apitulum Rorsacae is Sedes Merceris Helvetiae, and the residence of most Redcaps in the Tribunal.
A large stone manor and numerous outbuildings occupy a low ridgeline overlooking the southwest shore of Lake Constance. The manor is technically owned by Sankt Gallen, who lease it to the "guild" of Rorsacae.
Currently, two magi Merceris, one Quaesitrix Guernici, and eight Redcaps reside at Rorsacae. A Mercere Portal in a hidden underground chamber provides an efficient link to Harco.
Western Route
Turris Cinisae: two weeks by foot from Constansiae
Geneuae: one week by foot from Turris Cinisae
Iterae Termini: one week by foot from Geneuae
Valnastium: five weeks by foot from Iterae Termini
Caverna Umbrae Torquentes: two weeks by foot from Valnastium
Rorsacae: two weeks by foot from Caverna Umbrae Torquentes
Eastern Route
Constansiae: four days by boat and foot from Rorsacae
Manus Argentatus: two weeks by foot from Constansiae
Vieni & Vindabonae: two weeks by boat and foot from Manus Argentatus
Graecii Styriae: three weeks by foot from Vindabonae
Nervusi Cognitionis: three weeks by foot from Graecii Styriae
Conglaciare Boreusum: two weeks by foot from Nervusi Cognitionis
Rorsacae: one day via Portal from Conglaciare Boreusum