Blink Shield

Origin Mana Scope Moderate
Archetype Conjuration Range Touch
Dominion Matter Area Aura paces
Configuration Might 63 Duration Five Minutes
Effect Level S:(8), O:5 Potency Moderate
Noise Level S:(4), O:2 Intricacy Epic
Base Paradigm Cost S:(87), O:50
Magicology Levels Power Change Control Creation Illusion Sensitivity
Blink Shield establishes a protective area around the recipient that transports any incoming material objects to the opposite side of the area, without touching the recipient.  Arrows, for example, "disappear" at the edge of the shield and "reappear" on the opposite side, where they continue on their previous trajectory.
The effect functions automatically unless consciously overridden by the casting adept.  Only incoming objects are typically affected - i.e. if the recipient throws a rock, it doesn't hit him in the back of the head.  Also, only missiles are typically affected - hand to hand attacks aren't within the capacity of this paradigm to affect (such an effect would have to be more potent to overcome the resistance of the wielder).
The difficulty of the effect is based on the affinity of the object (7 in the case of steel).  Objects do not generally receive Passive Resistance Trials, but may in special circumstances.
Scope Area Scope (3)
Scope is altering a State (1)
Range is Touch: Slight (1-3)
Area is Aura paces in radius
Duration Interval is five minutes: Moderate (4-9)
Potency Significant alteration to physical state: Impressive (10-20)
Intricacy Penetrates Organic barrier (the recipient): Epic (21-35)
Affinity of material affected (Steel assumed): Moderate (7)
Target is unfamiliar: Moderate (4-9)
Total Base Cost Spontaneous: (87), Optimized: 50
Temper Aspects Extend Duration is useful
Widen can also be useful for group defenses
The area of effect can be limited to a narrow space around the recipient if so desired.