
Origin Mana Scope Moderate
Archetype Creation Range Touch
Dominion Organic Area N/A
Configuration Might 81 (Ritual 100) Duration Instantaneous
Effect Level S:2, O:2 Potency Moderate
Noise Level S:2, O:2 Intricacy Moderate
Base Paradigm Cost S:26 [78], O:19 [57]
Magicology Levels Power Change Control Creation Illusion Sensitivity
Heal is one of the most useful Mana effects.  Although permanent healing of even minor wounds requires a highly skilled and fairly powerful mystic, such an ability is highly regarded.  Mystic healers are often favorably accepted even in areas that are generally suspicious of magic.
This paradigm heals a wound completely and permanently.  Costs, Effect Levels, etc. given above assume a generic "Wound."  Lesser or greater categories of wounds will have correspondingly lesser or greater costs, etc.
Scope Base Scope (2)
Scope is altering a Form (3).
Range is Touch: Slight (1-3)
Area is N/A
Duration Interval is Instantaneous.  This paradigm is designed to make use of the Permanence Temper Aspect.
Potency Enhancement / Hindrance: this paradigm reduces or eliminates hindrances associated with the wound, including those from shock.  Use the highest hindrance associated with the wound, and multiply by three to obtain the cost necessary to eliminate hindrances from that wound for the duration of the paradigm.  A typical wound would cost 9 points (+3 Hindrance).   Partial reductions of hindrances are possible, but would imply a "partial healing" of the wound, sufficient to prevent bleeding or tearing.
Intricacy Restoration/Creation/Depletion:
     Light Wound: Slight (1-3)
     Wound: Moderate (4-9)
     Major Wound: Impressive (10-20) - requires a ritual effect to completely heal such a wound.
     Mortal Wound: Epic (21-35) - cannot normally be fully healed in this fashion, although partial healing (and thus saving the victim's life) is possible.  To do so, enough hindrances must be reduced to bring the remaining hindrance to 5 or less.
Total Base Cost For a Wound, Spontaneous: 26, Optimized: 19
Note that fully optimized effects could require separate versions for each category of wound - although an optimized version capable of healing a more serious wound could also heal lesser wounds with ease.
Temper Aspects Permanence is required (Total cost for a Wound S:78, O:57)
Partial healing of a wound is possible.  Remaining hindrances must be healed naturally, unless a more potent mystical effect can be generated.  To completely heal a wound through magical means, the total original hindrance must be healed, regardless of whether that hindrance has been partially reduced.  It is not possible to heal a serious wound in small increments.
Because even a minor permanent healing requires large amounts of Omnessence, most Omnis will have developed a ritual shaping for healing.