Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Tifesh occupies an abandoned fortress southwest of Tunis; each member has built a home in one of three crumbling basilicas; the only 'servants' are wives of the members


  AsmunAsmun Ex Miscellanea
Asmun wears a white turban over a light blue robe and white trousers, with leather sandals; he is often accompanied by his two wives, Tintlelli & Habiba, and his three children: sons Azenzer and Udad, and daughter Tiziri
  MaysarMaysar Ex Miscellanea
  AnirAnir Ex Miscellanea
  TintlelliTintlelli is senior wife to Asmun
  HabibaHabiba is junior wife to Asmun
  ThiyyaThiyya is wife to Maysar

