Bohemian Rhapsody
Current Saga Year
1271 AD
Saga Mythic Europe Ordo Hermei Lusus

Al Warit HeraldryAl Warit, Conventum Quaestoricium Africae, sits next to a cascade of waterfalls near Tlemcin. Magi Africae gather here for Tribunal meetings.


  IudiciusQuaesitor Archimagus Iudicius Guernici
ruddy white-haired old man with a long white beard, wearing a black hooded robe and carrying a twisted staff of rowan wood; a black weasel (Jules) peaks out from his hood occasionally
  KentigernQuaesitor Kentigern Ex Miscellanea
  HassanHassan El-Megrayhi Criamonis
swarthy black-haired Saracen with strange black markings on his arms and neck, dressed in layered gray woolen robes
  LiberioQuaesitor Liberio Guernici
  Claracita Claracita Ex Miscellanea
  Coll Discipulus Coll Guernici
young man in a brown robe


Al Warit