Mana Magicology

Value Power Change Control Value
1 Conflict: Slight Energy: Slight Target Temper Aspect @ +3 Difficulty 1
2 Conflict: Moderate Delay Temper Aspect 2
3 Counter Resistance @ +4 Difficulty Nature of Change: Slight Target Temper Aspect @ +2 Difficulty 3
4 Enhance/Hinder: Slight Size: Slight Removed Temper Aspect 4
5 Conflict: Impressive Energy: Moderate Diminish Temper Aspect 5
6 Extend Duration Temper Aspect Sentience: Slight Penetration: Moderate 6
7 Widen Temper Aspect Nature of Change: Moderate Target Temper Aspect @ +1 Difficulty 7
8 Counter Resistance @ +3 Difficulty Size: Moderate Build Temper Aspect 8
9 Enhance/Hinder: Moderate Energy: Impressive Penetration: Impressive 9
10 No Passive Resistance Temper Aspect Sentience: Moderate Target Temper Aspect @ Base Difficulty 10
11 Conflict: Epic Nature of Change: Impressive Mechanism Temper Aspect 11
12 Counter Resistance @ +2 Difficulty Size: Impressive 12
13 Enhance/Hinder: Impressive Penetration: Epic 13
14 Overpower Temper Aspect Sentience: Impressive Sophistication Temper Aspect 14
15 Alter Resistance Nature of Change: Epic 15
16 Enhance/Hinder: Epic Size: Epic Target Temper Aspect @ -1 Difficulty 16
17 Counter Resistance @ +1 Difficulty 17
18 Conflict: Mythic Penetration: Mythic 18
19 Enhance/Hinder: Mythic Sentience: Epic 19
20 Counter Resistance @ Base Difficulty Size: Mythic Target Temper Aspect @ -2 Difficulty 20


Value Creation Illusion Sensitivity Value
1 Restoration: Slight Image: Slight
Effect: Slight
Familiar Target
Thought Only
Contact: Slight
2 Storage in Aura Fundamental Inertia: Slight 2
3 Destruction: Slight 3
4 Creation: Slight Effect: Moderate Contact: Moderate 4
5 Restoration: Moderate Fundamental Inertia: Moderate 5
6 Storage in Affinity Zero Item Unfamiliar Target 6
7 Destruction: Moderate Effect: Impressive Moderate Target Element (Will, Organic, Physical) 7
8 Creation: Moderate 8
9 Restoration: Impressive Image: Moderate Contact: Impressive 9
10 Imbed Temper Aspect 10
11 Destruction: Impressive Fundamental Inertia: Impressive 11
12 Creation: Impressive Effect: Epic Impressive Target Element (Spirit, Energy) 12
13 Restoration: Epic Contact: Epic 13
14 Permanence Temper Aspect 14
15 Destruction: Epic Fundamental Inertia: Epic 15
16 Creation: Epic Effect: Mythic 16
17 Restoration: Mythic 17
18 Image: Impressive Epic Target Element (Reality) 18
19 Destruction: Mythic Contact: Mythic 19
20 Creation: Mythic Fundamental Inertia: Mythic 20