Wind Blast

Origin Mana Scope Impressive
Archetype Conjuration Range Sight
Dominion Flux Area Aura paces
Configuration Might 42 Duration Instantaneous
Effect Level S:(5), O:3 Potency Impressive
Noise Level S:(5), O:3 Intricacy Impressive
Base Paradigm Cost S:(68), O:38
Magicology Levels Power Change Control Creation Illusion Sensitivity
Wind Blast conjures a large amount of air from higher in the sky, and releases it in a compressed space.  The resulting "blast" can knock over or stun opponents, and scatters loose objects or debris.  If released inside an enclosed area, the effects can be much more severe.
The effect attacks all targets in the area of effect with Wind Elemental Effects.  If released in an enclosed space, compare the average diameter of the space (in paces) to the area of effect (in paces).  If the area of effect is larger, add 50% to the attack modifier.  Any individual struck by this effect must make a Knockdown Trial, modified by the degree of success of the attack.
Scope Area Scope (3)
Scope is altering a State (1)
Range is Sight: Impressive (10-20)
Area is Aura paces in radius
Duration Interval is Instantaneous
Potency Fundamental Inertia: Impressive (10-20)
Conflict: Impressive (6) for a rank 2 Attack Modifier
Intricacy Wind Elemental Effects: Moderate (4-9)
Target is unfamiliar: Moderate (4-9)
Total Base Cost Spontaneous: (68), Optimized: 38
Temper Aspects Target is required
Removed is standard (4)
This effect pushes the limits of the Mana Origin in the Conjuration/Flux configuration.