Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus
Rabat KasbahCharacters

SpindleSafiyyaNeedle & Thread

Age: adolescent
Khtyb Patrik NPC  
Custos   Daughter


Safiyya PortraitSafiyya bint Dahlia Radiyyat al-Din al-Andalusiyya was born to Andalusian Christian parents, who were slain amidst fighting in the area. Dahlia found and adopted the girl as her own daughter, and Safiyya, who barely remembers her birth parents, regards Dahlia as her mother. She is a pious Muslim woman.

Although she spends most of her time with the women of the covenfolk, Dahlia has forbidden them to teach her the typical feminine skills of cooking, weaving, etc. Instead, she has educated her daughter in Arabic and has arranged for her to be trained as a scribe.

Safiyya resides with her adoptive mother in Sanctum Dahlia at Rabat Kasbah. She speaks Andalusi, Arabic and Tamazight. Safiyya is betrothed to discipulus Patrik al-Fadi.


Rabat Kasbah
Rabat Kasbah