Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus
Rabat KasbahCharacters

OoH SymbolDahlia Ex Miscellanea Jerbitonis Symbol

Age: 30 apparent
filia Jalloun NPC  
Sahira   Maga


Dahlia PortraitDahlia Fassia Ex Miscellanea was born in Fez to an Arab father and Amazigh mother. Jalloun Ex Miscellanea claimed her as his discipula when she was very young, and she remembers very little of her childhood before her apprenticeship. She married Jalloun's son Tariq while she was discipula, and bore him two sons in her youth, both of whom are grown with families of their own. Tariq was slain by Spanish crusaders, and after a period of mourning Dahlia married her companion Qassim. They have no children, but Dahlia has adopted a Spanish refugee girl, Safiyya, as her daughter.

Dahlia is the effective leader at Rabat Kasbah, but Qasim leads the covenfolk at her direction, and is the leader of the covenant to all appearances.

Dahlia claimed her discipulus Patrik following Tribunal Grandis 1261 AD. She betrothed her adopted daughter to him in 1264 AD, and plans for them to marry once he is older.

Dahlia resides in Sanctum Dahlia at Rabat Kasbah. She speaks Arabic, Latin, and some Tamazight.


Rabat Kasbah
Rabat Kasbah