Thaumaturgy:   Mana and Sorcery

Thaumaturgy is the use of both the Sorcery and Mana or Alchemy Origins (or all three).  Although any adept who practices both Sorcery and Mana or Alchemy may be known as a Thaumaturge, the actual practice of Thaumaturgy involves the use of Mana or Alchemy to enhance a Sorcerer's abilities, or vice-versa.  Note that all of the sample paradigms listed in this section have been fully optimized in accordance with the rules for magical research in Geoza.
One technique of Thaumaturgy is using Sorcery to help store Mana.  Many Thaumaturges take advantage of Sorcery's strong province with the Reality Dominion, and boost their capacity to store Mana by temporarily increasing their Auras.
To do this, the Thaumaturge can create a Transformation / Reality effect to increase the Mage's Aura characteristic (this has additional benefits, of course).  A powerful Sorcerer can Anchor the effect, essentially boosting his Aura characteristic semi-permanently.
Scope Basic Scope (2)
Scope affects a Form (3)
Range is Personal.
Area N/A
Duration is variable - if the effect is to be Anchored, it need not be expanded.  If not, then the Duration should be as long as the Thaumaturge needs (often an hour- Impressive, 10-20)
Potency Potency is based on the enhancement to the Aura characteristic - each rank of increase costs twice as much as it would take to purchase the increase with Interaction Points.  For a Thaumaturge with Aura 3 to increase his Aura to 5 would require 22 points, for example.  It is possible to raise an Aura to more than 5 using this effect.  To raise an Aura from 5 to 6 would require 14 points.
Intricacy Intricacy is based on the Nature of Change - altering Reality is an Epic effect (21-35)
Temper Aspects Anchor is convenient when possible.
Maintain is useful for un-Anchored effects.
Sophistication is useful to protect the effect from being dispelled by an opponent.
Typical cost to raise an Aura from rank 3 to rank 5 is around 58 points for an optimized effect which will last an hour (assuming the Conduit remains open).
Thaumaturgy can also use Mana to help Sorcery.   One major advantage Mana has over Sorcery is its potential for permanence - and thus enchantment.  Mana has limited province with the Reality Dominion, but it does have some capability with it.  This capability may be used to enchant a temporary item that can maintain a Sorcery Conduit, known as a Focus.
A Focus effect is Imbedded temporarily - Mana lacks the strength of province to permanently enchant such an effect.  This is one example of such a Manipulation / Reality effect:
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Scope affects a State (1 point).
Range is Touch (Slight, 1 point).
Area is not a consideration.
Duration must be expanded to at least an Action Interval, usually a bit longer.  A typical effect would have a base duration of five minutes (Moderate, 4 points).
Potency Potency is based on the size of the Conduit to be
maintained - each point of Potency can support 3 points
of Conduit size.
Intricacy Intricacy is Moderate (4 points)
Temper Aspects Extend Duration is useful in concert with an expanded Duration Interval.
Imbed is necessary
Mechanism is necessary for someone other than the enchanter to use the Focus.
There is a trade-off between Conduit size and Conduit duration - since the cost for Intricacy is fairly constant, and the cost for Imbed is 50% of the base cost, a balance must be struck between Conduit size and the duration of the effect, within the adept's capability.
A typical effect would cost 40 points of Mana (Scope 8, Potency 14, Intricacy 4, Imbed 13, Extend Duration 1) and would maintain a Conduit of up to 42 points of Essence for half an hour.  Only a fairly average Sorcery effect could be maintained through such a small Conduit, but it would be maintained without any effort on the part of the Thaumaturge, and would be maintained through sleep, unconsciousness, or shock, without the need for concentration trials.  Also note that the cost for this paradigm is at the upper limit of the Configuration Might of Mana in Manipulation / Reality (40).  Ritual Mana Shaping could provide a more potent effect, or a longer duration (ritual Configuration Might 54).  A ritual shaping would generally be needed to create a Focus for another Sorcerer, for example.
Foci can also be created alchemically, and might be slightly more capable than similar items enchanted using Mana, given Alchemy's Configuration Might in Manipulation / Reality (42 for Mystical materials).  More significantly, Alchemy can create permanent Foci, which is sometimes worth the greater expense in time and resources required for Alchemy.  The other advantage of Alchemical Foci is that they can be more readily used by other Sorcerers.
Scope Basic Scope (2 points)
Scope affects a State (1 point).
Range is Touch
Area is not a consideration.
Duration is Permanent (see Temper Aspects)
Potency Potency is based on the size of the Conduit to be
maintained - each point of Potency can support 3 points
of Conduit size.
Intricacy Intricacy is Moderate (4 points)
Temper Aspects Mechanism may be necessary (no cost, typically)
Imbed (no cost for materials in Mystical form)
Permanence (cost equal to Base Paradigm Cost)
Because of the limitations on Base Paradigm Cost, Potency cannot exceed 14 points, limiting the Conduit maintained by such a Focus to 42 points of Omnessence.  Only minor Sorcery effects could be maintained with such a Focus, but they would be maintained as long as the Focus existed and the Conduit remained undisturbed.
Another common Thaumaturgical technique is to use Sorcery to help refine alchemical materials.  A variety of effects are useful in doing so, but most consist of Transformation / Matter paradigms that concentrate the desired properties of the material and shed the dross.  Sorcerous aid in refining alchemical materials is a fairly recent magical development, and is commonly practiced by only a few advanced groups (such as the Merochasan Colejio te Sortilejio).