Pneumosis is the discipline of sensing and interacting with the spirit world.
This discipline is closely associated with the Sensitivity Background Aspect, and if the psychic possesses that Aspect, she can add one-third her Sensitivity rank (round down) to any Pneumosis Trial.  Many psychics who have latent ability with Pneumosis also possess the Sensitivity trait.
Dreaming Astral Projection
Astral Communion Astral Summoning
Astral Control Astral Banishment
Hide Signature Signsense
Pneumosis can manifest in a variety of ways. In its most basic Latent levels, Pneumosis manifests itself mainly through dreams. Dreams and the spirit world are closely linked, and it is through this link that the psychic first contacts the spirit world. With experience or training, the psychic can begin to establish such contact while awake.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Dreaming is the most basic Pneumosis ability. The psychic can enter a state of lucid dreaming, either intentionally or incidentally. Through this state, she can interact with some types of spirits, especially those that are symbolically connected to her in some way (totem spirits, ancestral spirits, or guardian spirits).  Latent psychics often enter the Dreamlands, and gain the ability to enter the dreams of others.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Astral Projection is the ability to separate a part of one’s spirit and project into the spirit world directly. This is more difficult than Dreaming, and is more dangerous as well. An astrally projected spirit has less control over its environment than a Dreamer does. Astral Projection does allow for a much greater level of interaction with the spirit world, as well as contact with all varieties of spirits, including Elementae and Naturae.
Use of Astral Projection requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Astral Projection Trial.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Astral Communion is the ability to communicate directly with spirits, either during Astral Projection, or with a manifested spirit.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Astral Summoning is the ability to call a familiar spirit forth, and cause it to manifest itself in some way. This is an extremely difficult and dangerous task.
Use of Astral Summoning costs the psychic one Fatigue Level.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Astral Control is the ability to control a spirit, either during Astral Projection, or with a manifested spirit. Control is essentially a battle of wills with the spirit, and can be very dangerous to undertake, since the winner of the battle, either way, constrains the will of the loser.
Use of Astral Control costs the psychic one Fatigue Level.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Astral Banishment is the ability to de-manifest a manifested spirit, or to prevent a spirit from manifesting. It can be used during Astral Projection to prevent a manifestation, but it is normally used to send a manifested spirit back to the spirit world and prevent its return.
Use of Astral Banishment costs the psychic one Fatigue Level.

bullet.gif (892 bytes) Hide Signature is the ability to hide the spiritual signature left by a psychic when he alters the spiritual world in a significant way. Normally, the use of Astral Projection or Communion will not leave a lasting signature. Use of Astral Summoning, Control, or Banishment does leave spiritual traces which are unique to each psychic. A psychic using this ability can "erase" those traces. This is an extremely difficult task, and normally is only possible for a well-trained psychic.
Using Hide Signature costs the psychic one Fatigue Level.
Hide Signature (Pneumosis):
Default Difficulty Challenging (15)
Marginal Success Minor impressions (brief events such as quickly established control of a minor spirit) can be erased.
Complete Success Most general impressions (typical events such as summoning or banishment of minor spirits) can be erased.
Superior Success Impressions of a strong nature (such as major summonings or lengthy control contests) can be erased.
Extraordinary Success Very strong impressions (Gaining control over a powerful spirit) can be erased.
Mythic Success All impressions of any kind associated with the psychic are erased, including any impression gained from this erasure.
bullet.gif (892 bytes) Signsense is essentially the same ability as the ESP ability Signsense, with the exception that it is only usable during Astral Projection. This ability allows the psychic to sense spiritual signatures such as those discussed under Hide Signature, above. If the psychic also possesses training in the ESP ability Signsense, this ability can be used to detect the signatures of psychic-Pneumosis or manifested spiritual activity as well, even if not astrally projected.
Using Signsense requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Signsense Trial.