Regeneration is the discipline of controlling the body in order to speed healing, cure illness, or fight toxins or infections.  Regeneration is based upon the Somasis Discipline, and can only be developed by a trained psychic.   The psychic must have a minimum of rank 5 in Somasis before beginning to develop this discipline.
Regeneration includes these abilities:
bullet.gif (892 bytes) Psychic Binding is the ability to make a Healing Trial to psychically bind or otherwise treat an injury or wound.  For example, the psychic could use this discipline to cause the edges of a wound to knit together so that the bleeding would stop and the wound would be less likely to get infected.  Successful use of this ability imitates success on a Healing Trial for that wound.  Psychic Binding can be used to draw broken bones into alignment, setting them properly for healing, and can be used stop internal bleeding.
Use of Psychic Binding requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Psychic Binding Trial.
Psychic Binding:
Default Difficulty According to the difficulty of a Healing Trial (see ARIA Conflict).
Marginal Success The injury has been successfully treated, but increase Healing Time required by one interval.
Complete Success The injury has been successfully treated.
Superior Success The injury has been successfully treated.  Reduce Healing Time required by one interval
Extraordinary Success The injury has been successfully treated.  Reduce Healing Time required by two intervals.
Mythic Success The injury has been successfully treated.  Reduce Healing Time required by three intervals.
bullet.gif (892 bytes) Quickened Healing is the ability to speed the normal process of healing, reducing the overall time required for a wound to heal.  During this period, the Psychic must be able to get sufficient food, water, and rest, and must have suitable shelter, etc.  The use of Somasis abilities should be curtailed as much as possible, since the Psychic is using a great deal of bodily and psychic capacity to speed the healing.  It is possible to apply Quickened Healing to more than one injury simultaneously, but the difficulty of the Quickened Healing Trial increases by two for each wound after the first which is healed in this manner.  Normally, the Psychic will simply choose the most serious of multiple wounds, relying on the body's normal processes to heal the less severe wounds.  But in the case of multiple severe wounds, the psychic may choose to attempt to speed the healing of more than one.
Note that in the case of a wound treated with Psychic Binding, the recovery time for the wound may have already been reduced (depending on the degree of success of the Psychic Binding Trial).  In such a case, Quickened Healing may still be used to further reduce the recovery time, but may not reduce the time below the minimum required.
The minimum recovery time for a wound is one interval (day, week, or month, according to the severity of the wound).  Quickened Healing cannot reduce the necessary time below that minimum.  Thus, a Mortal Injury will always require at least a month to heal (unless other mystical methods are employed).
Using Quickened Healing costs the psychic one Fatigue Level.
Quickened Healing:
Default Difficulty Moderate (10)
Marginal Success Recovery time is reduced by one interval (day, week, or month)
Complete Success Recovery time is reduced by one interval (day, week, or month)
Superior Success Recovery time is reduced by up to two intervals (days, weeks, or months)
Extraordinary Success Recovery time is reduced by up to three intervals (days, weeks, or months)
Mythic Success Recovery time is reduced by up to four intervals (days, weeks, or months)

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Stasis is the ability to suspend the body's normal functions for a period of time.   Stasis can be used to reduce the need for food, water, or even breathable air.   While the Psychic's body is in stasis, he may take no physical actions of any kind, but may remain partially conscious.  He will be minimally aware of his physical surroundings (+5 Difficulty to all Perception Trials), and may continue mental activity at a reduced level (+3 Difficulty to all mental actions, including other psychic actions or esoteric abilities).  Stasis cannot be used in conjunction with Quickened Healing.
Using Stasis costs the psychic one Fatigue Level per day, which is applied after the Psychic awakens from stasis.   It is possible for the Psychic to kill himself in this manner - Stasis should be used only with great care.  The Psychic may awaken himself from Stasis at any time.   However, his reduced sensory capability may impact on his awareness of the passage of time (Mythguide discretion, based on the situation).
Default Difficulty: Moderate (10)
Marginal Success Psychic successfully enters Stasis for up to one day.
Complete Success Psychic successfully enters Stasis for up to three days.
Superior Success Psychic successfully enters Stasis for up to five days.
Extraordinary Success Psychic successfully enters Stasis for up to seven days.
Mythic Success Psychic successfully enters Stasis for up to two weeks.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Reduce Shock is the ability to quickly recover from Shock.  Successful use of this ability reduces the current Shock Level of the Psychic, potentially saving the Psychic's life, or at least reducing penalties to future actions.  Note that mental penalties from shock do apply to this ability, making recovery from higher levels of shock much more difficult.
Using Reduce Shock requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Reduce Shock Trial.
Reduce Shock:
Default Difficulty: Routine (5)
Marginal Success Reduce the current Shock level by one.
Complete Success Reduce the current Shock level by two.
Superior Success Reduce the current Shock level by three.
Extraordinary Success Reduce the current Shock level by four.
Mythic Success Reduce the current Shock level by five.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Heal Illness is the ability to heal or resist disease and other chronic problems.   Since this is such a broad subject, and is handled somewhat abstractly and subjectively by the ARIA system, this ability is handled in a similar fashion.   Successful use of this ability reduces the effective Severity of the disease for the purposes of future Physique (Constitution) Trials.  This can allow the Psychic to more easily recover from, or even completely resist, the ravages of disease.  The Psychic may make a Heal Disease Trial, at his option, prior to any Physique (Constitution) Trial associated with disease.  Note that reductions in effective Severity do also reduce the difficulty of future Heal Illness Trials, as well.  If the effective Severity of the Disease is reduced to below zero, the disease is cured.
NOTE:  A Psychic trained in Regeneration may make a Detect Illness Trial vs. Routine Difficulty (3) at any time to detect the presence of a disease or other illness.  Certain diseases may be more subtle, and might be more difficult to detect, but such diseases are rare and/or mystical in nature.  Psychics who are trained in Somasis and Regeneration are generally very aware of their physical state.
Using Cure Disease costs the Psychic one Fatigue Level.
Heal Illness:
Default Difficulty: Effective Severity of Disease (see ARIA Conflict)
Requisite: Regeneration Rank 5
Marginal Success Reduce effective Severity by one for the next trial only.
Complete Success Reduce effective Severity by one for all future trials.
Superior Success Reduce effective Severity by two for all future trials.
Extraordinary Success Reduce effective Severity by three for all future trials.
Mythic Success Reduce effective Severity by four for all future trials, and the effective Severity of any future case of the same disease is permanently reduced by one.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Neutralize Toxin is the ability to counter and expel a toxin from the body.   Toxins include poisons and drugs, as well as some infections (from dirty wounds, for example).  Similar in effect to the Heal Illness ability, successful use of Neutralize Toxin reduces the effective Toxicity for the purposes of future Physique (Constitution) Trials.   This can allow the Psychic to more easily recover from, or even completely resist, the effects of a Toxin.  The Psychic may make a Neutralize Toxin Trial, at his option, prior to any Physique (Constitution) Trial associated with a toxin.  Note that reductions in effective Toxicity do also reduce the difficulty of future Neutralize Toxin Trials, as well.  If the effective Toxicity is reduced to zero, the toxin is eliminated.
NOTE:  A Psychic trained in Regeneration may make a Detect Toxin Trial vs. Routine Difficulty (3) at any time to detect the presence of a toxin or infection.  Certain toxins may be more subtle, and might be more difficult to detect, but these are rare and/or mystical in nature.  Psychics who are trained in Somasis and Regeneration are generally very aware of their physical state.
Using Neutralize Toxin requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Neutralize Toxin Trial.
Neutralize Toxin:
Default Difficulty: Effective Toxicity of the Toxin (See ARIA Conflict)
Requisite: Regeneration Rank 5
Marginal Success Reduce effective Toxicity by one for the next trial only.
Complete Success Reduce effective Toxicity by one for all future trials.
Superior Success Reduce effective Toxicity by two for all future trials.
Extraordinary Success Reduce effective Toxicity by three for all future trials.
Mythic Success Reduce effective Toxicity by four for all future trials, and the effective Toxicity of any future case of the same toxin is permanently reduced by one.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Longevity prolongs the life of the Psychic by reducing the difficulty of Aging Trials (from trauma or old age).  Prior to making an Aging Trial, any Psychic trained in Longevity should make a Longevity Trial and apply the results to the difficulty of the Aging Trial.   Obviously, Psychics who are trained in Longevity will tend to live much longer than is normal for their species, and will remain in much better health throughout their lives.
Longevity actually involves continuous use of this discipline to reduce the effects of aging or trauma on the body.  Its effects only need to be determined when Aging Trials occur, however.   Longevity does not cost fatigue.
Default Difficulty: Moderate (10)
Requisite: Regeration Rank 7
Marginal Success Reduce difficulty of the Aging Trial by one.
Complete Success Reduce difficulty of the Aging Trial by one.
Superior Success Reduce difficulty of the Aging Trial by two.
Extraordinary Success Reduce difficulty of the Aging Trial by three.
Mythic Success No Aging Trial is necessary.