Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

CCunfin Heraldryunfin is a conventum in a Cistercian monastery. This unusual arrangement arises from a magic regio that covers the location of the monastery. Celeres Jerbitonis built the conventum within the regio in romantic style, embodying his vision of Camelot, with tall slender towers and fluttering pennants. A few pious magi, such as Angelus Criamonis and Eloi Jerbitonis, live outside the regio in the monastery proper, or in a cave in the mountains behind the conventum.


  Angelus Criamonis
  Guichard Criamonis
  Eloi Jerbitonis
  Artorius Jerbitonis
  Christianus Jerbitonis



Domus Magna
Sedes Merceris
Tribunal meetings in Gallia are held at a random conventum Galliae, determined by drawing lots at the end of each Tribunal gathering