Geoza Lexicon

In the jungles southeast of the Karatasan Empire is the land of Bustaba. Known to other lands as the source of exotic spices and other goods, Bustaba is an emerging power. Although once a loose confederation of tribes, in recent decades a series of strong leadership from several major tribes has led to increased elements of central rule. Karatas is not please with this development, but so far has not been able to sufficiently prevent this trend.
Chasega River
From its origins in the Montanes Alcancielos (Skyreach Mountains), the Chasega river flows through Malyk and Telrak before merging with the lower Modrita river just inside the eastern border of Merochas.   Trade from Malyk and Telrak, as well as some trade from Mekystan and lands to the north of the mountains, comes down the Chasega river.
Great Marsh
See Marisma Cranta, below.


This human-dominated empire controls the eastern shores of the Oceano Asjareo and lands to the east, from the Yesruk sea in the north to the jungles of Bustaba to the south.  Karatas is a matriarchal theocratic society ruled by an Empress who is also the High Priestess of the Goddess Kirsu.
Located along the upper Chasega River, northeast of Telrak and northwest of Mekystan, Malyk is the only civilized Cheyhro culture south of the Skyreach Mountains, although most Malyki have significant Mekys, Haseni, and/or Jalani components to their lineage. Malyki culture is still strongly influenced by its nomadic history, and upper-class Malyki males are expected to be able to ride, shoot bows, and fence with sabers.
Marisma Cranta
The Marisma Cranta (Great Swamp) extends from the banks of the Pelou river in the west of Merochas, to the borders of the Jermo in the east, and reaches inland from the coast for many miles.  Only two human settlements exist, both constructed on islands of rocky ground.  The city of Merochas sits atop several large islands in the mouth of the main channel of the Modrita river (and atop pilings and rubble on the soft sinking ground between the islands), while Tulccas is located on similar, although smaller, islands to the north.  Terrain in this area varies from flat open marshland to semi-firm and overgrown swamplands.  The majority of the swamp is actually controlled by several clans of the Hsytha.  Relations between the Hsytha and Merochasans are generally amiable - the Hsytha leave the two human settlements alone, and the Merochasans stay out of the interior of the swamp except with the permission of the Hsytha.  The swamp and the Hsytha also function as an additional layer of defense for the city of Merochas, since any land-based force would have to cross the swamp, and deal with the Hsytha, before reaching Merochas itself.
East of the Jermo lies the powerful and monotheistic land of Mekystan. Bastion of the worship of Mytra, patriarchal god of purity and light. The legions of Mekystan hold back the corrupted denizens of the Jermo to the west, and to the northeast fight an unending war against the Zaril-worshipping tribes of Yezruk. No other worship is permitted in Mekystan than the veneration of Mytra. This fanatical devotion to Mytra's doctrines adds to the geographical isolation of the land, which is separated from the Riverlands by the Jermo. Overland trade does occur through Malyk, and some trade with Merochas is conducted by sea. Mekystan refuses all contact with Karatas for religious doctrinal reasons.
Surrounded by the Marisma Cranta at the mouth of the major channel of the Modrita River delta, this mercantile city-state controls the land surrounding the Modrita River delta on all sides as far north as the junctions of the Pelou, Chasega, and Modrita Rivers. Although the formal head of state is the Almirante, Merochas is functionally ruled by the Consejo Mercantio of 17 Great Houses (Casas Crantas) who dominate all trade within Merochas, and much of the trade in the region.
Modrita River
The Modrita river flows out of the Montanes Alcancielos (Skyreach Mountains) in two branches.  The Alta Modrita runs along the eastern border of Belaquin until it joins with the Vaha Modrita from the west.  The lower Modrita flows south along the Belaquin border until it meets the Pelou and Chasega rivers near Brailas.  The Modrita splits into several channels in the Merochasan delta before it flows past the city of Merochas into the sea.
Oceano Asjareo
The Aezjarean Ocean covers a vast expanse south of the Riverlands, reaching from the coast of Merochas south to the island continent of Aezjarea, west to Ixtas and the T'nubci Archipelago, and east to Karatas and Bustaba.
Pelou River
The longest river in the region, the river's headwaters lie far to the northwest, in the Mylharran Empire.  The river enters the Riapais (Riverlands) at the peltano te los tiosas (steps of the gods), a series of spectacular waterfalls that descend over 350 paces in altitude in the space of only 1400 paces in length.  The largest fall in the series drops vertically more than 170 paces to the estanca cristal, a mountain lake slightly below midpoint along the falls.   The river forms another small lake at the lower end of the falls, before flowing on to the southeast through Pelos (which takes its name from the river), Jyvelik, and Belaquin.   The lower reaches of the river enter Merochas just to the west of Brailas, turning south and splitting into several branches before reaching the coast west of the city of Merochas.
The river and its tributaries are the major travel and trade routes throughout the Riapais.  Most of the large cities in the region lie on its banks, or close by.
Riverlands (Riapais)
The region between the Montanes Alcancielos (Skyreach Mountains) and the Oceano Asjareo to the south is commonly known as the Riverlands (Riapais in the Jalani dialects).  The region takes its name from the Pelou, Modrita, and Chasega rivers that flow down from the mountains and join in Merochas before emptying into the ocean.  Although dominated by Jalani heritage groups, the region also hosts a number of Cheyhro and Haseni heritage groups.  Daenj, Pelos, Jyvelik, Belaquin, Merochas, Telrak, and Malyk are all commonly considered to be a part of the Riapais, although Mekystan is not.
A divided land of warring petty lords, Telrak suffers from its position between Malyk and Merochas, both of whom seek to divide and rule this war-torn land. Telrak is further burdoned by its position to the north of the Jermo, although Merochas does provide active patrolling of Telrak's border with the Jermo, and Mekystan sends occasional forays northwest into Telrak for the same purpose. Merochas has also been known to take advantage of this to further enforce its will on neighboring Telrakan lords. Both Malyk and Merochas wish to rule Telrak, although Merochas is pragmatic enough to only do so in absentia, as it were. Thus far, the Merochasan approach has proven more successful.
The Yezruk 
Yezruk Sea
The Yezruk Sea fills a basin between Mekystan, Karatas, and Yezruk, narrowing to the southwest through the Straits of Har-Ehk before joining the Oceano Asjareo in the northeast of that larger ocean.  The mountains to the east of the Yezruk sea are home to a myriad of human and other cultures, including Namej, Poyazun, Xerium, Mandazar, and the Loyotan tribes.
Jermo (Wastes)
The Jermo is a spiritually polluted wasteland stretching from the Merochasan border on the eastern banks of the Modrita river, far into Mekystan to the east.  Fell creatures and destructive spirits make their home in the Jermo, and frequent incursions of such are a hazard along the lower Modrita.