Mental Background Aspects

This aspect represents an unusual ability which is not represented by an expertise or other characteristic.  Example affinities include ability to perform mathematical calculations quickly, or an ability to quickly comprehend the workings of a mechanical device.  The Mythguide should be cautious in allowing affinities, however - an affinity should never exist for something that is already governed by an existing skill or attribute.  An affinity for hitting things with a sword, for example, is not appropriate - that is represented by a skill and associated attributes.
The persona has the ability to go berserk during combat or other stressful situations.  The Berserk Aspect is similar to involuntary Ferocity, but when under the Berserk rage, the persona receives a number of points equal to half this Aspect's Rank that can be used to modify the difficulty of any single combat-related trial attempted by the persona while Berserk.
The persona is extremely confident and self-assured when it comes to her own abilities.  At the Mythguide's option, this confidence can be either general or limited to specific abilities.  This Aspect should only be used for stressful or critically important encounters, not as a catch-all modifier.  Up to half this Aspect's Rank can be used as a modifier to a trial's difficulty.
Fast Learner
The persona learns very quickly in a specific area, and can also learn quickly from his mistakes.  This Aspect is generally limited to a specific knowledge or skill area.  The persona receives a difficulty modifier of minus one level (regardless of the Aspect Rank) to any Learning Trial for that area.   This Aspect also reduces training time by two days per rank (minimum one day), and practice times by four days per rank.
Good Memory
The persona has an unusually good memory and excels at memorization and recall.  This Aspect's Rank modifies the difficulties of related Intellect Trials, and also acts as a gauge of the accuracy of the memory.  A rank of ten indicates an eidetic memory, with complete recall of any material or memory upon which the persona concentrates.
High Pain Threshold
The persona has developed a high resistance to pain.   She is able to endure pain for longer than normal, and is better able to resist such pain.  The Aspect's Rank modifies the difficulty of any Trial associated with resisting pain - usually Charisma (Willpower) or Physique (Constitution).
The persona has an unusual streak of ingenuity that allows him to develop creative, innovative, anachronistic, or intricate mechanical solutions to problems.  The persona is able to think more originally or creatively than others.  This Aspect is crucial to inventing anything new, be it an artistic technique, an new way of performing magic, or a new method for building a house.   Personas without this Aspect will not generally be capable of the original thought processes necessary to create/invent truly new things.
Mythic Charisma
The persona embodies the Mythic ideal of Charisma for his or her species and race.  Increase the Charisma attribute by +1, which may now reach rank 6 (or higher, for certain species) through development.  This Aspect is typically acquired at rank 6, although the cost may vary from species to species.
Mythic Intellect
The persona embodies the Mythic ideal of Intellect for his or her species and race.  Increase the Intellect attribute by +1, which may now reach rank 6 (or higher, for certain species) through development.  This Aspect is typically acquired at rank 6, although the cost may vary from species to species.
Natural Linguist
The persona possesses an innate talent for language, learning new languages quickly and grasping dialectic nuances and colloquialisms with relative ease.  The persona may roll an extra die on any language test, and may improve language skills for one point less per rank than they would ordinarily cost (minimum one point per rank).
Sense of Direction
The persona has a very accurate sense of direction, and is unerringly able to determine which compass direction he is facing regardless of the current location (within the realm of Geoza).  Rank 5 allows above-ground direction sensing, while Rank 9 adds ability for below-ground sensing.  In most situations, no Trial is necessary for the persona to sense direction.  In the event an Intellect (Perception) Trial is required (due to extreme factors), the persona may add an additional die to the Trial roll.
Sense of Time
The persona has a unique sense of time and is usually able to determine the precise hour of the day or night, as well as estimate the passage of time with great accuracy.  This does not require any period of concentration, it is merely a feeling the persona gets.  This Aspect normally is purchased at Rank 4.  If an Intellect (Perception) Trial is called for (due to extreme factors), the persona may add an additional die to the Trial roll.
Superior Concentration
The persona possesses a superior ability to focus her mind and maintain concentration, even under adverse conditions.  This Aspect's Rank modifies the difficulty of any Concentration Trial.  This Aspect can be very useful for a persona with Magical Talent.
Learning Disability
The persona's ability to assimilate a specific type of information is impeded.  This disability should be limited to a specific area such as language, reading, mathematics, combat, or other physical skills.  The persona receives a difficulty modifier of plus one level (regardless of the Aspect Rank) to any Learning Trial for that area.  This Aspect also increases training time by two days per rank, and practice times by four days per rank.
Low Confidence
The persona lacks confidence in his own abilities.   This can represent a general lack of confidence, or be restricted to a specific area of ability.  This is the reverse of the Confidence Aspect.
Low Pain Threshold
The persona has a low resistance to pain, and is less able to withstand pain than others.  This Aspect's Rank adds to the difficulty of any trial related to resisting pain.
Poor Memory
The persona has an unusually poor memory and remembers things at a below average level of detail (when she remembers them at all).  This Aspect's Rank acts as a modifier to all recollection trials and memorization efforts.
Short Attention Span
The persona's ability to focus his mind on a specific problem or task is significantly below average.  This Aspect's Rank adds to the difficulty of all Concentration Trials.  This Aspect can present a severe hindrance to personas with Magical Talent.