Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus
Rabat KasbahCharacters

Sword HiltDahlia Ex MiscellaneaSword Point

Age: 37 apparent
Nasir al-Dahlia NPC  
Custos   Husband


Qasim PortraitQasim ibn Nu'man Nasir al-Dahlia is the public leader of Rabat Kasbah, to all outward and most inward appearances. He consults with his wife Dahlia Fassia, but issues all commands in his own name, and many covenfolk are unaware that Dahlia is the true leader.

Qasim resides with his wife in Sanctum Dahlia at Rabat Kasbah. He speaks Arabic and some Tamazight.


Rabat Kasbah
Rabat Kasbah