Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Jedars SymbolJedars occupies a group of Berber tombs near Tahert.


  IjjuIjju Ex Miscellanea
middle-aged woman dressed in layered black cotton robes, wearing a decorated headband over her dark blue shawl but under her hood; her lips and eyes are painted blue
  LunjaLunja Ex Miscellanea
young woman dressed in elaborately embroidered robes with a headdress of silver medallions and other fancy jewelry; her lips and eyes are painted blue
  TayriTayri Ex Miscellanea
sensual woman dressed in beautiful yellow silk djellaba and matching silk slippers, with a dark blue shawl; her lips and eyes are painted blue

