Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Eboris HeraldryEboris occupies a large building on the Rue de la Tabletterie in Paris, which functions as the office of an ivory-carving business. The building is the sanctum of Archimagus Mathieus Jerbitonis, but often houses visiting magi Jerbitonis in its spare rooms. Mathieus lives tastefully, with sufficient servants to serve his needs and those of his many visitors, magi and mundane. His laboratory occupies a subbasement lacuna.

Other magi who are "residents" of Eboris live in buildings nearby. Each provides for his or her own upkeep, although the magi share resources between them as needed.


  MathieusArchimagus Mathieus Jerbitonis
  Immanuel Bonisagi
  Idonia Jerbitonis


ArnauArnau Jerbitonis
Domus Magna
Sedes Merceris
Tribunal meetings in Gallia are held at a random conventum Galliae, determined by drawing lots at the end of each Tribunal gathering