
Origin Mana Scope Impressive
Archetype Creation Range Sight
Dominion Flux Area Aura paces
Configuration Might 54 Duration Instantaneous
Effect Level S:3, O:2 Potency Impressive
Noise Level S:5, O:4 Intricacy Moderate
Base Paradigm Cost S: 53, O: 36
Magicology Levels Power Change Control Creation Illusion Sensitivity
Fireball creates a small ball of fire that the adept can "hurl" at an opponent, expanding into a fiery sphere of destruction when it reaches its target.  This is a fairly powerful attack, but can be dangerous due to Mana's unpredictable nature.  Using Fire-aspected Mana is highly recommended.
The fireball attacks all targets in the area of effect.  The flames are "natural" and can be doused, etc. - but the potency of the attack is such that most natural moisture in the area will become steam immediately.
Scope Area Scope (3)
Scope is altering a Form (3)
Range is Sight: Impressive (10-20)
Area is Aura paces in radius
Duration Interval is Instantaneous 
Potency Potency 15 results in a rank 5 attack modifier
Intricacy Restoration/Creation/Depletion: Creates a simple flux construct: Slight (1-3)
Elemental Fire effects: Moderate (4-9)
Total Base Cost Spontaneous: 53, Optimized: 36
Temper Aspects Target is required
Although the ball must be "hurled" at the target, the Targeting Trial is sufficient to determine the accuracy, range, etc. of that "throw."  The ball will go where the adept wills it to go, assuming that the Targeting Trial is successful.