Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Djaferin occupies a cave complex inside the largest of the Djaferin isles, northwest of Tlemcen. The island surface appears inhabited only by rabbits and pigeons. Covenfolk consist of only a few servants and various jinn. Boats ferry people to and from the mainland or other islands as needed. Despite its subterranean nature, Djaferin is opulently furnished, illuminated by magical lanterns, and quite comfortable.


  SalimSalim al-Jaza'eri Ex Miscellanea
older dark-complexioned man dressed in flowing cotton robes who walks with a limp and the aid of an intricately carved staff
  HannahHannah Ex Miscellanea
woman wearing layered blue and yellow cotton robes, head scarf, and silver and gold jewelry
  BelitaBelita al Musta'rabah Ex Miscellanea
beautiful dark-complexioned woman wearing colorfully embroidered silk jacket, blouse, skirt, and shoes
  FatimaFatima al-Dakina Ex Miscellanea
dark young woman wearing layered yellow and white silk robes

MaryamAlmutamahinah Maryam Ex Miscellanea
young woman wearing flowing white silk robes and scarf


