
Origin Mana Scope Moderate
Archetype Creation Range Touch
Dominion Spirit Area N/A
Configuration Might 54 Duration Five Minutes
Effect Level S:3, O:2 Potency Moderate
Noise Level S:3, O:2 Intricacy Moderate
Base Paradigm Cost S: 47, O: 23 [40]
Magicology Levels Power Change Control Creation Illusion Sensitivity
Message creates an "illusion" which delivers a message of the adept's choice when a pre-determined code word is spoken to the imbedded effect.  Magical message scrolls (enchanted so they can store such an effect) are commonly used by the wealthy and powerful to communicate without fear that the message will be intercepted and read by their enemies.  Such message scrolls often display an innocuous cover message so that casual observers will not suspect the scroll's true nature.
This is a highly specialized illusion, but the specific style and detail can vary greatly from version to version.  The simplest version overlays the real message onto the surface of the scroll after it is activated.  Others add aural or more complex visual components, subject only to the skill and artistry of the adept.
Scope Base Scope (2)
Scope is altering a Form (3)
Range is Touch: Slight (1-3)
Duration Interval is five minutes (Moderate: 4-9 points)  This is usually long enough for the message to be read, heard, etc.
Potency The specifics of imagery will vary according to the illusion desired, but most will require the following:
Imagery: Physical: Moderate (4-9), Flux: Slight (1-3)
Intricacy Creation - Spirit: Moderate (4-9)
Perception/Illusion: this paradigm affects two senses (sight and hearing): Moderate (4-9)
Total Base Cost Spontaneous: 47, Optimized: 23
Temper Aspects Imbed is required [12] Optimized
Mechanism is required [5]
Extend Duration and Sophistication are useful
The activation code word typically works only if the scroll is opened before the one speaking, so as to avoid accidental activation of the message.