Name | Tunicos Asules (Blue Robes) | |||||
Governing Origin(s) | Sorcery (Alchemy, Runes, Mana, Spirit) | |||||
Form | Order |
Resources | 8 | The order has very extensive resources for an Omni of its size - the significant resources of the Colejio te Sortilejio are available if needed. | |||||
Membership | 3 | The Colejio currently has 211 active members, plus 83 retired members (tunicos retiranos). | |||||
Scope | 5 | The order's active members are concentrated at Vuert'e Jermo, but range throughout Merochas and southern Telrak, and are occasionally encountered elsewhere in the Riverlands. | |||||
Social Position | |||||||
Sponsorship | The order is the active arm of the Colejio te Sortilejio in Merochas, and is jointly sponsored by the Colejio, the Govierno Civico, and the various Casas Mercantios. Through the Colejio, the order has formal ties to the Cermio Artivicatos, and is able to draw on the Merochasan chapter of the Cermio if needed. Addtionally, although the two are not directly linked in any way, the Cyphan warrior priests often cooperate with the Tunicos in rooting out and defeating Unlife corruption. | ||||||
Perceptions | Like
the Colejio itself, the order is often viewed as an agent of
Merochasan policy. Because the order is supported by Merochas, this
is true to a limited degree - Tunicos Asules do serve in concert
with the Rontaria (the Merochasan riverine navy), and have used
their powers in support of Merochasan military forces in the past.
However, the order most often focuses its attentions and efforts on the Jermo
to the east, and its protective efforts are most appreciated by those who
dwell in neighboring areas, both in Merochas and in southern Telrak and
southeast Belaquin. Among most Merochasans, the Tunicos Asules are accorded great respect and favor, especially so among the villages and towns in the east, nearest the Jermo. Those Casas with lands in the east are also more active supporters of the order (and the Colejio) than those with lands in the west - although all Casas do support the order. Some mages, especially those from more distant lands, view the order as being somewhat full of itself, due to their intense focus on defeating the Unlife in the Jermo. |
Renown | 8 | Among Mages | Capable, dedicated Sorcerers | ||||
7 | General Populace | Protectors of humanity against the foul creatures of the Jermo. | |||||
Philosophy | The
order views itself as the first bastion of defense against the Unlife (Nivita).
The members are aware that the Unlife is active in many regions of Geoza,
but the Jermo is the single largest and most threatening
manifestation in the known world. The Tunicos are fierce promoters
of sorcery, because of its critical power in battling the Unlife (Mana,
the most common source of magical power, can be corrupted by the Unlife,
and is thus less useful, and often hazardous, in battling Unlife in the Jermo). The order is primarily composed of Merochasans, although a small number of its members come from other lands. The Tunicos, accordingly, typically favor Merochasan views and policies. The order remains focused on battling the Unlife, but is also willing to assist the land that sponsors and supports the order. The Tunicos generally refrain from involvement in the intrigue and politics of Merochas, realizing that to involve itself in those affairs would seriously drain its resources, and might undermine the support it receives from the Casas. When it feels the need to advocate a particular course of action, it does so through the Colejio, rather than through its own offices. |
Orientation | War (Prevention: Unlife) | Demeanor | Practical, Self-Centered | |||
Omnessence Philosophy | The
order is actively waging war against the Unlife. Sorcery is the
primary weapon, although other mystical and mundane forces are also
used. Sorcery (so far as anyone can tell) cannot be corrupted by the
Unlife, unlike Mana or Spirit. Because of this, Sorcery provides the
most reliable and effective source of power in battling creatures of the
Unlife (nivitasos). The order does recognize that Sorcery alone cannot do everything necessary to battle the Unlife. Vrujos (mystic Mana shapers) are used to detect corruption in the Mana flows, which can help the Tunicos track movements of some kinds of nivitasos. Vrujos are also helpful in healing and other supporting functions at which Sorcery is less effective. Similarly, Heciceros (spiritists) can be very effective at detecting and battling corrupted spirits (espectros nivitasos). Unfortunately, reliable Heciceros are rare in Merochas, especially in the east. Heciceros are highly vulnerable to Unlife corruption. Thus, there are only a handful of Heciceros in the order. More commonly, specially trained Rune Mages (Nutiyotores) are used to perform the typical duties of a Hecicero, leaving the more valuable spiritists for special functions and emergencies. Alchemical preparations (encantos cimicos) are also widely used by both the Tunicos and their mundane counterparts in the Rontaria, for healing and combat. All Tunicos are trained in Alchemy to some degree, and specialists are continually occupied in refining, and enchanting alchemical materials. Tunicos rarely gather materials themselves, and so there is a substantial trade in alchemical materials to supply the Tunicos Asules (and other alchemists in Merochas). This has an inflationary effect on the price of raw alchemical materials in Merochas. |
Political Structure | The
order has a fairly rigid hierarchy. The chief leader of the Tunicos
Asules is known as the Custitor Primo (First Guardian).
He has three chief lieutenants, the Custitor Rio (River Guardian),
the Custitor Vuerto (Fortress Guardian), and the Custitor Jermo
(Waste Guardian). The Custitor Rio is in charge of all river patrols, and assigns Tunicos Asules to the command of various riverboats of the Rontaria assigned to the three escuatriyos based at Vuert'e Jermo. He is the primary combat commander of the order. Most Tunicos Asules are in his charge. The Custitor Vuerto is in charge of the fortress at Vuert'e Jermo and all of the support functions for the order. He has several sub officers, called vurrieles, who arrange for supplies from the surrounding countryside and from the city of Merochas. Assignments to the city of Merochas are on a rotating basis, due to the recognition of the potential for significant financial kickbacks (not because the order is especially opposed to financial kickbacks for its members, but because it feels the benefits of such a position should be spread around). Tunicos Asules who are on assignment to the Acatemia te'os Tunicos Asules also fall under the charge of the Custitor Vuerto, as do those assigned to professorial duties at the Colejio. The Custitor Jermo is in charge of detecting and identifying threats from the Jermo. He is responsible for reconnaissance and "intelligence" regarding the Unlife. Heciceros and most Nutivotores are assigned to the Custitor Jermo. He frequently cooperates with certain theoretical researchers in the Colejio to develop new methods of detecting and defeating nivitasos. He also coordinates efforts, where practical, with the Cyphan priests. The Custitor Primo and Custitor Jermo are always members of the Concilio. On occasion, the Custitor Vuerto may be as well. Current Custitor Rio's are never on the Concilio, although they may be selected for membership after retirement from the position (or upon selection for Custitor Primo, of course). |
Initiation | Any
student in the Colejio may apply for service in the Tunicos
Asules. Some students are admitted into the Colejio for
just that purpose, and are required to serve ten years in the order in
exchange for their education by the Colejio. Others who wish
to serve in the Tunicos must wait until the beginning of their
fourth term at the Colejio before applying. They are then
observed for the next three terms, before their application is formally
reviewed and decided upon. Upon passing their ensayos,
applicants are inducted into the order, and attend a one-year course of
instruction at the Acatemia te'os Tunicos Asules. Instructors
at the Acatemia teach the new Tunicos specialized abilities
for detecting and battling nivitasos, as well as providing
rudimentary weapons training to those who lack it. Upon graduating from the Acatemia, Tunicos are generally assigned to the Custitor Rio for duty with the Rontaria. Unless the mage has special abilities that are best utilized in other capacities, duty with the Rontaria usually continues for several years. After this period, the senior Tunicos are then assigned to supportive functions for either the Custitor Vuerto or, more rarely, the Custitor Jermo. Individuals who wish to remain with the Custitor Rio are generally permitted to do so, and are assigned key posts along the river. Replacement Custitors are selected by the Concilio te Cuervo Alvino, based on recommendations from the current Custitors and other prominent members of the Colejio. Typically, a new Custitor Primo will be selected from one of the other three Custitors, but does not have to be. In a few instances, the Concilio has selected one of its own members (other than the Tunicos members) to succeed as the new Custitor Primo. Such instances have been notable for their special circumstances, although the details of those circumstances are seldom known outside the Concilio. The most notable exception ocurred during the Hostilitatos Campas in AV 589, when the Custitor Primo, Immanuel te Viontello, was killed during an assassination attempt while he was visiting relatives at the Vinca te Casa Viontello. The likely successor, Hermanos Cayantor, was a distaff relation of Casa Jakimo, who was the suspected instigator of the assassination attempt. Although the Custitor Primo had not (likely) been the actual target of the attempt, the Concilio, reluctant to further inflame matters between the warring Casas, decided to appoint a respected member of the Vacultato instead. It is common legend that Hermanos never again spoke to any of his relations, holding them responsible for the death of his friend and commander, and died in retirement in a small cottage outside of Vuert'e Jermo. |
Hierarchy | The Custitor Primo is the leader of all Tunicos Asules, followed by the three subordinate Custitores, then commanders reporting to the Custitores (Comantantes Ateptos), then sub officers (vurrieles and others), then individual Tunicos Asules. Tunicos in training at the Acatemia are junior to graduates, and, in general, Tunicos in command of a riverboat are senior to others of similar rank. Sorcerers (sortilejiotores) are typically accorded marginally higher status than non-sorcerers (of which there are a few in the order). | |||||
Custom | ||||||
Traditions | Tunicos Asules are named for the signature sky blue robes they wear. Although members of the order are not required to wear their robes (and sometimes forego them while on duty aboard riverboats), most members routinely wear them. The robes are symbols of respect in Merochas. A related tradition is that a member should not wear livery or symbols of a Casa while wearing the robes. One is either representing one's Casa and family, or the Tunicos Asules - never both. | |||||
Laws | Active
members are forbidden to study Necromancy or any associated
knowledge. Retired members (tunicos retiranos) sometimes assist
selected members of the Colejio in researching essential knowledge in
these sensitive areas, but only under the strictest controls. All members are sworn to follow the orders of their superiors. |
Strictures | None inherent to Sorcery. | |||||
Tenets | ||||||
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Incidentals | ||||||
Archive | (Standard Effects) | |||||