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Hermetic culture in Helvetia draws heavily upon ancient Roman customs, and upon Hermetic "interpretations" of ancient Roman customs. Although individual conventa may have different interpretations, each draws upon ancient Roman culture for inspiration and guidance. Magi tend to think of themselves as "Patricians," and wear togas for formal events such as Tribunalia, for example. Helvetia has fewer magi than most other Tribunalia, because it restricts its population. Helvetia does not allow the formation of new conventa - for centuries, it has had seven conventa. New settlements may be allowed, but only as capitula of existing conventa. Helvetia also restricts the number of magi through vis supply. By Tribunal law, each conventum must have a registered, demonstrated supply of ten pawns of vis for every resident magus (a sedile or "chair"). Without a significant source of vis, no new magus may take up residence in Helvetia. Note that the ten pawns of vis are not necessarily the property of the resident maga, but of the conventum or capitulum, and that the maga whose residence is "supported" by a sedile might not receive any of that vis. Each conventum has its own customs and laws regarding vis. Magi in Helvetia who are not supported by a sedile are guilty of Hermetic vagrancy, which is a low crime in Helvetia. Some leeway exists where guests are concerned, but if a magus remains in Helvetia without a sedile for seven years, he should expect to be charged with vagrancy. The requirement to have a sedile for every resident maga also influences another aspect of Hermetic culture: magi in Helvetia tend to be older, and more accomplished, than average magi in other Tribunalia. Because conventa may only sponsor a limited number of sediles, conventa tend to have older, more accomplished magi. Discipuli from Helvetia are typically exiled from the Tribunal after their gauntlets, sent out into the wider world to seek their fortunes. Some may eventually be invited back after they have proven themselves, but only after a sedile opens up, typically through exile or demise of a resident magus. Magi in Helvetia rarely extract vis from auras. Vis extraction is never considered a viable source of vis for a sedile, and magi in Helvetia regard such activity as "plebian" and refer to it derisively as "farming." This attitude tends to result in relatively stronger magical auras in conventa Helvetiae. Helvetia sometimes exiles a magus through a custom called ostracism, after the ancient Greek practice. At each Tribunal, each resident magus writes the name of another resident magus on a small slate ("sherd"). The magus who receives the most "votes" is exiled if at least one in four magi put his name on the sherd. Exiled magi rarely return to Helvetia. This custom encourages a certain degree of cooperation among the magi of the Tribunal, as to become too unpopular makes one vulnerable to ostracism.
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