Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus
Rabat KasbahCharacters

OoH SymbolPatrik Ex Miscellanea Jerbitonis Symbol

Age: adolescent
filius Dahlia Fassia Bryan  
Mutadarib   Apprentice


Patrik PortraitPatrik al-Fadi Ex Miscellanea was born at Porta Germaniae, the older son of Vasek Yanielkasyn and Chesna Lyubadcera. Patrik is a large youth with silvery-white hair and clear blue eyes, wearing a blue-striped white djellaba. His distinctive silver-white hair gave him his nisba, al-Fadi, meaning "silvery one." He was claimed as discipulus by Dahlia Fassia Ex Miscellanea following Tribunal Grandis 1261 AD. He converted formally to Islam in 1264 AD.

Patrik resides in a room in Sanctum Dahlia at Rabat Kasbah. He speaks Czech, Latin, and Arabic. He is betrothed to Safiyya bint Dahlia, and they plan to marry when he is older.


Rabat Kasbah
Rabat Kasbah