.  Although any adept who practices both Sorcery and Spiritism may be known as a Conjuror, the actual practice of Conjuration involves the use of Sorcery to enhance a Spiritist's abilities, or vice-versa.
How is Conjuration different from Wizardry?  Both use very similar paradigms to achieve very similar types of effects in assisting with Spiritism.  The most significant differences are in the manner in which the two use their combined powers.   The Conjuror, for example, has an added ability that the Sorcerer lacks; he can Bind a spirit and thus have "stored" power readily available.   For the Wizard, such an ability is nice, but not a significant change to the abilities that a Mystic already has within the Mana Origin.  The less Erratic nature of Spiritism can be significant for a Wizard, however, while for the Conjuror Spiritism is less reliable than Sorcery.  The Conjuror also combines the relative speed and easy Access of Sorcery with the flexibility of Spiritism.  The Conjuror can summon and bind or channel several spirits faster than the Wizard can gather the necessary Mana.   The Wizard, on the other hand, has the capability to Imbed such capability, or even to permanently Bind a spirit.  Each combination has its strengths and weaknesses, arising from the distinctive natures of Mana and Sorcery.
One common technique in Conjuration is to use a Conjuration/Spirit Sorcery paradigm to summon a known type of spirit to the adept, who can then more easily Access the spirit, either for immediate service, or to Bind for later service.  The Summoning Difficulty of the spirit should be used as a guide for the strength of the Sorcery Paradigm.  An outline of such a Paradigm follows (Note that all sample paradigms in this section have been fully optimized using the rules for magical research in Geoza):
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Effect is altering a State (1 point)
Range can be Personal (when summoning for Binding to the adept's Aura), or Touch (when summoning for Binding to a Fetish - Moderate: 4-9 points).  Sometimes, Range will need to be expanded to Sight (when summoning into a prepared circle, for example - Impressive: 10-20 points). 
Area is normally N/A
Duration will often have to be expanded to a Narrative Interval (Moderate, 4 points) or longer, through use of the Maintain Temper Aspect
Minimum Scope cost is at least 4 points, more if increased range or longer durations are needed.
Potency Potency is based on the Availability level of the Spirit.  Generally, an Availability of 1 would be a Slight effect.  An Availability of 2 would be Moderate, Availability 3 would be Impressive, Availability 4 would be Epic, and Availability 5 or higher would be Mythic.
Intricacy Intricacy is based on the Penetration aspect - the effect needs to penetrate Spirit to be of use, so Intricacy is Moderate (4-9 points).  Familiarity (or lack thereof) with the type of spirit in question will modify Intricacy as well (an unfamiliar spirit - one that has not been summoned before by this caster - would be Impressive: 10-20 points).  A spirit the caster is very familiar with would only be Slight, 1-3 points).  Note that a "familiar" spirit by this definition is not the same as a Spiritual Ally or fetch (although such a spirit would be considered to be very familiar).
Temper Aspects Maintain is usually necessary (few adepts will be able to conclude the Access process with a spirit within a single Action Interval) even after the Duration has been extended to a Narrative Interval.  For most spirits, 3-5 points in Extend will be enough time (a couple of minutes).  More powerful spirits may require more time.
Overpower is popular to overcome the resistance of the spirit.
Build, Delay, and Mechanism are likely aspects as well.
Anchor is possible, although the high cost is usually prohibitive - for this purpose, its much easier just to maintain the paradigm until the summoning is complete (i.e. the conjuror has obtained the service of the spirit).
Typical cost for an optimized paradigm (for a familiar SD 4 spirit, for example) would be around 33 Omnessence (Moderate Scope 7 points, Epic Potency 21 points, Moderate Intricacy 5 points).  A relatively weak (SD 2), but well-known spirit would require around 13 Omnessence, while a powerful (SD 5) and unfamiliar spirit would require around 50 Omnessence.  Keep in mind that Sorcery has a Configuration Might of 60 in Conjuration / Spirit.  Conjuration / Spirit paradigms requiring more than 60 Omnessence can't be performed using Sorcery
Conjuration can also be useful in coercing the spirit's services and/or Binding the spirit.  Spirits can be uncooperative when forcefully summoned (as in the above paradigm), and thus less than eager to assist the adept.   Coercion is often necessary when using this approach, and Sorcery is again useful (especially if the adept lacks a Spiritual Ally (a familiar spirit).  Coercion can take several forms, but many conjurors rely on a Transformation/Spirit effect to induce the spirit's cooperation and service.  The degree of success of the Effect Trial can be used as a bonus to the ATC of the Charisma trial.  Other options include causing the spirit pain (Destruction/Spirit) or determining what kind of bargain the spirit would go for (Divination/Spirit).  An example of the Transformation/Spirit effect:
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Effect is altering a Form (3 points)
Range must be at least Touch (Moderate, 4-9 points), and perhaps Sight (Impressive, 10-20 points), depending on the range at which the spirit has been summoned.
Area is not usually an issue. 
Duration will usually have to be expanded to a Narrative Interval (Moderate, 4-9 points, or even Impressive, 10-20 points).  Although this effect can induce the spirit to be cooperative, the agreement of service may still take longer than a few Action Intervals.
Minimum Scope cost is thus 13 points, more if Sight Range is needed, or if a longer Narrative Interval is needed.
Potency Potency is based on Fundamental Inertia, and the relative likelihood of the spirit performing the service desired.  If no service is specifically indicated (as in the case of Binding), then Epic Potency is assumed - the spirit will be willing to risk its existence for the adept.   Minor services might cost as little as Moderate or even Slight Potency, if performed immediately.  Most typically useful services will be Impressive (10-20 points).
Intricacy Intricacy is based on the Nature of Change aspect - the effect is altering the spirit's nature to a limited extent (and for a limited time).  Intricacy is thus Impressive (10-20 points).
Temper Aspects Maintain is useful for brief Narrative Intervals.
Overpower can help overcome the resistance of the spirit.
Delay, Build, and Mechanism are likely aspects as well.
Typical cost for an optimized version of this effect would also be around 33 Omnessence (Scope 13, Potency 10, and Intricacy 10).  The Configuration Might of Sorcery for Transformation / Spirit is 60, so up to 60 Omnessence can be used in such an effect.  Note that a spirit "transformed" in this way is not permanently altered and will not be any more likely to serve the adept in the future.  Some spirits may actually be aware that they were coerced, and may "resent" that.
NOTE:  Those rare Shamans who are also Sorcerers (i.e. "Conjurors," although they generally don't use that term among themselves) generally do not use such coercive tactics with spirits unless they lack a Shamanic Familiar.  Since most Shamans will have such a Spiritual Ally, they can utilize that spirit's power and influence to help them, which is much less likely to result in resentment on the part of the other spirits.  The manner of coercion discussed here is generally used only by the kind of Conjuror who is a "Spiritist" rather than a Shaman.  The distinction is sometimes a subtle one, and is often more a matter of background and attitude than specific techniques.
Binding a spirit doesn't usually require much help, but in the event the adept would like to take no chances with Binding a particularly hostile or powerful spirit to a Fetish, he can use a Manipulation / Spirit effect to enforce the Binding.  Binding a spirit in this fashion overcomes the reduction in services that generally accompanies Binding a spirit to a Fetish (see Spirit Profile, Storage).  This is generally done with the Build and/or Delay Aspects in conjunction with the Coercion and possibly Summoning effects.
Example:  A Conjuror prepares a Binding paradigm (see below) and Delays it while preparing a Coercion paradigm, which is also Delayed while he prepares a Summoning paradigm.  Once the spirit is summoned, the adept uses the delayed Coercion paradigm to assist him in gaining the spirit's services, and then uses the delayed Binding paradigm to ensure the spirit will enter the Fetish he has prepared for it (at no loss in services).
An example Manipulation / Spirit Sorcery paradigm:
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Effect is altering a State (1 point)
Range must be at least Touch (Moderate, 4-9 points), and perhaps Sight (Impressive, 10-20 points) depending on the range at which the spirit has been summoned. 
Area is not usually an issue. 
Duration should be expanded to a Narrative Interval, according to how long the Conjuror wishes the Binding to last (typically for a day or more, Epic, 21-35 points).
Total Scope cost is typically 28 points, more if a Range of Sight is necessary.
Potency Potency is based on the Summoning Difficulty (i.e. power) of the spirit.  Binding a spirit with a Summoning Difficulty of 1 would be a Slight effect.  An SD of 2 would be Moderate, SD 3 would be Impressive, SD 4 would be Epic, and SD 5 or higher would be Mythic (and likely beyond the capability of Sorcery to affect).
Intricacy Intricacy is based on the Penetration aspect - affecting a spirit in this way is a Moderate effect (4 points)
Temper Aspects Anchoring is possible, which results in a potentially infinite number of services.  This is one reason for using this paradigm to assist in binding a spirit.  Of course, the cost for Anchoring can be prohibitive for powerful spirits.
Overpower is popular to overcome the resistance of the spirit, or Sophistication if Anchoring is being used.
Delay and Build are often used, as mentioned above.  Mechanism can also be used in conjunction with the Delay aspect.

Typical cost to Bind a spirit (SD 4) would be 53 Omnessence (Scope 28, Potency 21, and Intricacy 4), right at the Configuration Might limit of Sorcery.

Conjuration can also assist an adept by using Spiritism to help with Sorcery.  One very useful technique is the use of a Bound spirit to maintain a Sorcery Conduit.  This allows the Conjuror to maintain an effect even while asleep, etc. without having to Anchor the effect, and without the risk of Sorcery Burnout if the Conduit collapses.
The Conjuror must have found a spirit that is capable of maintaining an open Conduit.  Maintaining a Sorcery Conduit is a Manipulation / Reality effect, and spirits who have significant ability with the Reality Dominion are rare.  The Conjuror must also Bind the spirit to his Aura while opening the Conduit and transferring maintenance to the spirit (once the spirit is maintaining the Conduit, it doesn't have to remain Bound to the Conjuror).  An example of such a Spiritism Paradigm follows:
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Effect is altering a State (1 point)
Range is Personal, since the spirit is Bound to the adept when this effect is cast.
Duration is an important consideration, based on how long the adept wants this service to last.  A typical use would be a day (Impressive Scope, 10-20 points), or a week (Epic Scope, 21-35 points).
Potency Potency is based on the size of the Conduit to be maintained - each point of Potency can support 3 points of Conduit size.
Intricacy Intricacy is Moderate (4 points).
Temper Aspects Extend Duration is useful.
Obviously, since the spirit must be Bound (usually reducing the effective Configuration Might), a fairly powerful spirit is required for such an effect.  A typical Maintain Conduit effect lasting a day would cost 42 points (Scope 13 points, Potency 25 points - maintains a Conduit up to 75 points in size - and Intricacy 4 points), which would require a spirit with a high Configuration Might in Manipulation / Reality (so that when Bound, it would retain a Configuration Might of at least 42).  One example is a spirit of the Entitae known as a Chimera.  Chimerae are rare (Availability 6) and powerful (Summoning Difficulty of 5) spirits that are used by both Conjurors and Wizards to assist with magical tasks.