Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Cyrene HeraldryCryene is Conventum Domus Tremeris Africae, located near the ruins of the ancient city of Cyrene in Africa. A secondary site on an island in the ancient harbor is under construction.

A simple stone wall, built from stones scavenged from the ruins, surrounds the spring of Kyre. Four stone sancta lie beside the spring inside the wall; covenfolk live outside the wall in scattered buildings built atop the ruins.


  AndronicusAndronicus Tremeris
dark-haired Greek with a steady gaze, wearing a pale gray silk robe embroidered in dark green geometric patterns, over a quilted white silk tunic and dark green cotton trousers; he carries a staff of polished walnut wood, capped in brass and carved and inlaid in silver and lead with various arcane symbols

MarcialisMarcialis Tremeris
grim bearded man wearing a blue woolen tunic and trousers under a voluminous black cloak; a bronze dagger is scabbarded at his belt

  TayyarTayyar Tremeris
stocky brown-haired man with a close-cut beard, wearing a leather scale hauberk and bronze-reinforced leather helmet, with a saber and dagger on crossed baldrics over a gray surcoat embroidered in white with symbolum Tremeris
  Nantatus Nantatus Tremeris


Charta Tribunal Afrecae Orientalis