Physical Background Aspects

Ages Well
The persona ages very well for his Heritage Group.   This Aspect's rank divided by two (round down) modifies the difficulty of Aging Trials that are part of the normal aging process, but not Trials which result from specific events or injuries.

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The persona can use both hands with equal dexterity.   Basic (hand dexterity) is rank 7, while full (hand and leg dexterity) is rank 9.   These costs can vary depending on species and heritage group.

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Enhanced Sense silvdot.gif (870 bytes)
The persona has an improved sense.  This sense must be one which the persona normally possesses, such as sight, hearing, smell, etc.   This Aspect does not grant new, supernatural sensory abilities.  The Aspect's rank modifies the difficulty of appropriate sensory trials.  Extremely high ranks (above six) should require the Mythguide's approval.  Non-human personas may acquire this Aspect at a reduced cost for some senses:  see Heritage groups for details.

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The persona experiences an increased adrenaline rush during combat or other stressful situations which augments his normal capabilities.   Ferocity may be involuntary, coming upon the persona randomly during stress, or it may be voluntary, under the conscious control of the persona (although the Mythguide may still require certain circumstances to be present).  Voluntary Ferocity raises the persona's Strength, Endurance, and Hardiness by half the Aspect's rank, divided equally among the three.  Thus, Ferocity rank 6 would raise each attribute by one point.   An uneven distribution may occur for Aspect ranks other than six, but should be as equal as possible.  Involuntary Ferocity gives twice the increase that voluntary Ferocity does.  A persona with involuntary Ferocity will not withdraw from battle if the Ferocity is upon him.  See the ARIA rules for more details.

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The persona has a specific immunity to a disease, illness, or other affliction.  The Aspect's rank depends on the nature and value of the immunity to the persona.

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Light Sleeper
The persona is a light sleeper and awakens easily.   This Aspect's rank modifies the difficulty of Perception Trials to awaken, and the Mythguide may allow Perception Trials to awaken in situations which the normal person would not have such a chance.

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Melodious Voice
The persona has an unusually Melodious Voice, and may receive position reaction and interaction bonuses as a result.  Up to half the Aspect's rank can be used to modify the difficulty of appropriate trials.

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Mythic Coordination golddot.gif (878 bytes)
The persona embodies the Mythic ideal of Coordination for his or her species and race.  Increase the Coordination attribute by +1, which may now reach rank 6 (or higher, for certain species) through development.  This Aspect is typically acquired at rank 6, although the cost may vary from species to species.

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Mythic Physique golddot.gif (878 bytes)
The persona embodies the Mythic ideal of Physique for his or her species and race.  Increase the Physique attribute by +1, which may now reach rank 6 (or higher, for certain species) through development.  This Aspect is typically acquired at rank 6, although the cost may vary from species to species.

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Quick Healer golddot.gif (878 bytes)
The persona possesses an innate resilience, healing faster than others of his species.  Reduce the necessary recovery time for a wound by one-third (round down) of the rank of this Aspect.

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The persona has a specific resistance to a physical condition, illness, or trauma.  This can be a slightly broader category than for the Immunity Aspect.  One specific application of this Background Aspect is to reduce the penalties associated with Fatigue, Shock, or Injury.  If this Aspect is selected to apply to one of these types of penalty, half the rank of the Aspect may be applied to reduce the penalty associated with that condition.  High ranks in this Aspect (greater than six) should require Mythguide approval.

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Slow Metabolism silvdot.gif (870 bytes)
The persona has an unusually slow metabolism and does not have to eat as often as others in order to function at full strength.  Every two ranks of this Aspect represent a day during which a persona may go without food and still act and operate at full strength.  High ranks in this Aspect (above four) are only available to certain non-human personas, or with the Mythguide's permission (and should require some extraordinary explanation).

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Strong Stomach silvdot.gif (870 bytes)
The persona can tolerate food which is not perfectly preserved or cooked without the indigestion or ailments that such things would cause in most people.  High ranks in this Aspect (above six) are generally available only to some non-human personas.

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Tolerance of Extremes
The persona has an exceptional tolerance for some condition which normally hinders his species.  Common human tolerances would include excessive heat, cold, or altitude.  The Aspect's rank modifies the difficulty of resisting such extremes.  Some species may possess innate Tolerances compared with other species - further development of this Aspect may also be possible for personas of such a species.

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Weather Sense
The persona can predict the weather with varying degrees of accuracy.  This Aspect manifests as a specific physical feeling or sign, such as an aching joint or old injury, etc.  One type of weather can be sensed for every two ranks in this Aspect.

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Ages Poorly
The persona ages poorly for a member of her Heritage Group.  The Aspect's rank divided by two (round down) modifies the difficulty of aging trials due to normal aging, but not those due to specific events or injuries.

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Accelerated Metabolism
The persona has an accelerated metabolism and must eat more often than others to maintain full strength.  Each rank of this Aspect represents another meal which the persona must eat in a single day to maintain full strength.

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The persona is allergic to a substance and undergoes a bodily reaction when exposed to it.  The severity of the reaction and the relative frequency of exposure determine the Aspect's rank.

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Diminished Sense
The persona has a diminished sense which does not operate at full ability, or a speech impediment.  This Aspect's rank affects the difficulty of any trial which is affected by the diminished sense or impediment.   Examples include color blindness, partial hearing loss, missing an eye, missing an ear, lack of smell/taste sensitivity, etc.

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The persona has a permanent disease of some kind.   Sample infectious diseases include Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, and some Typhus.  Non-infectious diseases include degenerative conditions such as Arthritis or inherited ones such as hemophilia.  Diseases may affect attributes over time, and may also affect the aging process.

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Falling Sickness
The persona has epilepsy, a disorder of the nervous system which causes random seizures.  Such seizures are not triggered by any event or action, etc., but are truly random.  The severity of the seizures is based on the Aspect's rank.

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Heavy Sleeper
The persona is extremely hard to awaken.  This Aspect's rank modifies the difficulty of any Perception Trial to awaken the persona.

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The persona has been seriously injured.  The location, nature, and seriousness of the injury determine the Aspect's rank.  An injury normally affects one or more of a persona's attributes - for each rank, the persona loses one point from the appropriate attribute.  If more than one attribute is affected, the penalty should be divided as evenly as possible between them.

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Malformed Digit or Limb
One of the persona's arms, hands, fingers, feet, etc. is deformed to some degree.  This can a result of birth or an injury.  The effects are similar to that for an injury, above.

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The persona is mute, and cannot speak.  This could result from a birth defect, a disease, or an injury.  This Aspect normally is taken at rank 8.

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The persona is especially susceptible to a particular physical condition, illness, or trauma.  This may be inherited or acquired as a result of exposure or disease.  This is the reverse of a Resistance.  The Aspect's rank is based on the danger of the susceptibility and the frequency of exposure.

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Weak Stomach
The persona is more susceptible to illness and ailments arising from poorly preserved or prepared food (or even just spicy foods, etc.).

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